What people are saying about "Japanese Gamer"
Japanese Gamer
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Sir dick butt
about 13 years ago
@the list of nerfs

You forgot the Ambassador, for a week it could headshot constantly.
over 13 years ago
It's so odd that sex is constantly restricted in the USA, but violence is okay. (In some contries, the situation is reversed.)

On another note, there is one Sniper nerf that significantly made them less powered: the loss of instant headshotting. The half-a-second delay wasn't always there.
over 13 years ago
Tomislav still does have instant spin up.
over 13 years ago
@Shanya Almafeta: You're not fooling anyone.
over 13 years ago
I remember when the Scout's FAN used to make the scout useful, instead of being actively worse than the default weapon in every single way.
over 13 years ago
"What is W-1?" - Suicide Pyros that charged headlong into any fight with mouse one pressed. No tactics, no skill, just a comparatively fast character that was hard to kill.
over 13 years ago
What is W-1?
over 13 years ago
"pyro is a W-I class? For some reason, I don't get it.
over 13 years ago
About the nerfs: When the game was released, a good Medic could ubercharge up to three people at the same time by switching heal targets quickly. - If you where defending Dustbowl and had a clan of four people on the enemy team every position was easily overrun by a single uber.
F2P addict
over 13 years ago
@Dead Herald: Then the American gamers aren't so different from Japanese gamers at all... except maybe on what they prefeer to violate <.<
over 13 years ago
rofl Japan
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67594]@Nap[/url]: if dr activates while taunting you do not go invisible anymore
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67594]@Nap[/url]: In all honesty, Dead Ringer is still pretty abusive. Assuming you aren't lit on fire, a good spy can feign death several times over and never get caught. Picking us several kills in the process. Now I am not a good spy, but even I've managed to get this trick to work on occasion.
over 13 years ago
About the nerfs. Natacha had it bad. She was by far the most OP weapon in game and stayed that way for awhile.
over 13 years ago
Commenting on the comment about nerfs.

You could also bring up the dead ringer, start taunt killing, and the ringer would trigger and not cancel taunting.
over 13 years ago
@Karma is "Karma" the name of a cop?
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
@F2P addict: Yes, a million times yes...
F2P addict
over 13 years ago
Does decapitation followed by teabagging counts as violation?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67578]@Bob[/url]: Err, saw it on Fox (News that is.) Also, he totally plays Animal Crossing.
over 13 years ago
True story, I say it on fox.

Also, I'm liking the variety of characters.
over 13 years ago
Violate... Violence... huh its like they were meant to be together.
Heavy is Spy
over 13 years ago
The Natasha would have been a better choice as an example for the heavy. Seeing as it's been around for so long and people still call it OP.
over 13 years ago
Karma gonna hit that violent gamer haaaard.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
@<name here>: ...Dalkohos Bar is crap, Hibernating Bear set is meh, although Warrior's spirit is ok and Fists of Steel are rather impractical. So there ya go.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
@<name here>: Because Tomislav is the first weapon the heavy has received that is "ZOMGOP!" Natascha was never really considered all that powerful. Sandvich was actually buffed, not nerfed. KGB is kind of situational, GRU let's heavy move faster but at the expense of punching damage...
<name here>
over 13 years ago
Can you really include the Tomislav when it was added in the patch that made TF2 free? I think it'd be slightly better if you had instead used the Natascha and how it used to have a perma-slow at any range.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67540]@Simeraz[/url] That's the point. Didn't the verbose condition of my post tip you off?
over 13 years ago
Someone is still mad about TF2... Get over it.
over 13 years ago
You know that's a joke right O_o
over 13 years ago
-Came from the land of the far east, The island of Japan and players of electronic games that came form non-japanese lands but still are interested in japanese culture, specifically, electronic games.
over 13 years ago
The genuine article or person or object in a phrase who is me, Edtome, is now suffering anger, resentment, displeasure, and affront to such a non-socially acceptable and foundationless/baseless caricature or parodie of players of electronic games that- Continued in next post-
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67529]@discrider[/url]: That was a very necessary nerf though. DH in that incarnation was massively broken.
Enigma Dragan
over 13 years ago
Apparently he never explored enough in GTA games where one can enjoy women...

Now I wanna see David at the Execution and how he'll react XD
over 13 years ago
The Sniper had plenty of minor nerfs to the way his rifle worked that made a major difference in higher level play. And the Huntsman used to hit people in the direction of the general continent they were standing on.
Sniper nerf
over 13 years ago
Why did you not include the Huntsman nerf :(
over 13 years ago
Also: Direct Hit. Used to minicrit on ALL airborne players. Kept on blasting people out of the air because they jumped, and was far more broken than the Buff Banner was.
Booze Zombie
over 13 years ago
She wanted his pole and got his (axe)head instead.
over 13 years ago
And then, after the body hits the floor, he squeezes a boob.
over 13 years ago

Nobody cares

over 13 years ago
Second screen totally tells she actually wants to be violated. >:)
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67441]@daexmachinus[/url] Natascha was not originally designed for countering other Heavies, it was designed for those fleeing cowards such as Scouts and Medics. But I do agree, the slowdown decrease at longer ranges makes it totally useless.
over 13 years ago
Fuck the bitches, don't kill.
over 13 years ago
"What [do] you think I play? Japanese games?"
Grammatical mistakes aside, the first thing that jumped to mind for this strip (and the previous) was 'Origins of the TF2 Pyro'.

