What people are saying about "Fresh"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 12 years ago
Fresh Beet? :P
almost 12 years ago
I'm loving every single Dota 2 comic you make Jo, keep up the fantastic work!
almost 12 years ago
nobody complains about tf2 comics? Yes they do.
almost 12 years ago
I find it funny how nobody complains when there are TF2 comics, despite the fact that DOTA has a much larger player base (Hell, DOTA2 is still closed off without invite, yet more than doubles TF2's player count daily).

DOTA isn't obscure, ya'll need to expand your libraries beyond TF2 and WoW.
Lupal Fillyus
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210938]@Catz[/url]: You mean there aren't any ponies in them so far? Nah, that can't be the case. You mean about the series? Well he can't do that, that's not a game. No matter how obscure or specific some jokes are, they're still about games.
almost 12 years ago
I won't ever understand why people are raging like "too much dota 2 comics, fuck". This guy is doing comics for free, and because he maybe LIKES DOING IT. What's wrong seriously, do your own comics if you're not happy...
almost 12 years ago
Jo,I love you forever for using Pyrion Flax's Skeleton King design.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210871]@Bleachisback[/url]: Whelp, you learn something new every day I guess.
almost 12 years ago
Wish Jo would do a pony comic. The comments following would likely be very entertaining.
almost 12 years ago
Haha, this one was great!
almost 12 years ago
Mystery, Mr. President.
how2enjoy Dota 2
almost 12 years ago
Like everything else, stop playing with pubs and go play with buds.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210865]@Dusty[/url]: Skeleton King too, actually.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210865]@Dusty[/url]: Pudge's title is "The Butcher" and he's based off of the Diablo character of the same name. The original DotA used the sound clip from Diablo 2 in it.
almost 12 years ago
Wait, isn't this a Diablo reference?
The Butcher?

I am confused @-@
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
@Sherlock Pie: You misunderstand my intent: When I say that I won't be visiting the comic with any regularlity because of the frequency of the Dota comics which I don't care for, I say that because I want the artist to go back to making comics I enjoy whereas quietly leaving won't help either party.
Sherlock Pie
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210790]@Doktor42[/url]: Jo only made 29 DOTA comics, compared to 30 WoW comics, 43 Mass Effect comics and 305 TF2 comics So shut up everyone
almost 12 years ago
Here, have a dota 2 comic!
oh, in fact have two.
almost 12 years ago
I tested DotA2

It was SHIT.....really, I couldn´t find it enjoyable at all!

I cant even name all the aspects that I didn´t like, would take to long

Or Moba aint for me....
almost 12 years ago
I come here for the DotA comes, keep em coming.

Morphling one still the best out there.
almost 12 years ago

ah why yes, I was feeling like having some whine with my nerf now
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210728]@Dave[/url]: The problem is Jo makes so many Dota 2 comics compared to other games. It's not "Oh this is just one comic panel I don't get" it's "Oh, this is another one of about 60 comic panels I don't get".
Oh look
almost 12 years ago
More Dota 2

That's exactly what I wanted, Dota 2. Thanks Jo, Dota 2. -_-

Despite my lack of interest in Dota 2, at least this one was actually understandable without having prior knowledge, so kudos for that.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210706]@Catz[/url]: They call me the gluemaker. *cocks shotgun* Because I reduce ponies to sticky residue. >=D
almost 12 years ago
I used to like LoL but then I played DotA 2 and it made me hate LoL's boring heroes. But I also hate DotA 2 because of the shitty controls compared to LoL and the way that most matches are curbstomps that last an hour because there's no surrender. So I hate both games but still play them.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210661]@Syr[/url] [url=#user_comment_210574] @Esg[/url] Thx for the cpt obvious explanation!
But but
almost 12 years ago
I love Dota comics :D!
almost 12 years ago
Jo is the new troll you guys...


Kids these days...
almost 12 years ago
Needs more muffins
almost 12 years ago
Apparently comments have been filled with hate again
There is no hope for Artists like Joo,huh?
almost 12 years ago
In Diablo 1, 'The Butcher' also uses "Ahh...fresh meat!" when engaging the player. Considering, that he dropped his cleaver back then and fact of the scars of Pudge, it could be the butcher after his escape from the cathedral, now forced to use a hook.... the Illuminati might be also into this
almost 12 years ago
So undestandable comics CAN be made out of DOTA. Interesting...
almost 12 years ago
It seems Pudge isn't able to... (puts on sunglasses...) CATCH a break!!


