What people are saying about "Change of Heart"
Change of Heart
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 12 years ago
Well, I don't think we can blame Bioware for the DLC's, since it's not really their fault. That's on EA.
Im still angry at EA for what they did to Dragon Age 2 on Steam.
I miss the days when it was just the game and expansion.
over 12 years ago
It seems like they can make a lot of money off a DLC that changes the but won't really be able to sell any DLCs that don't change the ending.
I wonder whether they planned it to make a ton of money off a ending-changing DLC or whether they didn't realize that the ending would enrage this many ppl
over 12 years ago
...isn't this kind of hypocritical being that you bought ME3 yourself, KNOWING FULL WELL that they're shoving this bullshit down our throats, and by buying it yourself, are encouraging them to do it more?
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
Oh yeah, Mass Effect have 2 DLC: Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3
over 12 years ago
@GOG.com by Cd Projekt Customers owning their own games? No client required to run? They can freely backup their games? MADNESS!
GOG.com by Cd Projekt
over 12 years ago
we are actually DRM free so you actually own the games you purchase through our service. You stuck with a low end laptop with win 7? don't know shit about DosBox or can't get old games running? We optimize old games to run perfectly on modern OS.
over 12 years ago
@ACTIVISION Agreed. And punish our paying customers for the actions of pirates with the always on DRM method. Sure, it won't affect pirates as they will crack it within hours but.... im not sure where im going with this myself...
over 12 years ago
@Rockstar Games Cares about gaming? Such an alien concept to us here at ACTIVISION! What developers should do is mediocre shooter sequels with 15$ expansion packs and cancel any other games that have a chance at being innovative, fresh and original.
Rockstar Games
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124037]@Capcom[/url] unlike you Rockstar Games actually cares about gaming, not nickel and diming for annual rehashes and on-disk costume packs. We'll take some of those IPs off you hands. Rockstar Game's Resident evil... Rockstar Game's mega man... Here's 10 million.
over 12 years ago
@EA Games We here at Capcom agree! We just sell expansion packs and rip-offs of other people's games while scaring off any talented developers who made us a success from the beginning. Fans complain, hands us shitloads of their cash! We here at Capcom piss on mega mans grave!
EA Games
over 12 years ago
So true. You gamers are so retarded you are funding the death of gaming by buying our costume packs and on-disk DLC plus those of you who buy TF2 hats and annual shooter expansi.... i mean sequels will complain but then give us your money anyway. Your basically crack addicts.
over 12 years ago
dont god damn justify yourself joe.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
They say that, sometimes, the trip is much worthier that the final stop, or something like that.Mass Effect 3, that is the truth. If you played through the first two games and invested all that time, you will see things that will mess with you.Unfortunately, most of these moments will be cutscenes.
Mein Herr
over 12 years ago
Did Jo miss a comic update?
over 12 years ago
The writer for this article (spoilers ahoy!) - http://www.gamefront.com/mass-effect-3-ending-hatred-5-reasons-the-fans-are-right/ - put the entire controversy quite well.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123885]@XionGaTaosenai[/url]: No good sir you have it all wrong. Makeing good games where the ending isn't a rushed mess takes time, hence why ME3 was made in a year or so. On the other hand vALVE doesn't dissapoint in the long run. Quality over quantity.
BLU Scout
over 12 years ago
Dashing toward the beam, shep's too slow. Ya kno. I would of made it. Easy.
over 12 years ago
ME3 was well written until the very end. Good story, and actually emotional if you were invested. Until that stupid beam, it was (to me) the best in the series. Then that ending... was full of plot holes and a literal deus ex machina. Seriously, just, what?
Hackett out.
over 12 years ago
Apart from anything else the fact that they used the crucible goes against the whole dangers of technology before species maturity they had been shouting about with the krogan uplift, reaper base and oh yeah the mass relays plot lines.
over 12 years ago
Apart from the fact that the ending made any decision you made across the 3 games totally irrelevant, one worst part was that the reapers effectively won since all 3 endings are on their master’s terms.
over 12 years ago
You wrote a comic specifically about me? I'm flattered.
over 12 years ago
When I think of the ending I think of what Harry from Dorian Gray said about Cigarettes. "Exquisite and it leaves one unsatisfied"

