What people are saying about "Cycle of Life"
Cycle of Life
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Avery Hall
almost 13 years ago
Do you feel that Syria spying on dissidents?
Ella Thomas
almost 13 years ago
Bad news - Syria's 'mutilation mystery' increases...
about 13 years ago
I actually quite enjoyed duke forever.
over 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes: I'm 17 and I know who Duke Nukem is.
over 13 years ago
Ok, I apologise for my post. I'm overreacting. Sorry.
over 13 years ago
You're complaining about sixty dollars! It's much fairer over here in Australia! We get to only pay one hundred and ten dollars for a new title! You clearly derserve the right to complain!
over 13 years ago
Not funny
over 13 years ago
tsun tsu-

Dammit someone beat me to it!
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66295]@reeedy[/url]: I'm not haughty. I'm just a little tired of getting shit on by Europeans who expect me to apologize for being an American. Here's something you might not know about Americans, we get just as pissed when our govt does stupid shit as you do.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66113]@Scout[/url]: Yes, and they just threw that Borealis easter egg in Portal 2 just for shits and giggles; they're not really going to release the game they've been working on for years that would make them hundreds of millions of dollars. They just decided to scrap the most beloved video game series ever.
over 13 years ago
@Dead Herald: In europe, no one is bitter about not being american. Just don't be so haughty. [url=#user_comment_66282] @Williamgood[/url]: Where the hell you pay 100 dollar for a game? Usually i pay 40-45€ for a game in the store. On amazon often cheaper.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66282]@Williamgood[/url]: Sounds like you're bitter about not being an a American.
over 13 years ago
who's stupid enough to buy it 60$?

bought it new 34$ on amazon (brand new)
over 13 years ago
Hmm your expecting a 60 dollar game to be a AAA game?... sigh.. You can pay for 100 dollars for it in europe hows that sound?
over 13 years ago
Dreamstate what people expected was an option to play the old duke, no option to play the old duke was given.
people rage.
The game was riding on nostalgia but turn into a Duke version of Duty Calls and that game was already made twice.
over 13 years ago
All my brothers and friends who played D3d and have waited with me for D4 all agree, good game marred by the health and 2-weapon system.
Two weapons just adds an ammo scarcity no one wanted (99-shot RPG now a 5-shot PoS?), and ego is crap. Need a patch or mod to fix those and it's gold.
Jaded Cynic
over 13 years ago
"I still plan to play it someday, but I waited 12 years, I can hold for a couple more."

I will, too - but after the 'Finally patched the bugs paying Gamma Testers found' - er, I mean 'G.o.t.Y. Edition' comes out.

I wouldn't pay release price on even a AAA title - didn't for Fallout 3, etc...
over 13 years ago
Final word? DNF is great. Either play it and have fun, or blow it out your ass.
over 13 years ago
Also having played DNF from start to finish I'd say it's not something I'd pay full price for, god no, given it has no replay value except possibly MP, and is pretty dumb, but it's by no means bad whatsoever, and the graphics actually ARE really good, considering it's using Unreal 2.5 engine.
over 13 years ago
Funny thing is, pretty much every review of DNF was grossly unfair. People expected far too much of it. It's Duke Nukem. What the hell did you expect from it? I went into it expecting a fun, irreverent, stupid FPS romp with really well done gameplay, and I got more than what I asked for.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66152]@Bravetriforcer[/url]: THIS. I couldn't believe the game would actually be released if it was as bad as reviews made it seem. And it's not. It's not a great game by far, but it's still GOOD. Of course, this would be the one game that everyone would judge on an "all or nothing" scale.
over 13 years ago
She reminds me of an Ace Attorney witness in this comic :V
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
id still hit that
over 13 years ago
That tsundere was surprisingly well drawn
over 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes:
>too young

Wat. I'm 21 and I've known duke for a long time. I played Duke Nukem 1 through 3 when I was 6.

Get Edumacated.
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
I've took Alice: Madness returns. I'm hoping I've achieved the best pick
Also, I don't know anything about this "Duke Nukem". I'm just too young (20)
over 13 years ago
Duke also needs more enemies to kick ass.Even on hard the game is quite easy, not sure about console version,but for a PC gamer its a disappointment.

p.s. no music(sometimes),2 weapon limit and duke using buttstock to melee monsters rather than to kick them in the face with a boot is NOT AWESOME
over 13 years ago
Well, I know what I'm playing. Screw the negative reviews, I've been waiting too long just to hear that it's shit.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66200]@Ben[/url]: No one really finds Valve Time to be cute anymore, not even Valve. Well, maybe this guy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VRZOf8sU9s
over 13 years ago
PS : Has someone noticed Engie has no nose at the 2nd panel?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66196]@Sanguis[/url] : Same here , in Argentina , but only for consoles. In PC , games are not too expensive , close to 30-40$ , but on consoles , they're close to a 100. And it makes having a non-chipped console really just for rich people , or people that buy 1 every 2-3 months.
over 13 years ago
@What?: Juveline == Juvenile, I'm guessing.
over 13 years ago
Half Life Episode Three had a booth at E3. But no one seemed to care to comment... darn PC game haters.
over 13 years ago
I never had any intention of playing it anyway, he's a stale flat anachronism that takes the homour in bad taste several steps too far into a realm that's genuinely uncomfortable.
over 13 years ago
i actually me a member of valve an pointed out that duke nukem was coming out and how there was no sight of eps 3, he was not amused
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66173]@Podiatrist[/url]: That would be awesome. There's a shortage of long, satisfying games. If the game is shorter then 20+ hours, then its too short. But hey, that's just me.
over 13 years ago
i never have much pity for people who have to pay $60 for a game.

i live in australia and we get no games released that are below $100 and we are lucky to get them around the same time as everyone else
over 13 years ago
You know what sequel to a game that relies on crude humor would be worth $60?
Conker's Other Bad Day.
over 13 years ago
$60 who the heck pays retail these days? I bought DNF for $30 through Green Man Gaming.
over 13 years ago
That's not what happened with the Mother series.
But yeah, DNF waited too long to be released.

