What people are saying about "Even On Death I still Suffer"
Even On Death I still Suffer
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over 4 years ago
@Andy Willow

I just built my first Imperial Fists list and it only cost me like $400 for a very competitive army. Very good Space Marine armies are really easy to build right now, especially with IF or IH.
over 4 years ago
The Primaris Dread has nothing on the Leviathan though which has a regular Astartes inside. Guess the guy in the comic is just a newfag. Do you even founding legion?
over 4 years ago
@Andy Willow

Nope, 'cus when I bought my models 15 years ago I didn't need to rebuy them every 6 months. I still use them today.
over 4 years ago
People complain about Mobile gaming, but Warhammer 40K is the original "If you want a good army, take out a loan against your house!" game.
over 4 years ago
Fun fact: While the standard Space Marine Dread can preserve the entombed pilot for millennia, the Primaris model is deadly to the pilot and will kill them within a century.
over 4 years ago
Normally I’d think of something but no.. there is no rubicon to cross for this one. Sorry about that mr regular dreadnought.
over 4 years ago
Again, after ten millenia, Cawl made some improvement on the STC and Emperah's designs (which in itself is impressive). So more stuff = bigger = better (in 40k at least).