What people are saying about "Workplace"
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over 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira Ok, fine, keeping the towel up is the best way to stay covered up until WE leave lol
over 8 years ago
@ProfNekko: Yeah, like how when two characters in a TV show get married their actors/actresses are automatically married in real life.

over 8 years ago
Ok, seriously, how much money do you get for promoting the hell out of that game?
over 8 years ago
wait what's gonna happen if the PC romances Angie? Is she gonna wind up married behind everyone's back?
over 8 years ago
The only person I know interested in e-sports really looks down on Dota like games, so these are the ones I know least about.
But it's true that Star Craft 2 matches are interesting, even I watched a few and thought them interesting. Just got no time for that playing Disgaea.
over 8 years ago
@Kenpachi RAMASAMA: It's not a very 'minor' NPC either; Sure, it's one of 10 romance options, but it's still a romance option with some bits of story and so on.
It's less 'Extra' and more 'Supporting Cast', essentially.
over 8 years ago
Pro Starcraft II can be very fun to watch, as long as you don't mind the casters spending the first 3/4 of every game ignoring what's going on so they can talk about random crap instead.
over 8 years ago
The beauty of mods: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/mod-portraits-like-anime-style.107707/

Stardew Valley mod community is bolstering. If you are looking for some extra life, i highly recommend looking into it(although everything is still super early alpha and changing constantly).
over 8 years ago
You've got it backwards Jo, NPCs are the cushy job. All you got to do is memorize like 4 lines of dialogue and look busy when the PC is looking at you. Minor enemies are basically paid to DIE.
over 8 years ago
@Ellis Warner: They are all girls, there is no big deal in seeing each other naked.
over 8 years ago
@Richard Struijk: I'm glad I don't suck!! :D
over 8 years ago
@GabeZhul She's not naked, she's in a towel/blanket. And in order to get dressed, she'd have to drop the towel and actually BE naked while Angie is there (who totally sneaked into their room unannounced, by the way). So keeping the towel is the best way to stay covered up until Angie leaves.
Richard Struijk
over 8 years ago
@ José Pereira: I don't know if you know, but you fight in the XCOM 2 games of ChristopherOdd. You are nicknamed "the painter".
For the first in-game action of you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uTGcZAo-sw
over 8 years ago
I hate to bring this up again, but once more Morgan is conspicuously hiding behind the fourth wall (plus a pillow again in the small picture.) So... Is she *STILL* naked?! And I can get why Jane would be okay with that, but why doesn't Angie say anything?!
over 8 years ago
-while smite's recall system is more flexible, skill usage isn't as punishable as dota but still less forgiving than let's say league while the build variations make the games interesting. The thing HOTS has that I dislike is matchmaking. Screws you over as team comp can be random :/
over 8 years ago
Not trying to say any of these are better than DOTA2, but have you considered watching/playing Heroes of the Storm or Smite? I find them both faster paced than DOTA due to Blizzard's game not needing to farm for items since you only build talents by leveling which encourages all to farm and TF-
over 8 years ago
To me, the best e-sports to watch is Fighting Games, I mean, look at this.


over 8 years ago
Make a mod to change Maru with Angie, IT'S AND ORDER
over 8 years ago
hey, have you tried watching a csgo match yet? its a simple concept of clicking heads but it can be so much fun to watch and play.
over 8 years ago
Angie can't be Maru because Maru is super ugly and Angie is cute. I could see her as Robin though. Or Penny.
over 8 years ago
so you're telling me Engie is marriable in Stardew Valley?
over 8 years ago
When it comes down to watching entertaining esport , nothing comes even close to SC2. That game is great to watch , especially TvZ and I am a Toss player.
over 8 years ago
Angie is on Rimworld too, right? Sometimes when randomizing the characters I get a "Angie" which always has a engineer background.
over 8 years ago
I'm really digging Jane's Ripley-style undies.
over 8 years ago
YAY! Angie's back! =)
over 8 years ago
Because there is 5 times less players in sc match, there is 5 times less problems with it. And in sc it's usually all right to lose your harassing group, when in DoTa it's feeding.
over 8 years ago
Angie is so cute like this~