What people are saying about "Create It, And They Will Farm It"
Create It, And They Will Farm It
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almost 12 years ago
Honestly there is NO REQUIREMENT for doing daily's. They do provide a large reward, but you can gear up for normal raiding by dungeons, Sha, and LFR. We were downing the first few bosses in MSV the second week of the expansion when most of us had 0 valor upgrades, and had never killed Sha of Anger.
almost 12 years ago
atmost you only need to do the dailies for a short while, IF you want. You dont even need exalted.

They did admit that the golden lotus dailies, with many dailies each day for little rep each, was a bit much.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_222447]@Scootaderp[/url]: dailies being REQUIRED is only your opinion, you can still just do dungeons and scenarios NOBODY is forcing you to do it
almost 12 years ago
I recently unsubbed, entirely due to the dailies being required for better gear. At least if you like having gear before the end of the year.
Die Markierten Kommentator
almost 12 years ago
Dailies are only good when you can do them by doing things you'd do in the game anyways, without noticing it, and when the rewards are somthing you can get some other way anyways.
almost 12 years ago
Daily quests boggle my mind.
THey're not interesting, funny or exiting.
They are the epitome of tedious and repetitive grind for a virtual reward. In other words, hours wasted in boring things to get something which will provide a minor level of enjoyment.
An Onymous
almost 12 years ago
YAY!! that argonian maid is still around! :)
almost 12 years ago
its great to see the lusty argonian maid around!
almost 12 years ago
Discussion over.

I was not partaking in such behaviours. If you cannot see that, it is pointless to discuss it any more.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211806]@desolation0[/url]: I was commenting someone's behaviour. I was not adressing this person directly, nor insulting him. If you see someone doing something stupid in the street, there is nothing wrong with stating it and moving on. The difference is they do the stupid stuff (insulting people). I comment.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211308]@Paul[/url] "I feel it is our duty to have knowledge of the kind of behaviours going on on the internet, and make sure to raise our kids so that they learn to avoid doing these behaviours." I agree but still fail to see how performing those behaviors ourselves helps anything.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 12 years ago
i think the same shit exists in spiral knights as well
almost 12 years ago
The game is little more than a treadmill at this point. Time to realize that and go find something fun to pay instead.
almost 12 years ago
People are doin them because untill you hit revered they're mandatory. It's the only way to be able to actually spend the points you earn, purchases a lot of recipes and other stuff you need on the long run.
With 5.1 they actually introduce more items to some of those factions.
almost 12 years ago
I just finished getting exalted with everything so yay!...now I still need achieve...awww :(
almost 12 years ago
Lusty Argonian Maid! Haha! Now you just need to have X-Chan hanging around the house as well!

Have I mentioned that I'm on my 3rd Classic run and it's still fun for me?
almost 12 years ago
I'm with the maid. If you don't like doing the quests, don't do them. Do the parts of the game you like, and if the game is forcing you to do dailies just to do the bits of the game you like, factor that into the fun and either quit or suck it up (either no whining, or take the slow but fun path).
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211245]@S0ldi3rKr4s0[/url]'s photonotes, if you look at the first panel more carefully you'll see that there is a strap going around her neck
Level 90 Not-so-Elite Tauren Player
almost 12 years ago
Klaxxi give you the Augments and Enhancements that can really support a play style as you thin the numbers of the mantid. The Tiller and Angler Dailies are largely quick gathering quests that go by quickly, and Tillers has quite a few interesting characters that you oddly grow to like. I'll stop now
Level 90 Not-so-Elite Tauren Player
almost 12 years ago
I like WoW. I've played on and off since Burning Crusade came out. I've gone to school, worked, and in general lived an admittedly nerdy life. I came BACK for Pandaria, when many left. Know what I've found?

It's... FUN. With the exception of the Golden Lotus dailies, I actually like the dailies-
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211307]@Paul[/url]: Perhaps you disagree and that is fine. But I'm calling what I see what it is; people acting retarded. Perhpas there are other parents like me who enjoys Nerfnow, and my message will make them think a little.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211259]@desolation0[/url]: As a gamer AND a parent, in the age of the internet, I feel it is our duty to have knowledge of the kind of behaviours going on on the internet, and make sure to raise our kids so that they learn to avoid doing these behaviours. There is nothing wrong with stating that.
almost 12 years ago
@Nostalgia Flower Bomb: To be fair, the BumFuck Society let you buy the coolest vanity pets!
Nostalgia Flower Bomb
almost 12 years ago
The long awaited return of Lift's-Her-Tail? Well played good sir.