I liked my ending. I'm still considering having a second run (through all three games) for different endings.
over 12 years ago
And I want a happy ending, that doesn't mean everything has to be perfect either. Some of my favorite characters end up dying though the game, but I don't mind, since their sacrifices seem worth it. The ending doesn't, makes me feel like we still failed.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123934]@zeal[/url]: Here's the funny thing, a game, especially an RPG can have several endings. They can keep the grimdark ones, and also include a happy one.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123934]@zeal[/url]: No, I would have been fine with an unhappy ending. Hell, the Synthesis ending *is* supposed to be a happy ending. I want an ending that makes *sense*. Catalyst's logic was absurd, the whole thing came out of nowhere, and it was abrupt and didn't jive with the feel of the games.
over 12 years ago
And this is why every RPG has boring *happy* endings.
After all, gamers are dull and want genetic disney endings where everyone lives happy afterwards.
 Platypus
over 12 years ago
I do think Bioware owes the fan base a freebie on this. Much like the novel Deception they put out which was so riddled with errors they are basically having to rewrite a new edition of the book to try and salvage it.

I'll say this, that ending was full of "midi-chlorians."
 Platypus
over 12 years ago
Just finished it. It's just odd... the very last few minutes (and what comes after the credits) just doesn't have the same feel. I think that's what more off putting then anything. It just didn't "feel" right, and the music was totally wrong for it.
over 12 years ago
Looks like Jo's mixing up his author cameos in this one.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123887]@ironballs16[/url]: get out of my head lol, that exactly how i'd have liked the game end
Cyclone Duke
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123894]@eggdude9[/url]: > Hugely popular major game release > Brand the artist loves Gee whiz I wonder if he's going to have the material or want to make a few comics on it.
over 12 years ago
Should we just change the name of the comic to "Mass Effect Now"? It's getting a little silly now...
over 12 years ago
However, if you got the Quarians and Geth to cooperate, you should at LEAST be able to throw that in its face, which could result in either a logic-bomb that it was wrong, or at the very least convince it to withdraw the Reapers for a set amount of time to see how things develop.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123837]@hah[/url] - check this one out then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b33tJx8iy0A And as for my preferred ending (spoilers abound, so mind them!) One of the lines the Guardian gives Shepard is that "Without us [the Reapers] to stop it, synthetics will destroy all organics".
over 12 years ago
After hearing all this stuff about this Mass Effect 3, I have to wonder:

Is this the reason why Valve never makes a third game?
over 12 years ago
Oh wait, here's something positive, some folks decide to use the money for Child's Play charity than giving it to Bioware

over 12 years ago
Yeah, ME3 is not on my wishlist. I'm only getting it if it comes out on Steam, and even then only if there's a special edition for sale, and even then only when it's on sale.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123837]@hah[/url]: this made my day, you sir get +1 internets
It's funny because
over 12 years ago
They're sprites on the right. Just like every background character in ME3
over 12 years ago
Aurea mediocritas
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123835]@jso[/url]: An intresting rule to live by, just make sure you don't jump down a well or something. On the other hand blending in with the mindless sheep is just as bad. The golden middle road people.
over 12 years ago
if the majority of people say one thing, then I go the opposite way
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123823]@Vulpis[/url]: Now if EA really wants to make some money with a DLC, they should make a DLC to change the ending, since they are corrupt and heartless enough to do that i'm pretty sure we'll be seeing a DLC soon. Just like the comic says, they anger the fans with a shitty ending and then make a DLC.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123823]@Vulpis[/url]: Its not that hard actually, check youtube if you want to do it, plus EA developers said that they wouldn't take content from the game to make an DLC, when asked after this was discovered they simply said: "We've already made our comment on that matter"
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
i not like dlc, serious, rare games have a good dlc and i take a bad experience on Dragon Age last time...
Well, Jo is a Day of Tentacle DLC?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123810]@Triv[/url]: It will happen every evidence is pointing towards it. And we all know that EA milks all of its cashcows to death. Just come back to this comment section in a year or two.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123816]@Nicolas[/url] Unless you mean activating that code line yourself rather than paying a stupid amount to have it activated for you, that kind of 'DLC' makes me rage even more, since it *is* blatant money-grubbing, just as bad as shipping a purposely incomplete/unfinished game.
over 12 years ago
Actually i dont complain of the dlc since i know its already in the disc and its possible to activate it by simply editing one code line.
over 12 years ago
All Three Ending - Dumbed-Down version of Deus Ex endings

'Hidden Ending' - rip-off of Gurren Lagan ending
over 12 years ago
Yes, the few biodrones that dwell the remains of the sunken ship.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123809]@IMPLYING[/url]: what sinking? people are still playing it u derp.
over 12 years ago
You guys buy Bioware games after Dragon Age 2 and the sinking of the ToRtanic?
over 12 years ago
Whoa! So Jo is just one tentacle?! I always thought he was a huge octopus with one talking tentacle, with hat!
over 12 years ago
They should release a new ending DLC for free if simply make sure that EA doesn't dissolve them when the sales of future Bioware games dry up as a result of violating their consumers a second time (DA2 seems to have just been a teaser for things to come).
That One Guy
over 12 years ago
Let's have some fun:

How would YOU have the story end?

