In response to Engie's Opinion, i have but a 3 word retort:
almost 13 years ago
Funny thing is that hollywood is still pumping our film noir from time to time. Not anywhere as popular as it used to be however. Retro gaming however is more popular than ever and i even ran into kids who are into retro gaming on steam the other day. Seemed to know their psone import history.
almost 13 years ago
Makes me think of the Avgn episode Christmas carol. Future spirit
almost 13 years ago
Anyone else notice that Engie's face is different?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127281]@Quinch[/url] Teenagers today! In my days, we didn't have a spellchecker on our web browsers.
Either that, or at some point "Virtual" was changed to "Birtual".
almost 13 years ago
You mean you actually have to use your hands?! That's a kid's toy.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127205]@Dave[/url]: Teenagers today! In my days, we didn't have embedded subdermal transceivers. If we wanted to play games or have virtual sex, we used full body birtual suits!
almost 13 years ago
I don't want to live in a world where kinect motion sensor shake your arms like a retard games are the norm.
Good thing I'll be dead when that happens, that or I'll kill myself.
[url=#user_comment_127010]@Serathis[/url]: Talking about the one in the second panel
almost 13 years ago
I can see myself getting old an complaining: "Teenagers today! In my days we didn't had full body virtual suits. If we wanted to play games or have virtual sex we used our hands and imagination!"
almost 13 years ago
Oh it's pretty much common to be blinded by Nostalgia - you just know that if we made a game with "old school difficulty" today, it'd be criticized for having hitbox problems, unfair difficulty spikes, expecting the gamer to be psychic or to be constantly looking back and forth at GameFAQs...
almost 13 years ago
Your father is a hairy tentacle?
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
Makes me remember the days of Team Fortress Classic. Ya know we had YLW and GRN teams? Good times.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127117]@David[/url] And you get +10 Internets for Back to the Future II reference.
almost 13 years ago
You mean you have to use your hands? That's a baby's toy!
almost 13 years ago
You will keep your engi hands off my nostalgia, woman! I will not let you hamper with my love for the beauty of simplicity and difficulty I fondly remember of my younger days!
Victor von Doom
almost 13 years ago
New is not always better. Nor is old, or obscure, or Western, or Japanese.
almost 13 years ago
@An Onymous: KINECT LOL
almost 13 years ago
Whenever I play games nowadays I 'few' so like an oldgamer.
But you know what, it sometimes do 'few' good to be an oldgamer and not a console-kid.
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
Based on the way games are evolving, in the future we wont even be using buttons anymore. It's a good thing I actually like the classics.
P.S. New is not always better
Victor von Doom
almost 13 years ago
I don't think it's as simple as one's tastes becoming more refined. Art in any medium - movies or games, books or music - is good or bad, regardless of age or origin. Over time you have a better idea of what you like and why, but when the nostalgia goggles go on, you DO look like an arrogant prick.
almost 13 years ago
I got a nice Android smart phone and instead of playing all the games on the market that use Unreal I'm playing Super Mario RPG on an emulator...
Worth it.
almost 13 years ago
@Vsevolod Kovalev: Try shining Forces 1 & 2
that was a great game
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127019]@Nikari[/url]: Windows 3.1? HA!!
I had only D.O.S.!
My childhood was filled with Prince, F15, Stunts, and Mixed Up ^^
...(and Jazz Jackrabbit, good times)
almost 13 years ago
Something that bothers me is the fact how everything is 3D now, even things that don't have a 3D gameplay. I wish we had more games with nice 2D like Disgaea...
almost 13 years ago
I'm so happy to have an SNES Emulator and can switch to old school Super Castlevania IV time and time again :)
Grammar Pacifist
almost 13 years ago
"I totally few bad for..."
Dude, check once again what exactly you tried to say
almost 13 years ago
There has always been a divide between anime fans that only watch Subs or Dubs. This has nothing to do with age you goddamn Weeaboo.
almost 13 years ago
I sort of know this feel,when it comes to games and anime... kids these days think dubs are acceptable, and it saddens me.
almost 13 years ago
And in the future, people will still be playing NetHack. Who needs graphics?
almost 13 years ago
Here's looking at you, kids.
almost 13 years ago
I played that on my school's Olivetti, Windows 3.11. That was one hot machine.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_127016]@isaac[/url]: nielsen my bad
almost 13 years ago
Favorite classic movie, anything with Leslie nelson...if there is a better place after you die, I want him there
Favorite classic game, Mario rpg...just fucking awesome
almost 13 years ago
Is that the original Prince of Persia he is playing?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_126930]@HitBoxMaster[/url]: You heretic! Scatman had a hat like that!
Never actually liked D&D, but am halfway through Phantasy Star IV (that's on Genesis). Also started Shining in the Darkness, but that's too little story and too much grind to my taste...
P.S. Peeped out of my 16-bit time machine. Saw X-COM the shooter coming. Sent it to hell.
almost 13 years ago
I know how it feels man, every one I know thinks I'm weird for playing games like DOOM and QUAKE instead of Call of Battlefield: Modern Ops Brown Edition.
almost 13 years ago
I am also stuck with playing old RPGs that use the D&D formula.
Played Planescape Torment through again last week.
I can't for some reason enjoy the story in most of these new rpg games as it seems to be pretty much secondary.
Witcher 1 and 2 were awesome though.
almost 13 years ago
youre grammer sucks
almost 13 years ago
If only I still had my Genesis. I remember the good old days of trying to beat Sonic 2 in one sitting in the basement, usually giving up between Aquatic Ruins and Oil Ocean zones. It was pretty epic how Sonic would chase after Eggman after Metropolis Zone though. Oh well, still have my N64.
almost 13 years ago
If this ever happens to me when I try to get a generation to play QFG4 CD version, after setting it up, patching it, and all the hassle it takes to play that great game? I probably will weep in despair. Bastion comes close in feel, but ... Its John Rhys-Davies as the Narrator. You can't beat that
almost 13 years ago
Nobody's disputing that new games are often good any more than anyone's disputing new good movies come out every year; the dispute is with people who instinctively reject anything which isn't throwing itself off the bleeding edge of what technology can do simply because it's old.
almost 13 years ago
I really don't resemble this sentiment. Sure, I still love playing 8-bits and watching old movies, but I enjoy the newer stuff as well. I have just as much fun playing League of Legends as do when I play Ocarina of Time, although for different reasons.