What people are saying about "Exclusive"
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over 12 years ago
There are people who will call the game boring, or short, and others will consider it beautiful and unforgettable.

I'm of the second kind, and I think you have to play it to get one of the two reactions. But I find the snow level, with a companion and both almost dead, supreme.
over 12 years ago
I thought Jo had a PS3...
I remember he was once talking about Valkyria Chronicles, and the long load times, which everyone told him to install the game (and so he did).
over 12 years ago
I read that Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet will come to pc in the near future.
over 12 years ago
I look forward to your Souls comics :3
over 12 years ago
Journey is an awesome original game. Departure from stuff like bullet storm.

Gamer cat did a lovely webcomic page of it too.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127761]@asdf[/url]: You're probably just bad at it. Check out my YouTube video (hardcore difficulty no-scarf sandshot): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaA_cs4WZHM
PS3 owner
over 12 years ago
*Trollish grinning*
over 12 years ago
Journey wasn't even good.
over 12 years ago
Journey was amazing...but it's not Batman.. |_|"
over 12 years ago
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is on XBLA, not PSN.
over 12 years ago
Journey is boring though.

Also, ITSP is coming to PC. Steam.
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
over 12 years ago
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
This is how I have felt about Metal Gear Solid 4 for years.
over 12 years ago
I have the reverse effect. I'd love to play Battlefield 3, but the ps3 version is shit (no mods, less players-per-game, worse FPS rate, etc.), and my computer has a hard time running the source engine without exploding.
over 12 years ago
I REALLY want to play Red Dead Redemption... T_T no console here..
over 12 years ago
I really share this feeling. It looks like a very interesting game, but I'm lacking a PS3 as well. I can only hope it comes out for the PS Vita as well, though it doesn't seem like that's going to happen.
over 12 years ago
I love playing against TotalbUscuit, TotalBiscuit's brother.
Omega Jesus
over 12 years ago
Be happy with Steam bro, she takes it anywhere and open to any thing.
over 12 years ago
unlucky ducky
over 12 years ago
Already played against Notch, or rather with him. He had 3 medics constantly healing him and they didn't pay any attention to anyone else.

That's when I left.
over 12 years ago
What is Journey, what is PS3? Oh hey did you know they're making this new game called Darksiders.
Sperium 3000
over 12 years ago
Eeyup, Journey is freaking awesome. Sorry that you're mising out Jo.
over 12 years ago
*I know that feel bro*
I love Double Fine but I was really made when Brütal Legend was console-only. I even wanted to try Fable 2, and now Journey and that Shadow Planet game.
over 12 years ago
Ah Journey... Although pretty short, it was one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Unfortunatly you can't invite your friends and you won't know who you're playing with until you beat the game. But the colors, the music, the adorable cloth creatures... I love this game forever.
Bain Ling
over 12 years ago
He spelled TotalBiscuit wrong!

over 12 years ago
Steam is still charming. Origin is creepy and I'm fairly sure she has something nasty and infectious that she's not telling me about.
 Platypus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127367]@Roam[/url]: Unlikely to work well. Unfortunately with both the Xbox and PS3 being based on custom PowerPC processor architecture that's unlikely to work out well. It's funny, they went PPC as Apple went Intel.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127315]@HitBoxMaster[/url]: Indeed. People don't realize that it is more expensive to live in São Paulo than to live in Yokohama, New York, Toronto, London, Paris, Sydney, Rome... and our minimun wage is not even half of the ones in these places.
over 12 years ago
@An Onymous: Steam-chan looks no older then the male, and he looks no older then mid 20's.
P.S. owning a PS3,360,PC,Vita,3DS pay's of every time.
over 12 years ago
To be fair, PS3 does have steam on it
over 12 years ago
AFAIK Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is being ported to PC...
over 12 years ago
Mine then >.>
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
At last, owning a PS3 pays off :)
P.S. Love that silver haired, mature looking Steam-chan
over 12 years ago
I'm surprised no one has mentioned any Wii exclusives yet; Wii has the best ones (besides maybe PC).
Other Gamer
over 12 years ago
Man Jo, it's actually scary seeing this comic, this is EXACTLY how I felt when I first saw a journey trailer. "Man I am so gonna buy this game" followed by "PS3 exclusive? NOOOOOOOOOOO". Maybe someday it will go on another system, but I doubt it -_-
over 12 years ago
Oh god I cant believe none of you people asked this:
over 12 years ago
Playing TF2 with TB? I thought he is sticking with Tribes lately.
over 12 years ago
Similar reason i got a PS3 and installed cfw, enjoyed some MGS4, Demon Souls, basically had my fill of the exclusives before the console broke from its crappy fan system (it would be good if it didn't rely on a pulse), i've reflowed the thing 4 times and now i've had my fill, it can die.
over 12 years ago
So does this mean that Steam is the only waifu any gamer will ever get?
over 12 years ago
I've bought consoles just to play one or two games. I tend to find others that I enjoy after that though, mostly that I wouldn't have bought the console for but then play because I can. The PS3 is the one console I don't own, but I'll be getting on for Last Guardian if not sooner.
over 12 years ago
They are porting Dark Souls to PC, not Demon's Souls. Just FYI. I don't know why I care so much *embarassed*
over 12 years ago
Lets face it, the thing most men are probably thinking with this one is "why can Steam be a really hot girl who live with ME?"
over 12 years ago
I know the pain - The abomination that is the PS3 will be the only platform for Dust :|
over 12 years ago
We all know that feel~

