What people are saying about "Love Can Bloom 2"
Love Can Bloom 2
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over 8 years ago
@Louis Rovegno: Well, when you create a culture that fears sex, it's inevitable that it gets reduced to an object, and any object has the potential of sexualization.
over 8 years ago
Just passed my to say I finished Xcom2 finally. All regions unlocked. All towers built, all research mades and all weapons/armor crafted. Worth it.

Dat Xcom 3 teaser tho'... I'm not complaining, glad we-ll be having more. :p
over 8 years ago
I think the fault lies with the people who sexualize anything remotely feminine.
over 8 years ago
Gotta love some snek teets!
over 8 years ago
P.S. I think they're hot anyways.

But I'm also a giant weirdo.
over 8 years ago
OR the juxtaposition between attractive human anatomy and repulsive non-human anatomy is entirely intentional because Xcom aliens are supposed to be scary and unsettling.

You're weirded out by the snek ladies and that's exactly what the designers were going for.
over 8 years ago
Also, isn't it just as possible that they saw the concept art, realized the Rule 34 implications, and simply made her hideous as a deterrent/acknowledgement they're afraid of sex?
over 8 years ago
Meanwhile, in the Avenger Bar:
"You seen the ADVENT NEWS from today"
"Nope, let me have it"
"We have never ever seen that guy"
*removes memorial entry*
over 8 years ago
and how the hell would you design new snakeman? give it a cute anime face? it's an alien ffs, armoured tits are stretching the whole thing far enough.

though it makes sense for snakeman to be female since they carried so much eggs.
over 8 years ago
Well part of the point of the character is to show how there's some human dna inside the creature along with the alien dna it started with. They COULD have gone with a snake with a dick or an enormous codpiece but that probably wouldn't have got past the sensor :P
over 8 years ago
I think the reason for the Viper's design is mainly because Firaxis is not a Japanese company.
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
speaking of cute innocents non-human girls, Hey Jo, did you know that Neka-Para Vol.2 is out now?
over 8 years ago
Hating on Snek, thats an open declaration of War.
over 8 years ago
That escalated quickly. At least he died happy I guess? XD
over 8 years ago
Listen man, if you can't handle a Viper's snakefaes at her worst, then you don't deserve her at her best.

Besides, snakes are cute.
over 8 years ago
Wait, what is Guile doing in X-CO--

over 8 years ago
If you wanted cute snake girls you would have to go Japan. Western art usually makes female monsters and not monster girls.
over 8 years ago
I checked the new Chryssalids in X-COM2. Well they haven't lost there touch: They got dodge, got burrow and are insanely fast now... still, even how badly the dude handled them, his team still managed to wipe them out with plasma weaponry at that point. I guess the new threat is their numbers.
over 8 years ago
Well, the creepy snake face is certainly MY fetish...

over 8 years ago
Male Snakes have two dicks and Female Snakes can retain a male's passion pulp for around 4 years or longer.

over 8 years ago
According to the game, the "snake lady" (I call her like that..) is an evolved version from the GMAN in xcom enemy unknown. That's probably why they look like a living trap.
over 8 years ago
@Adriano Nieradka
over 8 years ago