What people are saying about "Not-Pokemon-World"
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Rafael Oliveira Portillo
6 months ago
Jo, you're Brazilian! Did you know how Palword became a meme here in Brazil?

Everyone talk about big Pal, small Pal, Pal Fluid, etc...
Danni Luxgarbe
6 months ago
@nextgener the only point I disagree on is that the 'copy' accusations are not that "It's a creature collector game..." it's that at least one of the "pals" look like they took a Galarian Meowth model, ripped the texture, cut out the eyes and mouth, then slapped it on a model they built themselves.
Ho-Hyong Yoo
6 months ago
I am opposed to Palword because It is funded by a shady ass crypto company and it is genuinely trolling for attention
6 months ago
I'm going to stick with my old school favorite. The not Pokemon clone Monster Rancher.
6 months ago
its even more fun in portuguese, where pal basically sounds like dick
6 months ago
The gameplay looks nothing like Pokemon, more like a "Word War Pikachu" parody of it, judging from the screenshots / videos.

But the design if specific monsters is particularly reminiscent of some first-generation pokemon.

Leaves me a bit split on whether that counts as a ripoff.
6 months ago
I don't really respect the Pokemon company enough to get bad that this blatant copying is happening to them, but also, from what I hear the Palworld people are pretty skeevy too. Like, lots of AI stuff, NFTs, Terms & Conditions that give them access to your data and streamed footage...
6 months ago
3 problem's
1. It really is nothing like pokemon.
2. There are a dozen creature collector game's that are more like pokemon and don't get half this level of flak.
3. It's a pretty standard open world survival game. Not really interesting, but will be interesting to see if anyone care's long term.
6 months ago
Apparently their community manager and the company itself is getting a crap ton of death threats from angry Tendies
6 months ago
I've watched some of Pal being played. It doesn't remind me of Pokémon. The monsters you catch basically get enslaved and you can have them automate your base. Not only can a few monsters fight for you, but you fight as well. With guns. And guns are better than monsters.