Also, close quarters. "Silent ambush" aside, in a swords and daggers setting the dagger can be genuinely at an advantage in a narrow alley,that lacks space for proper sword handling.
@a_ss Modern combat knives are at least in part still in use, because they are also a useful tooling the field. If watching weapons YouTube videos (yes, I know...) taught me anything, it's that weapons first of all must be CARRIED, so they need to justify their weight and volume.
Dagger is at a disadvantage because of the range but basically you will rarely not die to the dagger wielder, because you'll likely fail to stop them from killing you after you score blow.
I wouldn’t say the only medieval weapon if you allow modern knives to be in the same category of medieval ones then you gotta accept that we still use clubs and bows. Even more if you consider tribal people who still uses the same weapons they used hundreds of years ago.
Wrong! Knife is versatile. You can lengthen the blade to make it a sword, or the handle to make it a spear.
And Knife is the only medieval weapon still used today.
Oracle of Space
10 months ago
As a weapon, a knife is practically never the best choice. It is, however, often the one you are stuck with when you need a weapon.
One thing to keep in mind is the distinction between a utility knife and a dagger. A benefit to a proper dagger is the ability to slip through the chinks in armor-best way to take out someone wearing full plate mail, arguably.
knives can also be thrown. Not very effective as a ranged weapon, but it helps a little. Closing into effective range with a knife is dangerous, but if you can manage it anyone with a large weapon will panic as you are within their reach and they can't effectively use their weapon. C-Tier IMO.