What people are saying about "The 6th Branch"
The 6th Branch
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 11 years ago
hmm I see "The 6th Branch" but where are the other branches?
Lol is stupid
over 11 years ago
dota lol n'hun are stupid games 4 retarded people click click click on other hero champion or any shit to win soo boring sooo stupid sooo idiot sooo patetic sooo disgusting,starcraft and warcraft real challenge strategy games,felt ashamed for letting this crap birth
so sad bicht
over 11 years ago
Let me start by saying that I love Nerf Now, and I'm okay with the Dota and LoL comics and the like. But the thing is that I don't play these games, so a lot of comics about them seem like they're written in a foreign language. In this case I get the joke, but I don't get the slang, and that detrac
over 11 years ago
Who needs boots or tangos when you have 6 branches ! ...

Lets try tri-laning the safe-lane now !
over 11 years ago
Jo please remember that you gonna do fan service of engie-tan in the 1000 comic she screw you in the 500 milestone XD is time for revenge
That Guy
over 11 years ago
took me a while to notice the "nod"
over 11 years ago
I read your comics since the first one and don't show up too often in the comments section... But I had to log in and write because THIS one is pure genius. And I don't even play Dota 2.
over 11 years ago
Hmm. Jo, if you want to improve your Facebook presence...find something else than Facebook to host it on. That place is a few hairs away from being blocked entirely on my machine. :-/

As for the 1000th Nerf Now, I'd say 'Engie-tan strip' pretty much says it all--in *both* meanings of the phrase.
A Gray Phantom
over 11 years ago

Will you be posting more Rule 34 on Paheal?
over 11 years ago
You've already improved the site so much with all these Dota comics, they're a joy to read. Don't listen to the haters, they've only been following the comic for half a year maybe.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274675]@Hazama[/url]: The joke isn't even that hard to understand if you have a brain, it would be implied that all these are bad things to do in this game. I don't even PLAY DotA and get this... All the rest is just a 6th sense reference...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274566]@Zero[/url]: Ok guys... This is the first DotA comic in 22 comics. They include SC2, TF2, Sims City, the new Xbox and even fucking CANDY CRUSH! I hearby conclude, jo, that your readers are unpleasable. Just make comics about whatever you want, it won't matter anyway -.-
over 11 years ago
> facebook

Nooope. Nope nope nope. Not going there.
over 11 years ago
this is why LoL is bet...
nah, we face the exact same thing.
over 11 years ago
Jo, your Dota humor is dry and tasteless. lts like you are the reddit of comics.
Ambassador Pineapple
over 11 years ago
If you wanna make this thing better, then you should replace everyone with Roll-Nette(y'know, the one in you dA).
over 11 years ago
You're welcome Jo! :D
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274618]@Raxyz[/url]: I take my time to explain it in a custom game to my newcomer friends. And when someone is lost I try to help with tips. :D
over 11 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
over 11 years ago
only casuals play dota/lol
Improve NerfNow
over 11 years ago
Isn't that an oxymoron?
over 11 years ago
" You dislike the strip? YOU DON'T READ IT": And how, exactly, are we to know that today's comic is about dota without reading it?
over 11 years ago
Well... Dota have a fairly weak "tutorial", even if newcomers go practice with bots first, the bots ALWAYS pick the roles of support, so, all they know to do is try to kill players...