Let the mind-fucking commence!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123784]@Zacsi[/url]: how can they have a mmo of mass effect when all the relays are gone?....silly
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123786]@Daniel[/url]: Actually if you think about it they totally riped of all the endings from Deus Ex. Except that they worked in that setting but don't apply here.(lets not even talk about all the photoshop bullshit) Thats Bioware creativity for you.
over 12 years ago
The ending was like a shitty version of Gurren Lagann where Simon decides to take it up the ass instead of drilling the shit out of the Anti-Spirals.
over 12 years ago
The ending is shit because they want to leave it open for a mass effect MMO the money grubbing bastards.
I don't understand why you idiots keep buying EA games.
Also fucking Hamburger Helper wrote it what did you expect.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123742]@Justin[/url]: If you got bored, why did you keep playing them? Your statement makes little sense unless you were forced and no one would enjoy that. The writing is good enough to absorb players that read it into the ME universe. They feel like their actions mean something and they do in their stories.
over 12 years ago
I find it funny. I fall back to the Drakengard series of games when it comes to great endings.
[Drakengard spoilers]
This would be on par with the first Drakengard's ending, where the player gets blown up by a jet fighter's missile. Not even close to NeiR's ending where all save data is erased.
Gabe N.
over 12 years ago
Darnit.. Mass Effect stole my ending for Half Life 3... guess it'll take another 5 years to make it now...
over 12 years ago
I never really cared or complained about the Day one DLC. But hot damn did that ending suck. I would seriously think about buying DLC that fixed the ending, and I'm usually a miser when it comes to DLC for games.
not smashing the keyboard
over 12 years ago
After getting the DLC (it's what, 6 bucks?), I AM kind of miffed how it's a DLC. The character gives a wealth of backstory to the game and is very interesting in general. Bring him with you to Thessia, for example, and see what I mean. Also, I'm going to call Salarians fly-eaters from now on.
over 12 years ago
@cheshire vash: My input on this is, for a series based heavily on your decisions, I found the end pretty much disregard it. My "A" ending will pretty much be equal to anyone "A" ending.
cheshire vash
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123754]@TheNoun[/url]: A story's ending is like the center of a tootsie/bubblegum lolipop, a satisfying end to a delicious treat. Now imagine getting one where the center was replaced by dog crap. We had 3 games worth of great(debatable) story, 2 of which had good endings, but the grand finale left a bad taste
over 12 years ago
if i see a day 1 DLC im goona pirate the whole game.
no exceptions.
no one should feed these greedy bastards
cynical finn
over 12 years ago
The thing i hated about the DLC, was that the content of DLC was made in the game, but they removed it just to make it day one DLC
suck it
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I don't want to sound rude here, but I'm beginning to wonder if everyone simply forgot about the first thirty hours of the game once the last thirty minutes happened. I'm not saying the ending wasn't shitty, but writing off the game because of it is denying yourself an otherwise enjoyable game.
Mad Cow
over 12 years ago
No amount of DLCs will make your actions from the first two games actually matter. They got your money buying the game before it actually released, special editions I am sure. Now they have time to give you what they want, these DLCs that they prob. make way more money on than the game itself.
Mad Cow
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url]: YES
over 12 years ago
pirated all 3 games, played all 3 games, got bored, played tf2, caber trolled.

i Don't see what all the whining is about maybe i played the games to fast or something but they were not very engrossing i constantly felt pulled out of the game by lil bits and pieces so i stopped caring.
over 12 years ago
I just want to say that not all of us are as you picture us in your comic-

I played ME1 extensively and ME2 a few times through, but I'm simply not buying ME3, out of disgust.