Also, dat begging.
poor and russian
over 13 years ago
in soviet russia DN have same voice actor as Shreck

+he has no balls of steel (edition)
over 13 years ago
For me the problem with DNF was they shoehorned modern mechanics in it but stopped half way. So the 2 weapon limit made using all the fun weapons impractical (since they only worked for a few shots). Plus the regenerating health just feels wrong.
over 13 years ago
The problem with DNF isn't the style, it's the gameplay. Nobody cared that the graphics were bad. Nobody cared that Duke was ripped straight from the 90s (in fact that's what most wanted), the problem was the game has all the style of a 90s game, but the gameplay of a generic 2009 shooter.
over 13 years ago
DNF has it's fun moments, but even I was disappointed in the result.

I got the impression that Gearbox was only tasked to finish the game 3DRealms has started.

But I believe 3DRealms actually killed it by waiting for, like, twelve years and numerous engine changes. Duke never got to evolve.
over 13 years ago
Biggest complain so far I've heard is that it lacks polish and they glued in a bunch of random stuff that doesn't work.

Lacks new cool weapons, too linear, clunky driving.
Plus the weird regenerating ego shield and 2 weapon limit.
Should have polished that more, but hey! better now than never.
over 13 years ago
A franchise's worst enemy are its fans.
over 13 years ago
@ garble
Thing is i don't even wanna pirate this turd.
Will get it in a few months for $5.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66124]@owie[/url], Yeah, there are rumors (even from Valve themselves) that Ep3 was canned. In favor of the return of longer games (so, Half Life 3 instead of Episode 3).
over 13 years ago
An movie, eh? You're an hero!
over 13 years ago
Lastly, trying to establish a pattern and qualification system based on one previous data point is such a fallacy I can't even go into it.

¬The Duke

PS. Bigger character limit, please. It's hard to properly "TrollNOW!!" with only 300 characters.
over 13 years ago
Still what you *shouldn't* be saying is that it's "not a duke game" because the *single game* (and expansion) you're referencing broke the mold from its own two predecessors in so, so many ways.
over 13 years ago
only carrying two weapons is pretty lame, with no real reason behind it other than "well that's what everyone else is doing", and that's a pretty shitty reason; and not being able to literally kick ass (read, invoke the powers of my Mighty Boot™, pat. pending]) is a let down on so many levels.
over 13 years ago
Hell, there weren't even any aliens in the 3-episode first game! I was fighting only the robots of the evil Dr. Proton (I *did* get back in time to watch Oprah, by the way).

I have plenty of problems with the game myself:
over 13 years ago
There weren't any half or fully naked women in the first two games, just a lot of ass-kicking by yours truly in the fashion of the 80's action starts, cheesy lines and all (though few and far between; God love old games where the main character didn't prattle on for half an hour).
over 13 years ago
I like how everyone talks about the my game*s* being so great, and is really only talking about 3D.

I had two other games you know, you people who like to go on about how this is 'isn't a Duke Game'. You've probably never even seen them, much less played them.
Sora Yuy
over 13 years ago
I'm suddenly reminded of the "Herlihy Boy" skit from Saturday Night Live...
over 13 years ago
if you don't think a game is worth the asking price, pirate it and send a check to the developer for however much you think it is worth. That's what I do. Except for with Portal 2. Wasn't worth 60 USD, but god damn, that dialog.
over 13 years ago
Well it´s pretty cheap on http://www.g2play.net/store/Duke-Nukem-Forever-Steam-Key.html
over 13 years ago
no, her boobs just grow.
over 13 years ago
By the way, the tie changes in proportion between the panels.
over 13 years ago
Hey, at least Valve is consistent with their time.
over 13 years ago
Also, if you criticize a Duke Nukem game for being juvenile, you really shouldn't be playing Duke Nukem.
over 13 years ago
This is the bullshit that I hate with DNF. Some of you fucking begged for it he game to come out, no matter how good. It came out. How is it? So far for me, pretty damn good. Not as great as it could have been, but pretty fun. But no, you shit on it because it isn't exactly as you dreamt of it.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
HL3 Will Come....Valve Time.....
over 13 years ago
Man, all this ragging on DNF makes me sad. It's good but people would much rather keep their high expectations on a game that I honestly gave up on. People really should have adjusted their expectations and knew it wouldn't be what they want.
over 13 years ago
Should've pre-ordered. It was slightly cheaper if you bought it before the release. But I agree that $60 for the PS3 and 360 versions is a bit much. For me, I'd be willing to pay $50 for the game if I had either of those systems. But I own a PC, which is cheaper. But I bought the BoS edition...
over 13 years ago
60 bucks isnt bad in my point of veiw, but thats because im in australia and they want 110 for it.
over 13 years ago
Read that HL Ep 3 got canned o.O
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
$60 bucks? I've seen it on Steam for..

...oh, wait. Console.

That seems... counter-productive.
over 13 years ago
I played it...I swear...after you saw the end you want to shit the developers in their heads, cut them off and ram them in their asses...
over 13 years ago
why even draw the game box? all you have to do is pose engine-tan around, and have her say adorable things.
over 13 years ago
People are still expecting HL3 to come out?
over 13 years ago
Why wait? You can pirate it today and buy it when it hits the bargain bin a year or two later.