What people are saying about "A Change Of Heart"
A Change Of Heart
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almost 9 years ago
At some point I realised...I want to win games consistently in hearthstone, but buying all the wings and grinding a net deck was just too.....Grindy, and since im not paying money for the game I decided to stop playing the Grindstone. I dont care what comes out, I'm too far behind.
almost 9 years ago
Guess Jo's backspace button is broken from having to second guess everything he ever types, Somthing I never d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r wil lneed to brother with.
almost 9 years ago
I know this feel all too well. Haven't reached legend yet because i refuse to play the cheesy luck-reliable crap that is the most popular.
almost 9 years ago
What, no Kali Ma jokes?
almost 9 years ago
Hearthstone really is quite the opposite of affordable.
While it can certainly be played for cheap, the main issue is the value for your money is incredibly low, when people pay up to 400$ on an expansion and don't even get all the cards, you have an absurdly overpriced system.
almost 9 years ago
@Mr. AI
Even Chaotic that had the offline game?
almost 9 years ago
First I wondered "Jo, How could you not reenact the sacrificial scene from Temple of Doom". But then I realized you have to save something for later right.
Paul Greber
almost 9 years ago
Well Patron does have Emperor Thaurissan but that doesn't count as everyone who has BRM has him. Also the face decks tend to be really cheap.
almost 9 years ago
Yeah I might use that as an alternative to the usual "no fun allowed" picture.

You know the one.
Mr. Al
almost 9 years ago
This single strip explains the very reason I stay away from these online card games -_-
almost 9 years ago
Just binge-read the entire series, love your work man, keep it up :)
almost 9 years ago
The most fun you can have with Hearthstone is when you play a game mode that actually confronts you with the unexpected in every match.
Hint: It's not Practise, Play or Tavern Brawl.
almost 9 years ago
THE most fun I've ever seen ANYONE have when playing Hearthstone, was when playing a bad Echo of Medivh/Giant deck. https://youtu.be/De_qZiw687A
almost 9 years ago
I find it amusing he asks that question after ripping the heart out. Do it before....
almost 9 years ago
Is that supposed to be the secret paladin? With all those question marks, I mean.

Oh, I would go with secret paladin if I were him. Patron is too hard to play well.
almost 9 years ago
Believe in the heart of th-!
