What people are saying about "F2P"
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about 9 years ago
Guess Jo didnt get his/her/it's imminunizations against the flu
Seriously, try some grape juice or somthing, your immune system so bad.
about 9 years ago
@Chali: Well, you can still buy CREDD to be social, so maybe you can pour on 10 plat to build a guild.
I mean NCSoft F2P as in not as worse as other F2P.
Then again, I bought the game 2 months before F2P and managed to create a circle.
about 9 years ago
@Zacharial: They're not blocked behind any pay-wall, as every already created character that exceeds character cap is still usable, as well as people who bought game earlier gets 12 character slots, not 2. So far F2P system seems okay, social restrictions are only a bit worse than in GW2.
about 9 years ago
@Timothy Du: NC doesn't have cashwall except on cosmetics? Have you played guild wars? The first
Thing they sold you were character slots. Right afterwards, bank tabs. Almost immediately after that, came skill unlocks. All of them paid services. NC has gone batshit crazy with microtransactions.
about 9 years ago
@Dark Deed: I hope you don't have more than 2 characters, or they're gonna be stuck behind a paywall.
about 9 years ago
Welcome to how NCSoft does business concerning Western built MMOs. It's how they eventually killed off City of Heroes. I was interested in WildStar when it was first announced... until I learned it was NCSoft.
about 9 years ago
@Luxeraph: Not necessarily. Lots of people love cosmetics.
about 9 years ago
Ty for information Jo. I was waiting for this day :D
PS: This is why I don't do monthly taxes for playing.
about 9 years ago
@Trollololol No that just means that it stops being a nice F2P(store full of cosmetics and mostly useless stuff) and becomes one of the many P2W games surviving off whales(boxes with endgame items)
about 9 years ago
Joe try not to get too stressed out about the ammount of uploads and how regular they are. I'd rather see you miss a strip once in a while, than have some kind of nervous breakdown like Tarol Hunt (Goblins comic) had and see no news at all for months while wondering if there will even be a recovery.
about 9 years ago
I just imagine a hospital where the games had to resort to F2P model just sitting there and talking to each other. It's like a nursing home, but for old games.
about 9 years ago
I have bought Wildtar when it released. But high price scared my friend out of it, so I went alone. Alone in MMO is boring, so I dropped, even if it is a good game.
As for F2P, it's not pay-to-win. That alone is enought for me to give it another go.
about 9 years ago
Honestly, this is a good time for Wildstar to relaunch. It's not just that they went f2p, they actually changed a number of things to make the game flow better, like some of the quests for example. Plus there are a lot of WoW players looking for something else to play right now.
about 9 years ago
I really feel sorry for Carbine. I love the way the game looks and it seems like the devs really care for it. But we haven't seen NCsoft change enough for it to have a chance of staying plugged in.
about 9 years ago
When the blood bag is empty, the "F2P" would be unreadable, as "F2P" is white text on a white bag. It should be black, or a different color that would allow a person to read "F2P" when the bag is empty.
about 9 years ago
@DracMonster yeah, it was AWFUL at release, particularly their particle effects systems. Waterfalls would turn the game into a slideshow. They did fix it eventually though, I only stopped playing becuase my friends stopped playing. =/
about 9 years ago
Aww man I just started the game too/
about 9 years ago
I don't know but on one hand, NC Soft have good F2P games and doesn't have cashwall except on cosmetics.
On the other, Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes.
about 9 years ago
Another MMO goes F2P.

In other news, the sun is expected to rise tomorrow.
about 9 years ago
Ah, Wildstar.

I played the beta. What put me off wasn't the subscription but that it ran like crap on my machine even with all the graphic settings turned to the bottom. I didn't have trouble running Diablo 3 or any other current games then.

Suppose I should see if it's improved now.
about 9 years ago
I'm glad that they went f2p because they can grow in number of players, but still, it comes with the price of "f2p steriotypes".
about 9 years ago
Is this going to be like Death and the little old lady who gives full size candybars for halloween? Always one excuse away!