What people are saying about "Enforcer"
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over 12 years ago
Enforcer spy on all crit server=OVERKILL
Half-baked spie
over 12 years ago
That hat is not one of ours!
over 12 years ago
Y'know.. I've just realized. I found a L'Inspecteur shortly after crafting that Spy-cicle to complete my Dr. Enforcicle set.

This.. actually is true.
over 12 years ago
Jo uses a modem?
The SpyCicle
over 12 years ago
This gun already has saved my life I don't know how many times.
While I was carrying the intelligence, I managed to many players who were chasing me.

Also, it's fun to kill Snipers with it when they have the Razorback and think they're safe from backstabs =P
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124692]@Hiaki[/url]: Sniper*
over 12 years ago
Spider using razorback? Peg 'em executioner style.
over 12 years ago
Welp,I went and did it. I made an Enforcer and used it. The extra damage is nice,but the real killer is the enforcer just seems to hit more reliably. I use the default revolver,I rarely hit. I use the Enforcer,and I'm pegging bitches left and right. Something to think about.
over 12 years ago
Remember when decloaking didn't produce any noise, unlike now, where people regularly hear me from 20 feet away?

over 12 years ago
I miss TF2 since my router crashes every time i try to play...

But yeah, i can't stand the dead ringer myself, simply because it is "cloak when shot" i can only really play spy with my invisibility watch.
over 12 years ago
My spy uses Enforcer, Spycicle, Dead Ringer, and Steaming L'Inspecteur. I think I fit this comic a bit too well >.>
over 12 years ago
oh, and the best heavy setup is the BrassGruSandwhich
over 12 years ago
Ah, good ol enforcicleringer. even when I DO play it, I don't even need the gun. having it just makes me that good.
over 12 years ago
However, Dr. Enforcicle has a partner in crime, Professor D'Axtingreaser, who has the power to instantly kill many classes much like his comrade. Only he uses fire, not ice.
over 12 years ago
But unfortunately for Tomi Gruvich, otherwise known as Tomigru-san, one of his abilities were taken away so he doesn't have nearly as large of a health pool. While weakened now, he is still a formidable enemy, especially when paired with a medic.
over 12 years ago
Ah yes, the enforcer. Paired with the DR and spycicle, a spy will turn into Dr. Enforcicle, Ph.D in murderology.
over 12 years ago
Enforcer + dead ringer plays a LOT differently than vanilla spy, but it doesn't inherently make it better. Some people like that style, but I prefer having the ability to cloak at will and disguise at will because I'm a control freak.
Unusual Bubbling Spycrab
over 12 years ago
the types of spy:

new f2p default noobcakes-epic fail spies
semi-noobs with little/no skill and items-fail spies
well equiped and half skilled spies - normal
enforcer spies - good
good enforcer spies - heroic
good ambassador spy - legendary
high skilled ambassador spy - mythical
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124224]@gimmethegepgun[/url]: This is assuming that the Pyro is stupid and does not use airblast to push you against a wall. Dead Ringers do not escape from me.
Taco king.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124277]@Marc[/url]: Yea, its like people expect there to be a trade off if a class is going to be un-killable and able to one shot any other class.
over 12 years ago
Enforcer, this weapon need a nerf....now :D

Anyway, do you play at TF2 mods like Super zombie fortress or Bombermod ?
over 12 years ago
Enforcers are not overpowered, people just dont expect a spy to do great damage.
Ugly Bob
over 12 years ago
You really don't need the enforcer to kill razorback snipers. It's very good to troll pyros though.
over 12 years ago
Yes, this is so hilarious. Enforcile spies have literally no down side and can easily 3 shot all 125hp classes. I sometimes kill razorcrap snipers specifically with the enforcer to mock their loadout choice.
over 12 years ago
Minigruvich is the best Heavy set-up ever. Sneak up on people, spump around a corner, massacre every leetle person in sight, repeat.
Nobody expects a speedy Heavy.
over 12 years ago
Indeed... I used L'estranger for a bit for the bonuses to my cloak, but after trying out the enforcer I found myself surprised with how much damage I could really do as spy...
over 12 years ago
As much as The Enforcer can make me rage, I am sort of glad about it. I have seen more Spies now use Revolvers of all kinds much more often now. It's glad to see the gun reminded them, "hey, you have a GUN."

I'm glad to see that new Spy tactics are--*Enforcer Crit'd*--SON OF A
over 12 years ago
Tomisgruvich is not THAT good if you are playing on a good server with teamwork. The loss of 20% attack speed makes you much weaker compared to the stock minigun, you can't outdamage engineers repairing sentries and you take longer to kill people in general.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124165]@RoderickBR[/url]: DR is hardly worthless against Pyros. Yes, the Pyro makes you unable to hide any more once you're on fire, but it still takes a ludicrous amount of firepower to actually kill you, during which time you can likely make it back to friendly territory.
over 12 years ago
I must confess my one pleasur in TF2 is to go Spyper with enforcer and DR on my favorite MARIO_KART crit server. I get a lot of flak from whiners but there is the schadenfreude of outsniping those peski snipers with a revolver.
over 12 years ago
Vanilla set is the only Spy set worth using. Ambassador gets special mention.

