What people are saying about "Money Crush"
Money Crush
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over 11 years ago
"impress your friends"
over 11 years ago
Jo is still behind me, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la...
over 11 years ago
@Ambassador Pineapple: Poor Engie and the milestone...
le scheming hands
over 11 years ago
that's right goyim
over 11 years ago
I love Candy Crush, and I wouldn't mind paying for access to the entire game, or just a shitton of power ups. They insist on nickle and diming you, so instead they created a monster; I'm on level 63, haven't given them any money, and don't plan on it. A lot of the lower levels are fun for replay.
over 11 years ago
Been playing few facebook games, candry crush being one of them, had to stop at lvl 125 as it's too hard without paying (havent spent a cent on it)
Bob can believe people want more games like this
over 11 years ago
I played a Bejeweled clone just like this on the DS (Jewel Masters). No idea why this is so popular when the infinitely better Bejeweled 3 is available.
Oh wait, yes I do, because Bejeweled 3 is a full game and not reliant on three stars and pay-to-win schemes.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_273980]@Discrider[/url]: Well I dunno man the poker gamemode in bejeweled is pretty neat IMO. You need to balance your power ups to strategies taking the least amount of risk while keeping up with skulls comming down in you. It's a bit like playing Xcom in a sense.
Ambassador Pineapple
over 11 years ago
Almost there, just 8 more comics!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274108]@RoderickBR[/url]: Actually, when the game goes Pay to Win, period, it's generally a good idea to drop it. Too bad there's enough suckers out there that keep making companies think this is a good way to design a game. :-(
over 11 years ago
The lack of Minette makes me sad.
The rapeist behind you
over 11 years ago
Jo c'mon whears that pay day ark
over 11 years ago
Needs a bigger nose.
over 11 years ago
@Nerf now is shit now:
Obvious Troll is obvious.
over 11 years ago
@Sergeant Potato dota came from warcraft 3 it's almost 10 years now

D: and it's not shit, we still get a funny comic now and then
Sergeant Potato
over 11 years ago
@Nerf now is shit now: More than that. Add in Pay to Progress money grubbin as well, as demonstrated in thdis comic.

Also, DotA or LoL come first? I really don't know.
Nerf now is shit now
over 11 years ago
so basically this game is a bejweled ripoff like dota is a lol ripoff?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274116]@Mel[/url]: I really hope you're trolling XDD
over 11 years ago
Fucking LoL pay2win bullshit infecting everything.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274108]@RoderickBR[/url]: Couldn't agree more with you, my friend. Too bad Engie-tan is already hooked.
over 11 years ago
Meh, why pay to win when you can cheat to win? Candy Crush is retarded easy to hack.
over 11 years ago
Yep, when a game goes from "Pay to Win" to "Pay or be unable to win at all", it's time to drop it.
over 11 years ago
Huh... yeah that does seem a fairly insidious scheme.
over 11 years ago
So just Vegas, then?
over 11 years ago
I played without paying untl I reach a point where I need to ask for people on facebook to continue or pay ith real money to continue... And I don't use facebook...
over 11 years ago
8 more comics till 1000!
over 11 years ago
A textbook case of a paywall.
over 11 years ago
Just like mafia wars... and everything else Zynga makes
Cat Herder
over 11 years ago
"like Las Vegas sprinkled with cocaine"
So... just Las Vegas then?
over 11 years ago
I can see some point to the F2P pay to boost games. The biggest problem that I have though is that they almost always are set up to funnel everyone into paying. I'd prefer more of a good gamers can win the game for free, but as people's skills go down, they can buy boosts to help.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_273934]@Harakou[/url]: You have a point. I call it a puzzle game because of the cosmetic similarities. I just wish there was more strategy to it than "Clear the bottom most combo, so everything falls and you get random streaks". That is, why are these all not Tetris Attack?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_273934]@harakou[/url] its a puzzle game since you match things to eventually get to a certain point. Wether you are able to accept it doesn't change that fact.
over 11 years ago
This game provided one of the biggest difficulty spikes I've seen in a game in a good while. The first I've seen being in Pokemon Gold and Silver, battling Whitney.
over 11 years ago
Paid once for it to get more moves, but not doing that ever again. It really is mostly about luck getting the right combinations drop down, and also there is quite a difference in whats available in the browser version from the app version - browser one having alot of free boosts over time.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_273924]@Discrider[/url]: I wasn't aware some people considered Bejeweled a puzzle game. I certainly don't. That said, I love playing Bejeweled Blitz because the challenge is in finding and making matches as quickly as possible. All the other modes are mind-numbing as you say.
over 11 years ago
So... why not go play bejeweled... I fail to understand the logic of paying for the (basically) same game as one you can get for free.
over 11 years ago
Just go play 10000000 instead.
At least that mixes in some strategy with the brain deadening aberration that is Bejeweled.
Still, until you can make moves that don't generate a combo, every Bejeweled derivative is just luck over strategy, and doesn't deserve to be called a puzzle game.
over 11 years ago
Candy crush is so addictive.
over 11 years ago
It should be "Give me the usual then", not "Give me the usual them"