What people are saying about "8th Edition"
8th Edition
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about 7 years ago
They wouldn't send the Space Marines but they would send the.......Space Marine Smurfs.
over 7 years ago
They wouldn't send the Space Marines but they would send the.......INQUISITION! HERETIC!
over 7 years ago
The new guard for Games Workshop has been pretty cool as of late. Hell, they have even been listening and play testing with the tournament people to develop 8th edition, which would have been unheard of for the old guard. If anything, they are happy people are getting the word out.
over 7 years ago
I'm not sure New Games Workshop cares about web comics that much, seeing as the new 40k website has art from the comic artist behind Eagle Ordinary.
over 7 years ago
Of course it is an Ultramarine that comes with the order... Emperor's loyal pets as they are.
over 7 years ago
I couldn't give less of a shit about the tabletop stuff, but the video games are pretty fun.
over 7 years ago
They sehm wilhing tuh uhse muhlteple simuhltaniuhs deehp strihkes.
(The best meme)
over 7 years ago
@Adam Dunn: Everything is heresy!
over 7 years ago
Using "Isn't keen", would say "They are not enthusiastic about suing -", Which may or may not be your point but from what I read and based on the comic, it seems against your point.
over 7 years ago
Did I hear HERESY?!
over 7 years ago
Hey look - Lawyermus Prime!
over 7 years ago
@Matusalem Jr
Oh, and this series is dubbed 'The Gathering Storm' so we will see a lot more action and lore rape.
over 7 years ago
Games Workshop can eat a dick. They're coasting on sales new tweens, old guard nostalgia w/ money, and just rearranging the deck chairs. They constantly mismanage their own IP in ways that damages them in the digital space. The only reason they're still around is lack of viable competition.
over 7 years ago
Small note about "stories advancing" the origional world of darkness ended with its "End Times" event. And normal(non-40k) WarHammer had its end as well.
over 7 years ago
The plot is moving forward.
As of this year, in a span of 3 small books:
-Cadia got rekt, the Eye of Terror is spilling into the Materium
-The Eldars and Dark Eldars worked together to create a new eldar God of Death
-Papa Smurf finished his 10k year long nap and is heading to Terra.
over 7 years ago
> The far future been grimdark for ages and yet no in-game empire fell.

The Old Ones, Necrons, and Eldar had empires which fell during backstory events. The squats didn't exactly fall; they were just retconned out of existence.

Also, those pauldrons are far too small. NOT Chapter Approved.