Oh for reliable top-end console emulators, that would let you put any game in your DVD/Blu-ray PC drive and just play it without having to wait years for a decision to port... only to get a really sloppy one.
over 12 years ago
Had the same issue so I bought a PS3. But I've been spoiled by the PC, buying games online,great prices,special sales, having to pay full price for physical copies felt weird. Fixed that issue by jail breaking the PS3, problem fixed. New problem, can't play new games. Consoles are a pain in the ass
over 12 years ago
There are just some games not worth playing, console systems especially. There are so few games that would make me even get a PS3. The 360 has quite a few titles, but more than half on that list I can get on PC. IMHO, this game does not sound all that good and probably "goes on forever."
over 12 years ago
Jo, you made great comics for us for years. So how about making some fund pool so we can help you buy a used PS3? I think you deserve it bro.
Best Solution
over 12 years ago
What we ought to do is take up a collection or something, buy a used Wii and some games send it to Jo for his gaming pleasure. He does a great job entertaining us after all. Maybe set up a website for it and PayPal or something, I dunno.
over 12 years ago
You misspelled "TotalBiscuit" !
over 12 years ago
Yes! Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet was the first game for me that I really wanted but couldn't play, and then Dark Souls, and indeed Journey is such a shame to miss out on. :(

Maybe I should just get a PS3 after all...
over 12 years ago
(cont'd from below) until a while ago! It's a very fun and interesting game, and if you're interested in it and you've ever enjoyed a NES game you will probably like it fine.
over 12 years ago
Dark Souls: If it wasn't for everyone saying it was SOOOO HARD, I wouldn't have known it. I'm not trying to brag, just saying it's an incredibly fair game and it's only 'hard' distinction is having to go back to a checkpoint when you die and the enemies respawning... You know, like in EVERY game up
over 12 years ago
@Easy Solution: Because we (Jo and I, but I don't know personally) live in Brazil, or Taxlandia where to get a PS3 160Gb Slim with only one joystick you have to pay around 600 dollars a brand new one and around 300 a used one and where new games cost around 110 and used one cost 60 wich may not work
over 12 years ago
But Steam supports PS3!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127289]@Nerfnow[/url]: Don't you have friends? Go to a friend/relative who happen's to have the console you need and give them a "gift"
over 12 years ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCMLmQ6XCOs Full playthrough. Don't watch if you care about spoilers, just go buy the damn game already!

It really is an amazing game.
over 12 years ago
@Expensive solution: I'd buy a console but most of the games I want are multiplataform or PC-only.

Wii have the biggest library of games I want, but can't, play.
Expensive solution
over 12 years ago
Pretty sure he answered this right away. For those of us who have to worry about actually paying for the consoles and games it gets expensive. Its not silly its called practical.
over 12 years ago
That game was so awesome. I only played through once and I remember it so perfectly. I found my buddy on the second mission and we stuck it out the whole way through. There was so many times it might have been easier to just leave the other,but we always stayed together :3
Easy Solution
over 12 years ago
Why not just have every console¿ It's what I've always done since the 80s so as to enjoy whatever game I wanted. Tying myself to just one console seemed silly to me, as it's not like I go to only one restaurant ever.
I love to have varied experiences.
over 12 years ago
I've been hearing good things about Journey. I want to play it but I'm in the same boat you are, Jo.
DARK ???
over 12 years ago
what does that mean?
1st place>.<
over 12 years ago
Hmmm...I might give it a look...