What people are saying about "Beach Episode"
Beach Episode
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almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
"I'm not going to actually post anything like that, i'm just going to use the fact that you all remember I used to make it to tease you and make you hope the good stuff is hiding on patreon"
almost 9 years ago
So, who's gonna take over the comic now that Jo is going to get murdered for skipping the Beach Episode?
almost 9 years ago
@greenhooves: He's too busy masturbating to the Beach Episode that HE GOT TO WATCH, THE FUCKER!!!
almost 9 years ago
Oh, you bugger.
almost 9 years ago
@RedSnoipah: More importantly, can we get details on what happened on the beach?
almost 9 years ago
Can we get some heterosexuality?

Or has Jo been playing too much Undermeme?
almost 9 years ago
@Luke McKinney: Ye, probably got them swapped, though Angie seem to be pretty relaxed too. Also Marie's left arm should probably have been behind her back instead.
almost 9 years ago
Morgan with an eyepatch on?! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!.....YES! YES! YES!!
almost 9 years ago
Cute how after all their posing/horror at fanservice, it's Anne-Marie who's embarrassed and Angie who's relaxed.
almost 9 years ago
@TheOneWhoMightBe: Bi girls are the best ♥
almost 9 years ago
@Waka: Engie is Bi. She's had an off-comic boyfriend, and used to get it on with Engie-Tan (the orange-haired one).
almost 9 years ago
So Engie has Herpes, now?
almost 9 years ago
@Waka: ... CLOSET? :P
almost 9 years ago
Goddanmit, we missed the Jane's character development.
almost 9 years ago
I love this comic!
almost 9 years ago
I feel cheated upon ;n;
almost 9 years ago
@Jo Pereira: You and everyone else pal. 10 out of 10
almost 9 years ago
Eat your heart out Blasternation, this is how the master teases fanservice. hahahahaha
Good to have you back pal.
almost 9 years ago
Morgan approves of Shantae and the Pirate's Curse.
Good shit.
almost 9 years ago
Joe, you evil son of a bitch, it is good to have you back.
almost 9 years ago
Another episode added to 'the lost comics'. Yeah I found those early episodes :)
almost 9 years ago
@Beastwolf: Its the red ball over alex her shoulder (Maggi)
You can still see a leg sticking out of it
almost 9 years ago
At long last, the beach episode !
almost 9 years ago
....Did jo ever play Darkness 2? I reccomend it.
Not saying jo is a demon or anything...
almost 9 years ago
Wasnt there another dirty blonde charactor will smaller boobs? I remember 6 for some reason.
almost 9 years ago
Since Orange Engie isn't around any longer, Angie is checking out her options. And, well, Annie has alway been looking out for her, right? ;)

And I agree on Jane's shape in this. She's built solidly, well muscled for a girl who used to be a Soldier. It also shows just how noodlely Morgan is...
almost 9 years ago
I just want to say I'm happy with the way Jane body end up on this panel. I may save this for references.
almost 9 years ago
@Ivan Micheli: how do you know he doesn't plan to offer it as a side story in a book or on patron?
almost 9 years ago
Can we, like, get a series of flash-backs? Because I want to see what happened with everyone. Especially with Anne and Angie.
almost 9 years ago
Uh, let me get this straight. Alek won a beauty contest, Morgan had a run-in with prates, Jane went surfing, and Anne-Marie and Angie...wait. Never mind. I don't want to know that one.
almost 9 years ago
I feel that I really need to see that part about the pirate's curse.
almost 9 years ago
Where's wiggle-screen flashback when you need it?
almost 9 years ago
Someone needs to draw this aforementioned beach scene, the world needs it
almost 9 years ago
@Vilay D. Hanson: So NY City? :^)
almost 9 years ago
Ahh the beach during January. I forget sometimes that there are places in the world that aren't -20 degrees Fahrenheit during this time of year.
almost 9 years ago
You're a mean one, Mr Jo... So much fantasy fuel...
almost 9 years ago
angie and anne confirmed to be closet lesbians.