Only problem with that theory, though, is Pyro's a bad-ass family man, not an axe-crazy nutcase.
over 13 years ago
The sniper rifle used to be able to instantly headshot after zooming and didn't have that delay after shooting.
Yo dawg i herd u liek
over 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes
now way dude, have you ever read the old ones? the old TF2 storys were sooo much sicker. ill still read this often, but i hope that one day hell go back to the characters and stories of the good ol TF2-story days.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67488]@Kintrex[/url] Yeah! And that giant turtle-dragon thing with inter-racial fetish!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67488]@Kintrex[/url] - Oh, the irony.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67464]@codyblues[/url]: Ok, everyone. Hands up if you remember how sickeningly OP the Equalizer was? Can't remember when they ever nerfed Ambassador though. Still my revolver of choice.
over 13 years ago
That chick in the comic is kinda weird. Who in their right mind walks up to someone and asks them to not to "violate" you.

She obviously wanted him.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
What, no mention of the great Natascha debate?
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67434]@Nixitur[/url]: 0.2 seconds spin up is pretty much instant, heh
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67434]@Nixitur[/url] That 70% made it near-instant spinup.
over 13 years ago
The Sydney Sleeper was nerfed from being able to shoot through multiple people
over 13 years ago
please note that violate does not alway refer to something sexual
over 13 years ago
yo this so gangsta
over 13 years ago
Also the tribalmens shiv was crazy OP.
over 13 years ago
You forgot the ambassador with its non stop head shot mini crits.

Also, the sanvich.

They nerfed the rocket launcher ammo to 20.

The equalizer was nerfed as well.

All the medical weapons(except the kritz)

The flare gun was buffed and nerfed so many times.
over 13 years ago
Im still waiting for the SC2 storyline that is overdue.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67444]@AnusShoes[/url]: You must be a new free player. Let me fill you in... This started out as a TF2 comic.
over 13 years ago
Ubersaw nerf was unnecessary. Bad Spies should be penalized like every other bad player, by becoming free uber. The better half of the nerf was disguised spies not giving medics free health and instant detection with the blutsauger.
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67444]@AnusShoes[/url]: There's only been 3 TF2 comics in the last 2 months. Jo's main game is TF2 and this comic was historically heavily focused on TF2. You're talking out of your ass.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67444]@AnusShoes[/url]: Cry some more!
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67434]@Nixitur[/url]: Tomislav still spins up way faster than Sasha. And it still has no spin noise which means Heavy can ambush better than he used to.
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
Maybe you guys don't get that this strip was born as a TF2 comic strip. And later it turned into a general videogames-inspired comic strip: for the bettet, if I may add
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67444]@AnusShoes[/url] You ain't the only one dude.
over 13 years ago
Am I the only one who doesn't give a flying f*** about TF2? I don't mind TF2 comics when they're funny, but this is turning into a one-note "hey lookit my replays" and "this or that is OP" comic.
over 13 years ago
As far as I know, the nerf for the Heavy was in the Natascha. It used to be slowdown but lower damage but also raising spin-up time? Now Natascha heavies have no chance against Minigun/Brass Beast/Tomislav Heavies.
over 13 years ago
As far as I know, the Tomislav didn't have instant spin-up. It was just 70% faster than the minigun. Unless Valve dun goofed and instead made it instant when it said "70% faster".
Ze Spy
over 13 years ago
About the boothat, I think Valve is reading nerfnow.
I mean, Joe is also behind one weapon for the engineer if I remember well.
over 13 years ago
Oh, definitely.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
I'm not sure what I should be more concerned about. Jo's comics getting more violent or people claiming headless corpses.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67419]@solid[/url]: SR was always shite though.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
THAT AXE IS AN "Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemanns Headtaker"!!!
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
Tomislav got nerfed. Funny.
over 13 years ago
Way to get the demo nerfs completely wrong, bro. It was the Sco. Res. that had the early detonations, not the sticky launcher, and you forgot the biggest nerf, the fact that the sticky launcher didn't use to have falloff damage.
over 13 years ago
His list left out the Natasha nerfs and how the FaN was nerfed to hell, their both alright now but they used to be godly. He also made me realize how all the new weps the sniper got (other than jarate) have been mostly useless, hopefully that changes when i get my hands on the new uber update rifle.
over 13 years ago
Why did she WALK UP to the guy with a fire axe?
over 13 years ago
Speaking of Japanese, this comic totally gave me a School Days vibe.
over 13 years ago
The same update that gave the backburner its +25 hp buff (the one it was introduced in) also made it do 100% damage along its entire range. So just getting brushed with it was like being caught right in front of the nozzle.
over 13 years ago
Looks like Jo totally called the boot hat from comic #534:
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
It's bad that i saw Demonpan and first thought: Demon panties.
over 13 years ago
I am disappointed that nerf list didn't mention flamethrower damage nerfs (and thus affected backburner) first they reintroduced damage falloff and then the update 118.
over 13 years ago
"US gamers are smelly nerds"¿¿¿ Really¿! I'm glad I'm an FR gamer.
over 13 years ago
she said that because us gamers are smelly nerds she doesn't want to have sex with.
over 13 years ago
First for first.