What people are saying about "Iron Whimper"
Iron Whimper
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almost 9 years ago
@EnragedFilia: It is a MMO after all.

@Raxyz: There's only one thing about Destiny that Borderlands can't beat, and it's balanced boss HP.
almost 9 years ago
Where's the joke?
Oh I get it the joke is pointing and laughing at people still playing this garbage game.
almost 9 years ago
For a moment I thought this strip was about HELLDIVERS
almost 9 years ago
My first thought was "Hey, I recognize that art style!"
almost 9 years ago
And they also have some raiding content to appeal to high-end guilds, but the raids also have time-limited events to produce a niche for hardcore nolifers who like to be able to compete without having to interact with people.
almost 9 years ago
So they give players a fast and reliable spot for grinding with minimum effort by shooting into a cave from across a map to appeal to powergamers, but eventually patch that to maintain something resembling balance, then they advertize a plot-driven arc to appeal to role-players.
almost 9 years ago
Secondary conclusions: upon being told that the MMO in question is Destiny, and taking into account the various other headlines and trailers I've encountered, this makes some more sense if we conclude that Destiny devs are just trying a little of everything.
almost 9 years ago
This doesn't seem like the best game design, but I suppose if the design philosophy involves incentivizing players to dump lots of hours into it for a few days at a time and then move on to the next big thing in a few months, it could get the job done.
almost 9 years ago
Ok, so initial conclusions: there's some sort of global event on a monthly schedule and once it's complete nobody can play it for the rest of the month. And since the game is new and popular it's over by the 9th and everybody who didn't nolife it up for those few days is out their lootz.
almost 9 years ago
Hey now, they clearly spent a lot more money making this game, than the creators of Borderlands spent on all the Borderland games combined. They just intentionally made it lacking in certain areas, so that you'd be guaranteed to purchase the future DLC if you had any interest in having fun with it.
almost 9 years ago
People still play this cheap Borderlands knock-off? Color me impressed, lasted longer than I initially gave credit for.
Nice art style though.
almost 9 years ago
So you're telling me that not only Jo, but Psudonym and Gunwild have webcomics? I'm getting a little overwhelmed by the happy, nostalgic feelings here. I think I'm about to have a joygasm.
almost 9 years ago
The game is Destiny. There's a PvP thing called Crucible, and an Iron Banner is a time-limited Crucible. You gain reputation by winning matches and doing bounties for the Iron Banner. Those reputation increases your rank up to rank 5. Each rank unlocks new things for sale for the merchant NPC
almost 9 years ago
btw love P2's look, hate her attitude
almost 9 years ago
2 player one didn't manage to earn a reward from it she wanted (because of connection problems)
3 player two is dismissive of player one's problem, pretty much told her she should have played more when she was able (instead of having life outside of the game)
almost 9 years ago
@CandySquirrel , @The J Man
while i don't recognise the game, i thought the situation in the strip is both well explained and pretty universal.
just from context:
1 iron banner is some kind of a limited time event (repeated every month to be exact)
almost 9 years ago
Regual shedule is 5x a week a new nerf now comin
Btw what is game is this about, looks great indeed, its probally just shameless advertising
almost 9 years ago
Ok jo, I'm confused....it looks pretty as hell but have NO idea what's going on.

It scares and confuses me!
almost 9 years ago
I have literally no idea what's going on here.
almost 9 years ago
What *is* the regular schedule, anyways? It doesn't seem to be posted on the site anywhere as far as I can see.
almost 9 years ago
Oh I remember cassiopeia quinn, looked nice but for my personal tastes the female lead tried a little too hard to be cool, I kinda gave up after a few pages.
almost 9 years ago
Man, Psudonym went all out on this little strip, though I shouldn't be surprised as they are a good artist. Over all, awesome work and cute comic... this is how you comment on internet things right? Just be nice and stuff?