What people are saying about "Dawn of the Violent Gamer"
Dawn of the Violent Gamer
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 13 years ago
Someone apparently heard about the SCOTUS decision and decided to drive the folks who lost even more insane with rage. I approve.
over 13 years ago
Nyan hoovy
over 13 years ago
Too lazy to write an desc
over 13 years ago
btw all students didn't know they were in "experiment" and PAID for using computers as normally :P
over 13 years ago
you guys should know what korean news program did for so-called "experiment"....they just shutdown the power (with out noticing them or any. all of them were students -easy targetzz-, anyways) of cybercafe then someone cursed =_=;; and titled it "experiment on how video game makes people violent"
over 13 years ago
This is what media thinks a game can do to us.
Oh yeah
over 13 years ago
Even Yahtzee said in Zero Punctuation several times when going at a more absurdly violent one:

"All you need to do is picture relative, co-worker , boss into the enemies and you will delay your inevitable murder rampage againts society for about 1-2 months."
over 13 years ago
They make recluse guys filling their HD with 2D girls porn.
over 13 years ago
"Dawn of the Violent Gamer"

You forgot, "According to Modern News Groups"
over 13 years ago
I get it, the kid became a psychopath.
over 13 years ago
You accidentally a verb. I wanna some.
over 13 years ago
I wanna some games too!
over 13 years ago
There have been way better posts before. He doesn't even drop a few words this time...
Anne O'Neemus
over 13 years ago
It's funny because people actually think it's true.
over 13 years ago
@>_<: Didn't you know that Japan is full of perverts? They even need "women only" trains, because men can't keep their hands to themselves! And instead of FIXING the problem by arresting all those guys, they IGNORE the problem and use gender-separation.
over 13 years ago
Lol some gamers are viloent cause thwre is not enuough violence in games!Games are a good way to blow of some steam.Just getin into a fps,put on your headphones and start yelling "HAAAAAAAAAX" "GAAAAAAAAY"etc and you will feel waaay better.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67319]@Kstein[/url]: I just did a couple of hours ago. Though, I DO agree that Fatality 2 was "Oh SHIT, you don't see that kind of gore every day!"
over 13 years ago
And He Lived Happily Ever After.
over 13 years ago
Sooooo, you watched the Daily Show I presume........
Was that fatality 1 or 2?
over 13 years ago
@>_<: Those just make you a horny person.
over 13 years ago
oo, topical!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67269]@Zacsi[/url] You mad because it's true. Podemos também discutir em português, porém duvido que você faça algo sem a ajuda do google. Bet u can't read it.
over 13 years ago
Most gamers are NOT violent. There are a few extreme cases though. And violence existed way before games.
over 13 years ago
Violence entered my life long before video games so reverse might be closer to truth.
David (lol yea )
over 13 years ago
the history of my life :D
over 13 years ago
I accidentally some videogames,
but it's okay because I'm cool guy that doesn't afraid of anything.
over 13 years ago
When I see that I have to think about "Super Mario GTA" a very funny video on YouTube, where Mario and Luigi end up in Vice City.
No idea if it is allowed to post links but I just do it:
Or search for "Super Mario GTA Vice City" first hit.
over 13 years ago
Dialog should be "Wanna do some... Videogames?"
Or "Want some... video games?"

over 13 years ago
Amusingly, psychologists and neurologists agree now that violent video games DECREASE stress and make the person who plays them LESS LIKELY to commit violent crimes.

The media, however, still defaults to video games as the root cause for violent crime.