I'm saddened by not being able to finish the story, but I'm too proud to reneg on my ideals. Take that as you will.
Heavy Weapons Guy
over 12 years ago
There aren't any valid reasons to torrent any new game what-so-ever, though I believe that buying the first and the second game entitles me to have a good last game. Since it's obviously not, I will torrent it. Also, because I hate EA.
over 12 years ago
It was originally a joke about Mass Effect 3 getting a different ending as DLC. Then people started getting serious about it, hating Bioware more. Now, you think everyone is bying the game and going to purchase more stuff. Yarr harr.
over 12 years ago
where are the other tentacles , jo had some smaller tentacles before.
over 12 years ago
This comic reeks of the childish "U WILL BUY IT ANYWAY SO SUCK IT XD"
over 12 years ago
Same here. If I will pay for a game, I want to buy it finished, plz. Further DLCs for extra content, only if it's *really* good (or Valve makes a sale... d*mnit!)
over 12 years ago
and also disregard Tali's face, would have been so much better if they simply didn't show it.
over 12 years ago
I am just going to disregard the endings of ME3 and choose one I like. No money wasted :3
over 12 years ago
Bioware and genius in the same sentence?
over 12 years ago
silly me, I was expecting a Yu-gi-oh Joke...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123601]@What[/url]: Expect you don't save anyone at all, the whole galaxy is doomed. They should release a DLC to fix the atrocity that the endings are, up to the last few minutes ME3 is a pretty awesome game. And it should be free to registered game owners, shouldn't have to pay them to fix their mistake.
over 12 years ago
Horse armor here!
over 12 years ago
Well, I for one stuck to the boycott and will continue to stick with it.
It's a matter of principle, really. I refuse to pay what, 60 dollars for an incomplete game?

That's like Capcom releasing Street Fighter X Tekken with a third of it's characters locked for DLC!

...Oh wait.
over 12 years ago
Bethesda already had DLC that changed the ending for Fallout 3. They apparently included that as they didn't expect people to want to play on after they'd finished it. If Bioware were to do something similar it wouldn't really be anything new.
over 12 years ago
You don't get the point, people. Most of gamers who says "I will pay for ending DLC" adds "but if this DLC won't be free, that's the last of my money EA or Bioware will ever see".
over 12 years ago
No way I'd ever pay for a changed ending. The very concept is ridiculous... and that forum screenshot linked by anon is pure gold. Didn't buy ME3, didn't pirate it, dunno if I ever will. Looks like EA's touch of death is working fine.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123679]@spoils[/url] I loled
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
No matter the choices. No matter being Good or Evil. No matter being Lawful or Chaotic.

over 12 years ago
You can see all of Jo! The skies rain with fire! The seas run red with blood!
over 12 years ago
Yeah I'm not even touching that game with EA's dick all over it.
Bad Joke
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123663]@anon[/url]: is that the illusive man avatar being used by the bioware guy? Because it would explain so much.
over 12 years ago
And more: I enjoyed Mass Effect 3, even. It was decent, it was good, it was even fun and challenging, right up until that last, final section.

Come on, Bioware. It's Commander Shepherd, (s)he talked the Rachni into helping, the Krogan into helping, even the bloody Geth and Quarians made peace..
over 12 years ago
Most of us aren't against sad endings in the least. might be disappointing, but more than anything we wanted closure, a way to finalize what we did, like how dragon age and new vegas end. Instead, we get 3 endings that use almost the same cutscenes, and no epilogue.
over 12 years ago

So how much are they paying you? Eat shit and die.
over 12 years ago
Continued: If a developer produces quality work, that appeals to me, I have no reason not to buy games from them. But I had begun to think EA was improving, as Battlefield Bad Company 2 was good, then Battlefield 3... but this kinda screws it over.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123593]@Stairmaster[/url]: At least Steam delivers. So far, I've yet to buy a valve game I found disappointing. Except maybe CS:Source, but since that was free (with 1 of my other purchases, if I recall), I can't say they are at fault for that, as it's disappointment is that it's not my style of game.
over 12 years ago
I honestly don't see how anyone can call themselves a fan of this series and say bioware did a good job on the ending. You'd have to have a sad and bleak outlook on life to think that was quality.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123601]@What[/url]: The endings themselves aren't the problem, it's the lack of ANY epilogue to tell us how are decisions affected the galaxy, our previous decisions and ultimately, our last one, don't matter. ME hasn't been going towards this at all, it's been going towards a galaxy forged by the players.
over 12 years ago
"The lesson here, I guess, it's people will complain about DLC, but most will pay for it if they can spare the money."

[citation needed]

Unless you're seriously making the baseless assumption that the same people who complain about DLC are the same people who buy it. Got a source? Thought not.
over 12 years ago
Finally somebody who's talking some sense. The fact that people are willing to PAY Bioware/EA for screwing up disgusts me, and I hope they step up and do the right thing by fixing the endings for free.