Everything else is for shitty Spies.
over 12 years ago
Meh, I'll stick with Cloak and Dagger. I play Spy to troll the other team, not to be a one-man army. When I want to Leeroy Jenkins, I go Pyro.
over 12 years ago
Its true. All these damn crutch weapons. I knew this would happen right when the first medic update came.
over 12 years ago
Ahh the enforcer, a true noob's best friend.
real men use L'Etranger.
over 12 years ago
I have a Proffesors Goggles, Fedora and Spy Beard: So I look like those old spy movie disguises, the enforcer is my new best friend. Before I kept using the revolver and killed a lot of people, but now with the ENFORCER I get all the chicks and the hats. (BUYER TESTIMONY).
over 12 years ago
Truly classy gentlemen use the Ambassador. There is nothing more satisfying than killing a Scout with a head shot.
over 12 years ago
Aka Sniper spys on Crit servers GO!
over 12 years ago
Dead Ringer cancels the Enforcer's weakness (slow cloak time), and the Spycicle cancels the DR's weakness (upon being hit by fire, you re-ignite, making it usually useless against paranoid pyros).
So, DR + Enforcer + Spycicle = OP. Still requires some skill, though.
over 12 years ago
My friends loadout? Ambassidor, Dead Ringer, Eternal Reward. Result? Sniping assault to fake corpse to troll killing to engineer domination to fake body to troll killing repeat ad ininitum. He's one of the deadliest bastards in just about every game he plays; on off days he's just above average.
over 12 years ago
I hope you didn't have Tomigruvich equipped while writing this comic...
over 12 years ago
All I know is I did try to stab a sniper with a razorback once. When I totally had a perfectly usable Ambassador at the same time.
over 12 years ago
I just made a video last month totally like DM's comment.

(warning, contains self advertising)

over 12 years ago
I will use the Razorback usually when on D and I know I'll be close to a Sentry. Yes the Spy could go for a gun kill, but in the time it will take to pull that off he'll likely be taking a 4 pack of rockets to the face. Only other time is on Dekroot Keep maps where guns arn't an issue.
over 12 years ago
I know what you're thinking.

Did he fire five shots or six?

Well seeing as how this is the Enforcer, and can kill any 125 HP class in just one crit shot...you gotta ask yourself. "Do I have a medic?" WELL DO YA?
over 12 years ago
Enforcer + Dead Ringer = No problem
over 12 years ago
I just got a wireless router recently and got tf2 on the orange box for the ps3...sadly I didn't know that it sucks on the consoles at the time. I'd try the pc version but I am not a pc gamer.

P.S. My psn name is the name I just used. feel free to add me or whatever.
over 12 years ago
I'm always heavy or soldier and I kill this so called 'Alpha male'...most of the time, but he never dominates me.
over 12 years ago
Personally I prefers the Ambassador.

It still does the job of 2-shotting low HP class (head shot + 1 hit, admittedly harder to do on moving targets) and I can actually snipe down people that is hiding on the far side of the map (+1 if it's sniper trying to snipe my team).
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124078]@K7[/url] More like, "I do believe *puts on sunglasses* I am on fire." YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
over 12 years ago
Bleh, dead ringer.

Enforcer is so much more overpowered when you can decloak behind people and 2 shot their medics at whim. The longer cloak time hardly matters if you kill everything first.
over 12 years ago
I just came back from a Looooong break, to be reminded that I smelted most of my stuff trying to get the golden wrench. Oh! How I hate thee.
over 12 years ago
hey Jo! I bet that you use Virtua don't you?
RED spy
over 12 years ago
I believe my Ambassador does the trick with both much more finesse and skill. My Vintage Konniver's Kunai gives even more of a challenge, if there is any of course. More than often, the female opposing engineers are paralyzed by my very presence. If you'll excuse me, that intel won't capture itself.
wait what....
over 12 years ago
i.... how did you know my spy loadout (enforcer deadringer)
BLU Scout
over 12 years ago
What the?... a... y...
A Gray Phantom
over 12 years ago
I could never understand why Snipers bother wearing the razorback. Whenever I play Spy, and I see one, I simply whip out my ambassador and plug them in the head. BAM! And then they are dead.
over 12 years ago
@BLU Scout: No, that would be your mother.
*Monocle Man*
over 12 years ago
I've never got problems with the enforcerer (or however its written) spies. They all die the same if you are good enough. Now, as a common spy player I must say that my combination of cloack and dagger, big earner and standar revolver has helped me good.
BLU Scout
over 12 years ago
@BLU Spy: What're you? President of his fan-club?
over 12 years ago
@BLU Scout: If you managed to kill them, I assure you they were not like me.
Dr. Enforcicle
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Enforcer spies are often much less sneaky than your average BB pyro (since the w+m1 players have all switched to phlog). This means that it is the spy that now GETS backstabbed more.

With fire.
Bob Dole
over 12 years ago
Real Men don't need knives! Real men shoot fools in their big stupid faces.
over 12 years ago
No offense.
BLU Scout
over 12 years ago
BAHAHAHAHA! I've killed plenty of Spies; they're dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scum-bags - like you!
over 12 years ago
I'll be over here with my Saharan Spy set, decloaking straight behind people with my Dead Ringer while they keep spitting boolets.
over 12 years ago
yeah i switched to diamondback just to make the game more interesting...
over 12 years ago
Its me! The Cycleforcer.
over 12 years ago
Spy-cicle sold separately.
over 12 years ago
The Power To Overpower, aftershave of gentlemen: Like a facestab straight to her heart!
over 12 years ago
*warning* does not attract Engies.