Ah daily quests, brings me back to my time playing WoW. Farming dailies for a month because the guild needed some stupid item that you could only get by having 5,000,000,000 rep with the BumFuck Society. Why did I play WoW again?
almost 12 years ago
Great strip Joe. It's a very nice one, it does not need to have any great knowledge of a single game to get it!
almost 12 years ago
I particularly like this strip cause it applies to a whole lot of different games. WoW certainly isn't the only game with some sort of thing you're expected to do every day, that you get into a pattern of doing every day simply because they're.. daily.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211247]@Paul[/url] Parents are calling folks retarded over an opinion on a message board.
almost 12 years ago
Kinda off topic: http://imgur.com/gallery/Tl7Hu reminds me of the other engi-tan (kinda NSFW for cartoon boobs)
almost 12 years ago
Lusty Argonian maid? Jo delivers.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211242]@AckAckAck[/url]: Wow that DeathHerald guy sure is retarded. I got 3 kids, and you can be sure if I catch them having that kind of behaviour I'll straighten things up with them and make sure they learn the lesson of not being a douche on the internet. What the hell are parents doing these days???
almost 12 years ago
Yeah, bit of information, not very deep, but gets you to maybe try and think about why you play, what makes a good game, and whether games are or are not art. Folks will obviously have different opinions on these bits and that's fine. Having folks think isn't a bad thing.
almost 12 years ago
There is a number of Korean MMORPS's which offer a slow leveling through "meditation" (idling) or even giving a special "pet" to your char, which can control him/her while you offline.
Heh, I miss Tabula Rasa and its "character cloning" options
almost 12 years ago
People usually take daily missions enthusiasly(sp) at first. Until they realize that daily challenges are actually a repeat of the same pattern over and over again. That's when an MMO can't no longer able to hold its user base. What the best way to hold a user base? by building a good community.
almost 12 years ago
Sexy Maid is sexy!!
almost 12 years ago
the forum with endless pointless debates (like what happened often in Escapist).

Also it seems like you're on a crusade against James Portnow. I don't care about your crusade but I see James as informative for us who want to learn more about gaming. Better than a stranger who promote hatred.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211052]@DeadHerald[/url]: It's so hilarious to see you try to insult someone and a forum site while hoping for desolation0 reply (who ignore you completely). You sounds like a douche and I'm glad there's less people like you in Escapist or other gaming sites since people like you usually ended up clogging (cont)
almost 12 years ago
I'm hitting a similar boredom wall in DCUO, actually, doing the daily Challenges...and realizing that the gear I'm getting from it is only of use to do the group-based Alerts and Raids that I was avoiding by doing the solo Challenges in the first place. :-/
almost 12 years ago
I hear that--no matter whether you call them 'dailies', 'Challenges' or whatever, they're what's left in an MMO endgame when you run out of real content. Then again, the only real difference to raids is that the latter you're doing over and over and over in a *group*, rather than solo.
almost 12 years ago
Hm, indeed, I spent 4 hours a day on daily quests to get decent exp on a game I used to play about 1 year ago. Got tired of that way to "stretch" content.
Having dailies in general is nice, but overloading ppl with those and slowing leveling speed to ~1 lvl /month was weak.
almost 12 years ago
The moral I took away from this story.
almost 12 years ago
You only get 400 of 1000 weekly valor points from raiding now, and the valor vendors are gated behind rep that you can only get by grinding a billion dailies.

Blizzard hates raiders, etc.
I totally feel ya
almost 12 years ago
I can totally relate to this, I've been actively playing Total War Shogun 2- Fall of the Samurai and whenever I do I loom back at what dailies I'm not doing in WoW.