Also, the community doesn't help that much, instead of helping and teaching there's swearing and rage quitting...
over 11 years ago
I miss TF story arcs. I miss SC2 story arcs. The wordless comics from the beginning are why I started reading this site. HotS came out and got what, 2 comics? Now it's just the same shitty "MOBA players are bad" jokes over and over.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274588]@Anonymous[/url]: I think that's Bloodseeker. I didn't get the comic either.
over 11 years ago
Improve NerfNOW? How about more Dota comics?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274559]@r3dman[/url] whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo.
over 11 years ago
more tf2 comic arc that have storyline base on the game like those earlier comics
you don't really have to play the game to fully understand the storyline.
over 11 years ago
I would have figured by now that Jo would have stopped basing his punchlines on specific game strategies that 90% of the readers don't know. At least I was able to get part of the joke, but seriously if I have to look in the comments section for an explanation something went wrong.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274540]@Anonymous[/url]: DotA isnt casual, but whatever. The hero there is BS.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274541]@assfaggotz[/url] It is called "The Proving Grounds"
over 11 years ago
I don't get it
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274357]@chessrook44[/url] There is no all mid game mode for league.
over 11 years ago
I don't play dota2 because I'm not a casualtrash moba/arts player, but I used to play dota1.

What the fuck is the man in this picture? I understand that the woman is crystal maiden, but the guy is so fucking generic, what hero is he?
Nando Rock
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274496]@VioletZer0[/url]: Dota, Football / Soccer, Politic and Religion.... NEVER talk about hehehehehe These issues generate discord and hatred.
over 11 years ago
Dear God! Now more than ever we are so looking forward for strip 1000, aren't we?

Glad to see you're gonna make changes Jo, this is going to be great, indeed!
over 11 years ago
Holy shit Jo actually plans on doing things in the comment section?
over 11 years ago
I don't understand anything of this lingo. lol. CAP THE POINT, PUSH, CHARGE ME DOCTOR!
over 11 years ago
*says Hi*
over 11 years ago
more active on comments section? AWESOME. [url=#user_comment_274505] @darkfyre99[/url] carry is the role that is item dependent and only usefull late game, but by late game they will shread everything and carry their team, hence the name. "mid" is the lane all the noobs want, and they generally suck at it, throwing the game.
over 11 years ago
I feel like I'm listening to only half a conversation here. In addition, add a link to the game the strip is about. Most websites track where their traffic comes from these days, and if they find a lot of traffic coming from your site one day, they might consider buying extra advertising.
over 11 years ago
For example, in this strip, support is obvious, but what's a carry? Having five of one type is an obvious bad strategy, but what makes having five carries so bad? What is laning? What's its relationship to branching? What is mid? Is that a term for the middle branch? (cont)
over 11 years ago
Jo. IMO, the #1 thing you can do to improve the site is explain some of the game-specific terms you use. While I can usually figure out the general meanings, enough to get the joke, sometimes you use terminology that I simply can't understand. (cont)
over 11 years ago
I don't play DOTA2 but it is certainly amusing to watch people talk about it.
over 11 years ago
And they whisper to you "help me, you faggoty noob!" "save me you russian retard!" "noob, omg, uninstall". I try to run, but they always find me :(
Too bad I'm not anywhere near Brazil otherwise would love to play games with you Jo ^^
over 11 years ago
Go on jo, youre the best ;P
over 11 years ago
This one is quit funny. And it's true
Happy i'm a support, who look 80% of the game to minimap XD
over 11 years ago
With knowledge of both the game and movie, Bloodseeker was definitely a good choice for this role :)
over 11 years ago
There's a FaceBook page? I had to find it on Facebook to put my like to it :<

Maybe shove in somewhere without looking like a whore?
over 11 years ago
Doto strips - best strips. To people who whine about them - we don't cry when there are tf2 strips. You dislike the strip? YOU DON'T READ IT
over 11 years ago
Nerf NOW!!'s Facebook page is pretty lonely... I found this out a page or two back when it showed up there.
over 11 years ago
Improve NerfNOW? How about no MOBA comics anymore?
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
For me too, the Engie/Jo strips commenting on games, are the best. Keep it up, and congrats on 500! You get my FB Like.
over 11 years ago
Fan since 2009, funny how the time flies. You should totally do more fanservice though, that stuff is great. On a personal preference I'd love to see more, Engie Tan strips though, fanservice or not I love strips with her and Jo.
over 11 years ago
What I Want for the 500: An extra-large, backgroundable image comprising of Jo, Engi and every character who has ever appeared in a NerfNow strip. This is What I Want.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274389]@Zephirdd[/url]: "Comic 500 FAN SERVICE INCOMING" So... same as the other 499? :)
over 11 years ago
Complaining about bad people, while playing a bad game.

