What people are saying about "Cycle"
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almost 9 years ago
But if it's good... I lose my life. Because this is going to be great.
almost 9 years ago
/2 If it has npc trainer battle, wild pokemon battles, capture, player vs player battles, it should be good. Basically, you need to be able to do everything you can do in the games, except that the overworld is the real world.

If it's bad, I lose nothing, just sad they missed it. But...
almost 9 years ago
Pokemon Go! is made by Niantic, and the technology has been refined through Ingress. On that end, I'm not too afraid. Pokemon Developers are working closely with them apparently.
almost 9 years ago
I have gotten WiiU mainly for Tropical Freeze and Bayonetta 2. I have no complaints even if it is just those 2 games since speed running Tropical Freeze will take me probably a hundred hours. The Mario games and other stuff are mainly bonus.

On a side note, TempoStorm puts Patron back in #1.
almost 9 years ago
Oh noes, the comments are gone!
Mr. Al
almost 9 years ago
Woah, this strip was uplaoded yesterday and still not a single comment or photonote!? *rolls a demo* WHAT IS HAPPENING!?
almost 9 years ago
This really seems to be the endless cycle. I don't like netdecking because, one, I don't have quite all the cards for them, and two (and more importantly!), you can't make any headway with innovation if you *refuse* to even TRY.
almost 9 years ago
I remember when Sonic was an exclusive character to the Sega Saturn. Now look at him (and that franchise). Maybe Nintendo will realize that they can make more money by being into software instead of hardware (and leave the console wars to Microsoft and Sony).
almost 9 years ago
The extra joke is that patron's a pretty cheap deck to make, just 2 adventures and a few rares and you're done. Those monks are just taking extra $$$ while the decks are too busy getting turned inside out to notice. :p
almost 9 years ago

Ugh, every one of those quotes from Frankendeck put a chill down my spine and a twitch of anger in my eye...
almost 9 years ago
- Nintendo has made it painfully clear time and time again that they will never make games for other consoles. If you want to play their games, get their systems.
- Just buy a Wii U already... It's been pretty clear how much you want one.
almost 9 years ago
(1/2) A few things to note:
- The Pokemon Company tends to do their own things outside of Nintendo, and this is no exception.
- Pokemon Go isn't the first Pokemon game on a non-Nintendo system
- Nintendo said long ago they plan to release a small handful of games exclusively for smart devices.
almost 9 years ago
I love how a lot of people say about how it´s a Pay-to-win game (including some friends).Yes,yes i know you are better if you have money,but I made cool decks that I used both in Ranked and Normal that went pretty well,but as a Pay-to-win some games were InstaLoss,but I´m bored of this game. :,(
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
I can't see Nintendo going the way of SEGA, Jo. I can however see them just 100% shut down out of spite if they go out of the console business. Say what you will about the Wii U, but everyone would miss the 3DS.
almost 9 years ago
༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE, GET IN HERE ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽
almost 9 years ago
༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE,GET IN HERE ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽
Nguyen Trang
almost 9 years ago
truth hurt
almost 9 years ago
I honestly don't understand why patron warrior gets so much flak in this comic. I mean it's funny nonetheless, but I always felt the mindless facehunter decks were much worse. Warrior at least takes enough skill to maintain control of the board until you can setup the combo.
almost 9 years ago
Am I the only one who has never really had an issue against Patron?
almost 9 years ago
Poke'Go is being made by the Ingress. I've said elsewhere that I want to see the Training and Battle mechanics. Without those it'll just be a reskinned Ingress riddled with microtransactions. Expect to pay real money for virtual Poke'balls.
almost 9 years ago
Well, then again, you can't exactly buy a Wii U because they abandoned Brazilian operations...
Wheatly IDcore
almost 9 years ago
Somehow I comment among the first! Also, try playing pokemon colosseum or gale of darkness on gamecube. They're pretty good.
Dwayne Brent Charles
almost 9 years ago
While Pokemon is considered part of Nintendo, it really isn't. It's owned by three companies but mostly Gamefreak. Gamefreak are a second-party to Nintendo.

Anyway, that's sadly how Hearthstone's ranked play can bee seen.
almost 9 years ago
Wait... shouldn't he have played the Berserker before triggering the Patron?
C Stenio Porto M
almost 9 years ago
Someone has been living under a rock... Nintendo is making spinoffs for mobile now. Nothing major or mainline. They're not going 3rd party, just trying to 1up the competition on mobile.
almost 9 years ago
A Pokemon game on a console that's NOT a Nintendo console? Is the hell actually freezing over?
almost 9 years ago
tbh patron is weak right now to secret palladin and dragon priest
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
This isn't really a step towards Nintendo games on non-Nintendo platforms. This is the Pokemon Company/Game Freak doing this, not Nintendo itself. Also, they've released official Pokedex apps for smartphones before IIRC.
almost 9 years ago
Only Thrall and his mighty army of totems can free us from this cycle!

If he can just get past Dr. 6...
almost 9 years ago
...There is pokemon shuffle though, which is both a game for 3ds and android(dunno bout ios)...
almost 9 years ago
Not sure if I buy a mobile Pokemon game as evidence or even a hint of Nintendo producing for other platforms. Microsoft has released Halo games for mobile devices, but they don't look any closer to PC ports for upcoming or previous games. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong regarding either company.
almost 9 years ago
Haha, that Pokemon Go trailer. Very well made, but surely THAT far apart from the actual game that a lot of expectations will be shattered ;-)
almost 9 years ago
Well, actually, this isn't a first by a long shot when it comes to Pokemon being in a non-Nintendo platform, they already had a few Pokemon app, like the ultra-expensive Pokedex, and they were even Pokemon games on an old Sega console called the SEGA Pico.
almost 9 years ago
@nerfnow Nintendo actually announced a while back that they were planning on getting into the mobile gaming market and that they were going to develop some titles for phones and tablets and stuff.