What people are saying about "Sweet Revenge"
Sweet Revenge
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almost 10 years ago
A single box won't be enough. Make it 10...
almost 10 years ago
@Kurai Buzzwagon: They're Rule 63's of TF2 characters; having to wear a silly hat would be considered a good thing.
almost 10 years ago
In reply to the photo note about Jane's 6 digits, maybe that's why Morgan likes her so much? XD
almost 10 years ago
@Demonologist: Her PC is about to get the minigun treatment.
almost 10 years ago
Now for Aleks reaction to the slow internet
almost 10 years ago
Seeing what happens when Jane pisses people off, this will all end in a lesbian threesome.
almost 10 years ago
Too little, too late Jane
almost 10 years ago
The only thing worse than slow internet is slow internet that cuts out intermittently, usually in the middle of loading a page.
almost 10 years ago
@ArteAlen: I think she has been on the tip of the blade enough times to try t least to spar them the embarrasment... but slow internet? Oh please no...
almost 10 years ago
Anyone here hoping they are out of cakes so Jane resorts to covering herself in icing to serve as the cake for Angie?
almost 10 years ago
No fanservice? Comeon jo we know engie is doing strips now! And you are telling me she will not take revenge at all? ;)
almost 10 years ago
I hope you'll enjoy Ultron. I feel pretty meh about the movie. Bad character development, plot holes, bad story decisions, etc.
almost 10 years ago
The second picture reminds me of Spore when you're hunting as a carnivorous and are fighting agains't any other species
Mr. Al
almost 10 years ago
(continued) And we already know the characters and they know each other so the movie can just start directly in the thick of it, and I can't lie: I loved every single slo-mo/freezecam pick of the team fighting together in poses xD Oh and ANDY SERKIS, NUFF SAID!
Mr. Al
almost 10 years ago
@Raxyz well it's kinda hard not to have the storylines connected, it all boils down to Thanos trying to use everything and everyone as puppets and pawns on his big board. But in a couple of ways, I think I almost like this sequel more over the original. More Bruce/Hulk exposure/character development
almost 10 years ago
Age of Ultron is OK. My only complaint with it is that is essentially the same plot for Avengers 1, where the team has to overcome their differences to fight together and blah blah...
Ultron itself, though, is awesome. Best villain so far.
almost 10 years ago
I never figured Jane for the type to be into snail porn. I guess you never know...
almost 10 years ago
Jane clearly forgot to mention it has to have a silly hat on it too
almost 10 years ago
Well. At least Jane learns fast.