What people are saying about "Smaller"
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almost 9 years ago
At first i thought this was going to be a breast joke
oh well
almost 9 years ago
Loving the Nerf NOW! arc. I know there are some people complaining about the changes, but I like them!
Also, first.
almost 9 years ago
Soon as I saw Angie say "Not everyone can be the star" my mind went to the reason I played the DOA games.
almost 9 years ago
Jane the Courier
almost 9 years ago
Update? On Sunday? What is this? Christmas?
almost 9 years ago
Hope your cat gets better! :3
almost 9 years ago
Antagonist Anne Marie is mine!
almost 9 years ago
Lets see:
Ward - 50g (kill) (37 if selling)
Quelling - 112g (sell)
TP scroll - 50g (sell)
Bottle - 350g (sell)
Stout shield? - 100g (sell), or is that pizza lol?

562g total. ez gold.
almost 9 years ago
I speak quite honestly when I say this, Jane: Feel lucky you got that job. It's more than some of us have.
almost 9 years ago
Play your cards right, kid, and one day it could be YOU running the secret shop!
almost 9 years ago
5 bucks says that their jobs from being behind the scenes people will give them an edge in their actual games due to insider info.

... OR maybe just palming a few items while at work. Hard to say.
almost 9 years ago
Care for cat is the most importantz! :3
almost 9 years ago
Sir, are you implying that the hard working men and women of Viscera Cleanup Detail are small part part of the game experience?
I take offence to that: it took me 3 hours in real time to clean that "super-soldier-test-gone-horribly-wrong-because-budget-cuts"
Shame on you!
almost 9 years ago
Get well soon, Catajo.
almost 9 years ago
Sad truth
almost 9 years ago
I was almost expecting them to just be standing in some background holding up fake trees, at least they're actually doing something here :-P

Hope the vet goes well.
almost 9 years ago
why can't I see even my own comment? Is there a glitch?
almost 9 years ago
Hey, jo, take a look: Someone used one of your trips in a review...

almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago

Did Angie physically shrink Jane down? Is it gonna be Jane in Wonderland? Janniver's Travels?
almost 9 years ago
I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. I hope he/she makes a recovery!
almost 9 years ago
Hope your cat is okay.
Cats are REALLY annoying when they are sick, primarily because they still have that old survival trait "hide weakness", and a sickness also counts as a weakness so they'll hide their sickness from you.
...They still don't know it's detrimental when they have caretakers. :P
almost 9 years ago
Starting up as a cleanup procedure is nice. You get to learn some things!
almost 9 years ago
Re-stock the shop? Capitalism ho?
almost 9 years ago
I worked every single official maps of Viscera Cleanup Detail all alone and ironically I'm studying to become a janitor. So Jane shouldn't mind too much, it's a shitty job for sure but it pays well and you're well covered too.