Anyone? Anybody?...
almost 12 years ago
I don't get why people always complain on the Dota comics, and it seems like only on the Dota comics. I don't get Mass effect comics because I haven't played it (yet), still I don't go on complaining in the comments. Nerfnow is a "gaming comic" not a "2-3 game exclusive", get over it.
almost 12 years ago
I don't play dota but still,

your strips are awsome when I get the joke ;D
Sgt. Meowmers
almost 12 years ago
Not so big on your dota comics but everything else is nice, dota jokes seem to fly over my head since I dabble in dota here and there and don't know it fully. Hope you do another arc or other game related ideas for comic.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210686]@DeadHerald[/url]: Very soon, Nerf Now will become a warground. Will the Brony Clan conquer? Or will they be denied to spread to this world...?
almost 12 years ago
Nice one Jo!
almost 12 years ago
Hey Jo, keep doing what you love and make interesting new arcs! Telling stories is always fun!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210676]@BoozeHound[/url]: post them here please
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210633]@Derp[/url]: FUCK PONIES! Or don't...shit's nasty, yo...
almost 12 years ago
I always switched adblock off for this site as support but today an ad Hijacked my browser and opened a bunch of pop ups. I'm gonna switch it back on until the pup-up ads are gone.
Sir Dupre
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210617]@@sad[/url]: ">Using le meme arrows xddxDXDDX" Eat a dick, faggot.
almost 12 years ago
Play coop with bots, is cool.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210672]@dealwithit[/url]: congrats. you came up with one reason DotA 2 sucks. Would you like the full list of the reasons why you suck emailed to you or should we just post all 117 pages of it here?
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
Calamity Kid
almost 12 years ago
I suppose I shoulld start playing DOTA 2. Shame that I sucked at the first one.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210654]@Krem[/url]: Yeah, the sheer amount and variety of heroes in DotA is a huge plus. I really hope Jo keeps doing them. Splitting DotA and TF2 comics could be a way, but probably not really worth it for him. DotA2 has three times the playerbase of TF2 and it will only go up, while TF2 will only go down.
almost 12 years ago
When I look at those complains and then compare TF2 to DotA... there's much more satirical potential in DotA, based on there's vast variety of characters (I'm playing for months and yet I've not even heard of a half of them)
almost 12 years ago
It's a fine enough comic, but this webcomic is becoming too much dota-centered to be enjoyable
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210633]@Derp[/url]: Don't forget fanservice. You hear that Jo? DON'T FORGET FANSERVICE!
almost 12 years ago
Jo need to make a Dota/LoL/TF2/Pony/Diablo 3/Mass effect crossover comic.
That way EVERYONE will whine about something and nobody will be disappointed!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210577]@Mono[/url]: Because TF2 is in no way a half-assed e-sport. I can appreciate DOTA humor. But I still fucking hate the game.
almost 12 years ago
Wow, so much hate for Dota comics, seriously. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it sucks you know. Perhaps Jo should make sub-site for Dota comics and call it "Gank Now!"
almost 12 years ago
Ignore the haters. LOVE IT.
Sherlock Pie
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210617]@sad[/url]: Jo played TF2 and made TF2 comics, now Jo is playing DotA2 and started making DotA2 comics. If you don't like a game then stop going to Nerf Now (until Jo starts making comics of the game you like) and let the people who like the game enjoy the comics
almost 12 years ago
>Implying that because ONE PERSON doesn't like jokes from other games will make Joo sad and make him only post TF2 comics
>Implying people here only play TF2

Report for Termination.NOW.
almost 12 years ago
No, we started following this comic because it was about TF2. Other gaming comics do every joke here, and let's be honest, often times better. But to get one that consistently covers our favorite game? It fills a niche we were craving. These dota comics are not interesting to me at all.
almost 12 years ago
I want a comic with Rubick on it. Or maybe all the masked heroes. Just 4 fun
almost 12 years ago
Skeleton King, get some meat on dem bones.
almost 12 years ago
"Nuh'en bedda en a noice row livvah."
almost 12 years ago
For people saying they dont get it. I dont play dota, or any game of that genre and I understood it at first glance.
almost 12 years ago
Now you have to take all this, and multiply it by Rubick. Then multiply that by an Invoker.
almost 12 years ago
That's quite funny, I didn't complain when this comic was nothing but TF2 comics. I didn't play TF2 and i didn't understand shit. You guys choose to follow his comic, then you guys have to respect his creative freedom. Fucking haters.
almost 12 years ago
it is with a Y mystery
almost 12 years ago
Well done.
almost 12 years ago
Just say NO to dota comics.
almost 12 years ago
Return to videogame comics and forget those half assed e-sports.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_210572]@Turkashi[/url]: Pudge says "Fresh meat!" when he attacks at someone. But all of the targets he hooked (he has a skill that hooks an enemy towards you) are undead or ethereal. Nice joke Jo, I've been part of the dota community since long and had never seen this joke (not even somewhat related).
almost 12 years ago
For those who don't get this, Pudge uses hook to grab enemies and bring them close then uses his ult "dismember" while saying "hahah fresh meat". In this case he hooks a skeleton, an undead hero then wisp, a hero made of energy.
almost 12 years ago
Can't understand dota joke, cause I've only played like 10 fights :-/

I need captain obvious to explain!
almost 12 years ago
Looks like someone is going on a diet.

Poor fellow, indeed.
almost 12 years ago
That or it's a bottled haste rune
almost 12 years ago
your SK drawing looks a lot like PyrionFlax's one lol
almost 12 years ago
Poor pudge, he never lands the good hooks
almost 12 years ago
Is Morphling in the glass morphing str..?