What people are saying about "Forest Fire"
Forest Fire
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 13 years ago
I had no idea how to approach this breofe—now I’m locked and loaded.
Last Guy
about 13 years ago
At last
about 13 years ago
You must take you're sorry ass back to hell!
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66407]@Doawar[/url]: actually WoW is alot better since Cata came out, definetly an improvement over WOTLK
about 13 years ago
Red XIII used Firaga!
about 13 years ago
Fire cat actually looks very cool.
It'd tempt me to play wow again, if blizzard could devote that time to item more item sets doing cool feral forms animations. And hadn't fucked the talent trees in cata, and the game wasn't a FOTM shitfest now.
So it's not really tempting but it does look cool.
about 13 years ago
another item no one but the most disgusting and pathetic catassers will even see
about 13 years ago
Burn furries with furries!
Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
@Fiery Hunter: The only flaming hunters are Blood Elf Males.

Ba-dum tish.
Fiery Hunter
about 13 years ago
You know, when you look at the stats the staff gives, it could just as likely fall into the hands of a Hunter.

So my question is this: Do hunters get to be flambe'd like this if we get the staff? Or do we simply become "flaming"?
Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66349]@VinLAURiA[/url]: Brawl in the Family is one step above your basic shitty sprite comic.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66353]@AckAckAck[/url]: Notice the two comics are one after another. It's not laziness, it's one joke leading into another.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66349]@VinLAURiA[/url] Smokey the bear joke have been around longer than Brawl and NerfNow. And this is WoW related, and not Nintendo character related, and Brawl comic is simply lazy for recycling a joke twice. What are you going to do? angry with every comics/jokes that involving Smoky the bear?
about 13 years ago
Didn't Brawl in the Family already do this joke twice?

about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66342]@Hikage[/url] Nah, there's about a million other things I'd rather spend money on.
about 13 years ago
For the few of you that dont get the joke, its a WoW reference.
If you don't play wow
"Go buy world of warcraft, install it on your computer and join the online sensation before we all murder you"
pan face
about 13 years ago
so this is funny?
Silver Lining
about 13 years ago
Look on the bright side: now when you murder someone, you can incinerate the evidence in the process! No waiting!
about 13 years ago
Entertain until is out? Now that is a bold commentary. =D
Elia Moroes
about 13 years ago
I'll never roll a druid. Never. I don't want to be a pussy ...
AH AH AH! Did you get it! Pussy = Druid cat form! AH AH AH AH!
... I need consueling
about 13 years ago
"Only you could have prevented forest fires."
about 13 years ago
I don't get it.
about 13 years ago
Square Enix should remake Final Fantasy 7, not just in 1080p, but also update the textures and environments

If they don't make any huge changes to the game (other than graphical changes), it may actually sell pretty good with those who loved the original game and wanted to see it remade
about 13 years ago
Wait, druids have duties to protect nature?

I thought their only role was to be totally AWESOME.
about 13 years ago
@5th guy: u mean 6th
5th guy
about 13 years ago
umm 5th
That guy
about 13 years ago
fourth guy
about 13 years ago
3rd guy
about 13 years ago
Second Guy
about 13 years ago
First Guy
about 13 years ago