Food for thought.
over 13 years ago

Also republicans trying to placate them. I don't know why you defaulted to 'democrat', since traditional religion is generally associated with the right.
The Advocate against Bullshit
over 13 years ago
Ah, i do love it when you can just smell the shit coming out of the news. This is the most typical response for why a child will commit crimes. Reality is, it's usually only the method which a video game will imply, and underlying causes are usually what cause the rampage(Assholes all around)
over 13 years ago
@>_<: There are some streets in Tokyo you should never walk down....just saying from experience.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67200]@Mewt[/url]: You do know the person banning sale of video games to children was Democratic Senator Leland Yee of California, right?
over 13 years ago
Yes... I wanna some videogames.
over 13 years ago
we all know this is what happens when a child plays mario
over 13 years ago
Whose responsible this? I accidentally wanna the whole thing.
over 13 years ago
Oh look it's how Jack Thompson sees the world.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
I wonder if this is because the very first videogame I played was Duke Nukem.
over 13 years ago
Funny, Video games are now protected, but Comic books are not. Go figure.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67267]@Nine[/url]: Swing and miss. Thats not the target topic the comic is going for at all. Try harder next time young man, preferably with proper grammar.
over 13 years ago
Not really. Most gamers are pussies who can't do shit if they aren't hide at their rooms. Do you know that quiet geek guy from your school/work that nobody speaks too? He's a micspamer.
over 13 years ago
If violent games make one a violent person, then what about all these japanese hentai games?
over 13 years ago
@ Platypus: I had this comic (and the follow up) made a while ago, but with the Court ruling (innocent) I was afraid people would not get the joke so I waited it cool down a bit.
 Platypus
over 13 years ago
So you got wind of the hullabaloo over the USA's Supreme Court ruling that video games are protected speech eh? I will say this, thanks to the pressure the ESRB has a more detailed rating system then Hollywood made after similar pressure.
over 13 years ago
It's like my life only in 10 second, and i am not blonde
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67253]@failblog[/url]: mario is a hippie because he always kills using the power of the flowers!!!
The Dude Next Door
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67253]@failblog[/url] Yeah right, endlessly stomping goombas, kicking koopa into lava and shitload of bullets is TOTALLY NOT VIOLENT!!! >BD
over 13 years ago
hello everyone I am here by saying that this is a failed webcomic... and also mario games are not violent!!!! NOPE NOT VIOLENT AT ALLLLLLLL!
over 13 years ago
... well were sure lucky that video games are protected under the first amendment now arent we :P
over 13 years ago
it goes this way:

1) life screws kid over
2) kid plays game where screwed over kid sticks it to the man
3) kid gets fed up with people screwing them over
4) violence
over 13 years ago
personally i don't think the lawyers+politicians believe this is what happens. They just say they do so they can get more money/votes.

and if they do make a 40k MMO, i think the only way to do that would be to take a Dark Heresy style approach.
over 13 years ago
He isn't a violet gamer though.. he's simply a fireman rushing to an explosion/fire at the town's ketchup plant...and was asleep wearing his novelty Mario hat.

If he'd been wearing a Wario hat I'd think he'd be a ax murderer plowing through a street full of civilians, but since it's mario.....
nisti mikä nisti
over 13 years ago
You know, Christianist is a pretty useful shorthand for 'Christian Extremist'. Or even a generalized 'Religionist' would do nicely :P
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67236]@TheIdiotBox[/url] Obviously you've never heard of Tabletop gaming. Yes there is a distinction.
over 13 years ago
Hope you're aware that the website is registering the comic name as "Dawn of the Videogame Gamer"
I wasn't aware there were non-videogame gamers.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67223]@Citrovc4[/url]: Say no to violence in games Say yes to holy crusades in the name of your lord!
over 13 years ago
Just saying I am a christion and I love gaming and am fullt against the idea that games are causing violence in kids

shame I cant say the same for the extremists or zealots
over 13 years ago
While claiming that all Christians think this way is ridiculous, it's a sad truth that there are those (extremists) that do. Of course, this isn't restricted to Christianity, or any religion really.
over 13 years ago
This is how just about everyone sees us, and I seriously don't care anymore. I love my games, I love my entertainment.
over 13 years ago
@I see... Mount & Blade has mounted melee combat and sigh at how likely the comic accurately reflects some peoples' belief in what video games supposedly make people do.
over 13 years ago

I notice you didn't say Christian, you said Christianists. I don't know if you're crazy or a bad typist, I'm just going to go with the first one.

Yeah we really don't believe that even slightly.
over 13 years ago
Poor David Davidson
over 13 years ago
@@I see...
You know, Games workshop has run over tank shocks.
If you are mounted, and cant shoot them dead, you HAVE to go into melee.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67195]@Resstarr[/url]: Correction: This is what CHRISTIANISTS (and Democrats who are trying to placate to them) believe.
@I see...
over 13 years ago
DRIVE ME CLOSER! I want to hit them with my sword!

I hope 40k MMO will feature mounted melee combat.
over 13 years ago
Fox News was right! Videogames like Mario cause kids to kill and be violent.

over 13 years ago
This is what lawyers actually believe.
over 13 years ago
Oh dear lord.
Let the "I accidently..." jokes commence!

I never got to use an axe in any of the Mario + Driving games.
over 13 years ago
I wanna some. I really.
I see...
over 13 years ago
Having seen the thing say "No comments" the first time I checked made me realize exactly why people do the "FIRST!" thing.

Also, what. What game has mounted melee combat.
over 13 years ago
I accidentally some video games once.