What people are saying about "Life and Hometown"
Life and Hometown
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over 8 years ago
I have to agree with the girls here; not so much out of equality and respect, more because I can get all the porn I need from the rest of the internet; give me QUALITY games, damnit!
over 8 years ago
@Pinky: Because if I have zero interest in naked chicks, I'll still laugh at the joke. But if it's only about naked chicks, then it takes a specific audience.
over 8 years ago
That red swimming suit doesn't look comfortable.
over 8 years ago
Out of interest, anyone know which particular game they're referring to here?

'super-fanservicey anime game for the vita' could count for quite a few different games... ;)

Edit: Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus probably from googling the strip title :P /facepalm
over 8 years ago
So there are other games on PS Vita games than Disgaea 4? Why? It seems so pointless.
over 8 years ago
@Mud Mud What I'm trying to say is that...you know what, I'm not entirely sure about what I'm saying.
over 8 years ago
Less is not always more.
over 8 years ago
@NIcolas Aponte: So you're saying there's no room between wholesome content and straight-up porn? Because that's silly. We can enjoy sexiness without needing to wank it at the same time. Is it so strange to want content that scratches multiple itches at once?
over 8 years ago
@Pinky Because we already have media made to titillate its audience. It's called porn. And the thing is, most of us have access to magic boxes which grant access to a shit-ton of free porn if we know where to look.
over 8 years ago
Honestly I can't really see Anne-Marie-chan getting into this argument considering she used to show an awful lot of skin in her old Twitch days...
over 8 years ago
@Filippo Rodeo: So you are saying that to titillate me is not a valid purpose, but to make you laugh is?

Because why exactly?
over 8 years ago
@Emissary Of Infinity: really? who did she belong to?
over 8 years ago
Incidentally, here's how you do fanservice - in this comic, it serves a purpose, since it's the bottom line of the joke.
over 8 years ago
@Ein Mugen Tenshin: The typical defense: "but it's for the WOMEN so they express themselves!!" card. Sure, I'm certain a million women in the world who LOVE IT when a fictional female character is all about her tits and ass. IT'S FOR THEM.
over 8 years ago
Hey Jo, i had an idea for a guest strip I'd like to draw for nerfNOW, should i send a note to you on deviantArt about my idea?
over 8 years ago
@Ein Mugen Tenshin: The problem comes when it becomes 100% fanservice and no plot and yet they still try to pass it as something legit. There's a place for all things.
over 8 years ago
The other Engineer girl wasn't Jo's character, so he didn't want to keep using her.
over 8 years ago
I wonder what happened to second engineer-girl. She was in quite much strips and Agnie was pretty close with her.
over 8 years ago
@Musculus: D:
over 8 years ago
.....well here we go again (also is it bad if i think this artstyle is better? soz Jo)
over 8 years ago
Got no problem with fan-service, and people who do these days should perhaps consider hitting an anti-sensitivity course. We live in year 2016 where women are free to wear what they want and artists are free to portray their characters however they like.
over 8 years ago
I like Jo more, this strip has a early CAD style to it that I don't like.

Also engie had a boob implant? Only way to explain weird nipple placement.
over 8 years ago
Sigh,here we go again
over 8 years ago
Let's just fucking fire Jo and get those guys instead
over 8 years ago
Second! (just to puzzle people)