I'm not holding my breath though.
Mr. B
over 12 years ago
I have legit copies of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. That being said, I'm going to pirate the shit out of 3.
over 12 years ago
The ending killed Mass Effect. I'm not surprised they'll pay money to change it.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url]: Yes Given a choice between making more money and hurting someone they will choose hurting someone every time, even if it costs them.
over 12 years ago
@Fils De Pute: Kingdom of Amalur was published by EA.
EA doesn't make games except for the sports games (FIFA, NFL, NBA, etc).
They buy successful companies and run them into the ground. And they publish games by third parties. Amalur is made by a third party published by EA.
over 12 years ago
I pity all the people who were trolled by Harbinger... The signs of indoctrination are all there. Yet so many people are in denial about the whole process, clearly shows how indoctrinated they were. My hat goes to you Bioware, you truly are the gods of RPGs.
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
Saw two of the endings and honestly... I didn't mind them. Sucks that-

the Citadel and Mass relays are destroyed, cutting off every section of the known universe, but the armies of every species are in the local cluster. A combined effort could make it possible again in a few hundred years
over 12 years ago
The game was AMAZING except for the last couple of minutes. Still worth it, but the ending is terrible.
over 12 years ago
From Ashes wasn't originally supposed to be DLC...
Dr. Thrax
over 12 years ago
Now this is worrying me. If Bioware tanked THIS hard on ME3.. Just what the hell will Command and Conquer Generals 2 be? It looks pretty, but now I'm terrified of that game turning out to be total crap.
Mister Jay
over 12 years ago
I'm not buying anymore Bioware games. Mostly because now that ME3 is done they have nothing im interested in. I'm also only going to buy games that are the first in a series never the sequels.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123615]@GasBandit[/url]: xD Indeed my friend
over 12 years ago
People are upset about the ME3 ending mainly because it's a Deus ex machina ending. History has shown such endings in any form of art are crap and hated. I was for wanting it changed, now I honestly want it left as an example how not to end a five year video game series.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123599]@JyndTactica[/url]: I did it too by pirating it :P
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url]: Yup
over 12 years ago
Yep. This comic is just about right.
over 12 years ago
Just goes to further the argument that in this day and age of big game companies responding to player demands by telling them to "go get the butter" (google it if you don't know, kiddos), Piracy is more and more necessary self defense.
over 12 years ago
I did it can I has cookie now?
over 12 years ago
Screw bright future endings, I just want what Bioware promised for five years. An ending that it only determined by one arbitrary choice and your war assets is most definitely not "herp derp all your decisions matter".

Should have seen the writing on the wall when DA2 came out.
over 12 years ago
My problem with the ending is that Bioware made a big deal about how all your choices will matter and affect the universe, and in the end, none of it really did. It also made little sense. If Bioware did charge for ending DLC, I would probably end up watching it on Youtube or something.
over 12 years ago
i agree with "What" said, but people, including me, also want a bright-future ending. maybe bioware is genius so they may not change their ending, but they make DLC which makes original endings to become just big fuking turbulance
over 12 years ago
I'm still not going to buy or even pirate ME3.

I knew before it was even released that it was complete and utter garbage from the leaks.
over 12 years ago
I think people need to be less willing to pay for day 1 DLC. The less and less people that are fighting day one DLC, the more content companies restrict to be sold as DLC. It's going to get to the point when you only get 50% of the content with the core game on day one.
over 12 years ago
ME3 has a perfectly reasonable and a good ending. I honestly can't understand people that whine all about it, it was all coming to this, you can't save everyone.
over 12 years ago
your biodroning is getting old dude
I enjoy the submit button.
over 12 years ago
This reminds me of the ending to Fallout 3 and the way the DLC was taken care of then.
over 12 years ago
Solution, boycott ME3. I did.
over 12 years ago
What's worse? Day one DLC, or knowingly throwing your money at Gabe Newell and Steam in general?
over 12 years ago
Your Day-1 DLC is NOT going to alter the ending
over 12 years ago
I do not have a problem with DLC per se, I think DLC can be a great things for games. That is if the DLC is used to contribute to the life of the game, like a mini expansion with a price to match. Of course when they have DLCs that give things that should have been in the game already...
over 12 years ago
"Nine out of thirteen runtimes are in agreement that EA is evil."
over 12 years ago
Only dlc for me3 I'm buying is the one that changes that god awful ending. Rest of the dlc can go die in a hole ^-^...and if they don't change it I'm going to have to hurt EA.
Fils De Pute
over 12 years ago
Kingdoms of Amalur was made by EA, right? I recognize the round interaction menus I saw in vids of Mass Effect & SWTOR.

Will buying it support DLC and bad business practice?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url]: Yip
over 12 years ago
so yeah evil geniuses
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@Dinsfire[/url] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url]: Yup.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url]: Yes
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url]: Yes. And so is Activision.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url]: Yes.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_123560]@DinsFire[/url] Yes.
over 12 years ago
Is it a general consensus that EA is evil?
Cannot be unseen
over 12 years ago
Mother of god... those clever bastards had it planned all along O.o