What people are saying about "Love Can Bloom"
Love Can Bloom
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over 8 years ago
@Necrikus: Ah, the famous operation "Run like a bitch." I happen to play it with Plasma "In the Zone" sniper on the second walkthrough- the easiest mission ever. Chrisalids are always in the open and plasma oneshots them. GG.
over 8 years ago
@Oliver König: I thought Xcom 2 is a lot harder than Enemy Unknown, but Xcom 2 also gets easier late-game. Rushing in Xcom 2 is your doom, if you took it slow then you did right, I stopped rushing objectives until I got a full squad outfitted with armour and plasma.
Then it's OK.
over 8 years ago
I found the game a lot easier, actually, and foremost the Terror Missions. Then again, I already had a habit of advancing carefully since the last time. XD Point of comparison is regular difficulty, not the higher levels. Maybe those are harder.
over 8 years ago
Personally, I really hate Vipers. Pull a soldier miles away and hold them forever. I try to not leave any soldiers wounded, but the beggining of the game is... Ugh. Sufferable to say the least.
Luckily after plasma weaponry and WAR/Wraith suits everything goes smooth.

PS: Fuck sectopods though.
over 8 years ago
Petition for more comics with Vipers in them.
over 8 years ago
I don't think Chryssalids are weaker in 2, I think the issue is that they come in the mid-game rather than the early game. By the time you have tier 2 gear and have high ranking soldiers (and can field 5-6 of 'em) I stopped having issues with them in 1 and 2. Save for that one mission in EW.
over 8 years ago
Chryssalids aren't much of a threat, no: they exist mainly to punish people who don't use scanners, or people who send troops too far forward without support.

On the other hand, if you don't have any scanners left, they can cause real problems if they co-ambush you with an ADVENT squad.
over 8 years ago
A smart commander uses grenades and rockets to kill a Chrysalid as soon as they either appear or group up.
An unprepared one abandons the mission.

Moral of the comment? KILL IT WITH EXPLOSIONS!
over 8 years ago
To be fair the snakes did spend most of their early years on earth trying to blend in... and while using plasma guns and jumping stupidly high.

Besides what better why to find the "perfect specimen"?
over 8 years ago
Original Chrysalids were horrifying, and the Tenticulats (sp?) from TFTD were even worse (because they could "fly"). First few times I ran into them in the new XCOM were pretty bad, then got to be ho-hum. Then the Long War mod made them scary again by adding Lightning Reflexes and more HP.
over 8 years ago
I'm watching two let's plays [no money for the game :( ] and one of them is already approaching the end game equipment, and Chryssalids still haven't showed up! I think this is the problem with them; In the previous game they were a mid-level terror unit, now they don't even appear until late game.
over 8 years ago
I have some pamphlets concerning snake women...
over 8 years ago
@Norafin: they do occasionally. However, there are less civilians on the terror missions now and newly born crysalids die to a single grenade/CQC proc now. Also, by the time you get crysalids, you usually have enough aoe attacks and resets to wipe them without slowing down the squad.
over 8 years ago
I agree, the new Crysalids are just... kinda there. They rank about as high in my danger-book as a basic advent trooper, wich is not at all.
However their burrow-overwatch with enough range to charge to a soldier even if they were scanned is annoying.
(Do they ever attack civilians? Never seen it)
over 8 years ago
@Tsartomat Placeholder: Most players will not know the difference, the DOS part is what matter here.
over 8 years ago
dos games were called x-com not xcom
over 8 years ago
Goddamn Vipers with their long tounges and their snake tiddies...
over 8 years ago
Remember what happen to LIVII?