The irony here is incredible.
The Stupid Complainer
over 11 years ago
My trivial complain isn't that there are too many MOBA game comics, but that I don't like Dota as much as LOL.
Anyway: strip 1000 is eagerly awaited.
over 11 years ago
It feels af this is your 20th strip complaining about the bad playerbase in DotA2...how about either dropping that game or being finding some other aspects of it to write about?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274357]@Chessrook44[/url] -ARAM is actually as old as the original DotA as a WC3-Map, though it was mainly played as 2v2 there.
over 11 years ago
I actually like to play Support, but some ARs and SDs don't give me the chacen to. :(

You should post your Facebook-page somewhere here on your site if you want us to like it. It's not always obvious if the "nerf now" which you find on Facebook is actually the you're looking for.
over 11 years ago
for the first time in a while, i can be one of those people who says he doesn't get the joke
over 11 years ago
branch is basically a cheap item which gives +1 to each stat, and it's possible to fill your inventory with 6 right when you start. items that come later take less space but cost higher. so, some bad people consider using 6 branches as a good strategy...
over 11 years ago
Mid or Meepoo :DD
over 11 years ago
The Esquire
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274393]@KolinarK[/url] I dunno man I think Crystal Maiden might be cooler. (Oh dear, the DOTA 2 puns are rubbing off...)
over 11 years ago
Seeker is so cool :3
over 11 years ago
Comic 500

over 11 years ago
Ah hah...a joke that, while understandable as a 6th sense reference, still relies on knowledge of specific strategies from a single game...

I wonder what this strip would be like if this were referencing like...a chess move. "The 6th Gambit" or something.
over 11 years ago
Oh are we still using Facebook? I'm not.
over 11 years ago
I just wanted to remind you of this: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/500
over 11 years ago
Because it seems like many are confused, is this a reference to Sixth Sense? "I see dead people"?

As for your future strips, I shall not complain regardless of what you do, although my favorites are Valve related. Beggars can't be choosers!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274358]@Derpadoo[/url]: I plan to at least visit the comments section more often, and hopefully some extra art on the side. Also, some small stuff like making the facebook page more attractive.
over 11 years ago
A cool addition to Nerf NOW!! would be to replace every character with Crystal Maiden.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274357]@Chessrook44[/url] sounds like mid wars all random from HoN.
over 11 years ago
I love your strip, Jo. As for the "small things you should do", what do you mean? Improvements in the art, the plot, or the site itself? Personally, I feel sometimes your strips are a little too fan-service oriented. But, if that is what makes your site grow and keeps you writing, then I understand.
over 11 years ago
Yanno, I saw a guy who does MMO reviews do a revisit of LoL where he mentioned some new game mode where there's only one lane and everyone ends up with a randomly-chosen champion.

I've never played LoL or any other MOBA but... is this about that?
over 11 years ago
Is this a reference to the 6 branch doom strategy in Purge Casts a Pub?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_274346]@mrtt[/url]: You are correct.
over 11 years ago
I think that is a blanket rather then her boobs
over 11 years ago
My god... Are those her breasts?! How did they become so swollen?! What are they, size quadruple-colored-G?!
over 11 years ago
But what.. about.. 999th strip? >_<
Seriously, though, 999 is kind of an iconic number as far as gaming is concerned, it should probably have something awesome as well.

Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, I guess.
over 11 years ago
Good god, there's so much jargon here it's like reading nadsat. Gimme the old bootie trick to the rot while you're at it.
over 11 years ago
6th branch???
over 11 years ago
6th branch into Rapier rush strategy. As old as time that is.
over 11 years ago
Shadow Fiend
over 11 years ago
Would this happen to be about all those branches people drop in mid for their items?