What people are saying about "Sick Burn"
Sick Burn
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over 8 years ago
I know the pain of timed movie releases.
over 8 years ago
But if they work in games, literally inside them, then can't they use the money they get when playing the games to pay the rent?
over 8 years ago
@Ian Urion: i would imagine it would be a long boring journey to actually make a profit in Entropia Universe, even $10 would probably take a few days worth of grinding. (ratio of 10/1 "PED" to USD)
over 8 years ago
As another BR, I feel ya. I want to watch Zootopia too. So I have to stay away from people TALKING about it already. God damn it Disney, WORLDWIDE RELEASE DATE IS A THING Y'KNOW.
over 8 years ago
Kelso would be proud, Angie. Maybe Pyro, too.
over 8 years ago
She should be playing Entropia Universe, she could make actual money that way.
over 8 years ago
@EnragedFilia: They're still at the staring at dat ass phase and 34ing it.
over 8 years ago
Yup. Title is legit.
over 8 years ago
I feel ya on the Zootopia thing, Jo. BR Bros gotta stick together.
over 8 years ago
Man, I must be a few months behind the meta here, I thought everyone was supposed to complain about Tracer.
over 8 years ago
(well, not too many, really, since there are a lot of dating simulators to compete with, but still it can be worth the effort).
over 8 years ago
And programming will be easy – I guess to make a visual novel is easier than a tick-tac-toe, if there already are VN “engines”, so you have only to drag-n-drop pictures and copypaste the text. You alone can make such game and get a lot of money and get rich as Gaben
over 8 years ago
Jo, how about you make a visual novel or dating simulator with those girls? The most important work is art, but since you are an artist - you can handle that. Story and humor are also important but you are ok with that too. Anyway, you can ask someone to help, if it will be too hard. And programming
over 8 years ago
Complain about Mei? Mei is adorable and amazing! If anything, I hate the flying rocket chick. She is OP as hell. Course my only experience is the free weekend a few months back when I got in like twelve ours of matches and trying different chracters.