What people are saying about "Friendly Battle"
Friendly Battle
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6 months ago
Anne-Marie is right
6 months ago
Of course she would try to thotify and profit off that altercation.
6 months ago
it's co-op only, i don't know how it's getting this far
6 months ago
Why does everyone think that being a good game is going to force Pokemon to get better, they're rushing their games out so the anime, cards and toys all make them the real money, Palworld would have to start doing well in all 3 of those categories before the Pokemon company takes any notice
6 months ago
I'm a bit too cynical for that, honestly. If companies see Palworld do well, they'll imitate it in the worse, laziest way and it's gonna suck.
6 months ago
@Freezer One of the games is a RPG, the other game is a Sandbox Survival Game. Genre is completely different. Worlds are completely different. Game mechanics are mostly different. The only thing is the monsters in both games have some similarity.
6 months ago
To be honest, I look at Grizzbolt and do not see Pikachu. I see a yellow Totoro that can use a gun.
6 months ago
So Palworld is to Pokémon what Stardew Valley is to Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons? Am I reading this correctly.
6 months ago
The real threat is that companies like Microsoft or Ubisoft sees the runaway success and goes like: "Imagine if it had our AAA or... AAAA polish?" And then makes some giant thing that does in fact compete.

Or they could screw up and make it about the Rabbids. Everyone loves those. Right..? ^_^;;
6 months ago
It's like saying Arc: Survival Evolved is a Pokemon game.
They're different genres. I'm utterly confused by this 'drama'.