It's annoying because I don't want to play WoW everyday but if I don't I miss out.
Dammit fellas
almost 12 years ago
good to see her again thou :)
Dammit fellas
almost 12 years ago
lusty argonian maid ain't very lusty....darn :(
almost 12 years ago
Meh. When the reliance on operand conditioning becomes to blatant, I just quit. [Simple trick: Stop playing for a week, and then ask yourself if you miss the game or just the rewards]
almost 12 years ago
wait, did you removed the images from your rss?! D:<
almost 12 years ago
I am now certain that the Argonian maid killed her dark-haired predecessor to usurp her position.
Trolling Nerd
almost 12 years ago
You should of shortened Green Bra Alien's top part of the nose a bit, shouldn't you?
almost 12 years ago
The good thing about dailies is precisely that: Dailies. You can come back tomorrow if you just need the extra gold/xp, and it'll still be there.
almost 12 years ago
So very very true.
Engie is a massochist.
almost 12 years ago
Personally, I don't do dailies if I don't feel like doing dailies but I recognize that I am the minority in that respect. When I don't feel like playing the game, I don't. It allows me to enjoy it for far longer.
almost 12 years ago
Argonian Maid knows all about Daily Quests.
almost 12 years ago
THE LUSTY ARGONIAN MAID HAS RETURN-ETH! Now we just need her doing suggestive things with a mop or a broom.

Also, I wouldn't say it's because of the "daily" part. Sure, some do, but some people are wired into the grind. Go Google "Skinner Box" and you'll get what I'm talking about.
almost 12 years ago
This phenomenon is not limited to WoW or MMOs, achievement hunting and RPG level grinding falls into the same category. Ever tried to complete Final Fantasy XIII? Good luck trying to farm Platinum Ingots which are RANDOM drops, but are your only gold income post-game. It's like a cruel parody.
random guy from the internet
almost 12 years ago
lusty argonian maid? she doesn't look lusty at all.
almost 12 years ago
I don't play WoW and I get this one.
Mostly because this one atleast is based on a GAME.
Argoni-chan S2
almost 12 years ago
50% of the public will not get this joke because it's WoW.

The other 50% won't care and the 50% will join in because Argoni-chan is back!
almost 12 years ago
Btw, yeah I agree with Engie-tan...doing dailies totally blows!
almost 12 years ago
Hot dang it! About time you brought our lil' lusty Argonian maid back!

Jo ol' buddy...well done!
almost 12 years ago
...then I heard Portnow fired her. Thus completing the cycle of douchebaggery.
almost 12 years ago
Of course getting kicked out of The Escapist is kind of like getting kicked out of Stalag 17, what with all the thought police and propaganda and gestapo moderators and all the other happy horseshit that goes on there. I'd almost feel sorry for what happened to his artist...
almost 12 years ago
WoW faced this "problem" of folks not doing the dailies once they could easily get pulled through earlier raids. Now daily dungeons continue to reward folks near as much as those earlier raids. Now many folks end up doing those raids AND the dailies, if they can handle both.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_211048]@desolation0[/url]: It's so cute how James Portnow thinks he's intelligent by looking up terms on wikipedia and spitting them at gamers so that they buy into his "ZOMG!!GAMEZR4RT!!1" crusade. I got kicked out of Escapist for taking his artsy-fartsy ass to school too many times in debates.
almost 12 years ago
In the case of MMORPG's, the daily quests are often tied to some means to improve your character outside of the grouped raid content, which can require significant coordination within a group. When doing the daily junk ceases to be rewarding in this way, folks tend to stop doing it.
almost 12 years ago
Very much reminds me of the Skinner Box episode of Extra Credits. http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/the-skinner-box It's a psychological means to get you to do things in the game that have long since ceased to be novel or fun.
almost 12 years ago
Cleaning window in bikini...what if there is a perv on the other side of the street?
Plus such big window, how can you check your fap site, without showing to other what you're doing Jo?
almost 12 years ago
True. If they werent called daily quests then people probably wouldn´t feel forced to do them :)
almost 12 years ago
The Lusty Argonian Maid is back! WE LOVE YOU!
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
This is a big failing of many end game MMOs.

almost 12 years ago
Buut... the glare on her poor computer! imagine playing on that during mid day!... unsure of implications in middle panel, but suddenly the exclamation point seems all the more sinister in reality.
acidic tiger party
almost 12 years ago
Lusty Argonian Maid cleaning window. Also being able to see engie from behind all the time. Don't even try to talk about adding blinds.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
But daily quests are important for rep, which is important for gear, which is important for raiding--!

... unsure if refuted point or just made it stronger.
almost 12 years ago
All hail... Lusty Argonian Maid! :3
almost 12 years ago
Yay, more Lusty Argonian Maid :D
acidic tiger party
almost 12 years ago
Argonian maid is back. I'm a very happy man now.