What people are saying about "Admin"
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over 9 years ago
Fun fact: The Navy SEALs once tried a mock raid on a US Navy ship, and nearly succeeded subduing the entire crew and capturing the ship... had they not been stopped by the ship's engineers armed with cargo nets and wrenches
over 9 years ago
@Rockman: I used to log with Open ID, which isn't working anymore. Now I log with Facebook and my tag is different there.
over 9 years ago
Hmm, any reason Jo's account changed to his name from "NERF NOW"?

Just curious. Also it may get confusing if one guy is using two admin accounts.
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
admin is god of the internet.
over 9 years ago
@ArteAlen: It could also be a WoW reference.
over 9 years ago
But...but...THE FANSERVICE!!!
over 9 years ago
@The Cheat That sucks, hard. Cheesecake is the best.
over 9 years ago
This should be an interesting arc.
over 9 years ago
@ArteAlen: You mean it's not a Fallout: New Vegas reference :(
over 9 years ago
Screw not being able to read Nerf Now, if I didn't have internet how the hell would I get my porn?
over 9 years ago
Everytime I eat cheesecake, ill-gotten or not, I always hurl it back up. Fate has ordained that I will never enjoy it I guess
over 9 years ago
@Technature: When TF2 started being less and less relevant, sorta like how Penny Arcade doesn't talk about Quake anymore and how Questionable Content... uh... is what it is now. The comic stands on its own characters, now, why complain about it?
over 9 years ago
So, serious question, this has been bugging me for a while. When did this change from a comic about Video Games into a comic about girls you wouldn't know were based on TF2 characters unless you read the comic when it was about video games? And DOTA?
over 9 years ago
@AlephTTM: Packet loss while cooking a grenade.
over 9 years ago
Attaboy! Someone understands! Angie, sell them to zone for a month, then keep them there until they apologize five times while licking your dirtiest pair of boots. -Then- take away all their videogames, books, and internet for another month and make them buy you cheesecake.
over 9 years ago
The problem with no internet in a city is that everything else I do, such as buying books, eating snacks, and going out to places costs money I should be saving. Not to mention it blocks the skype connection I use to communicate with family.

over 9 years ago
The worst thing is not no internet, the worst thing is slow internet. Or in Jane's case, a fast interned with excessive ping.
over 9 years ago
Remember the time before everyone had internet? Myself i played with some friends out in the woods, and because there were no internet, we were not scared of Slenderman.
over 9 years ago
Also! for anyone that is interested. The reputation thing is from the game Mount And Blade. +1 For JO for knowing it ;)
over 9 years ago
JO YOUR OUR HERO! Wait! Engie YOU! are our hero! That will be good.
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
They done goofed!
over 9 years ago
@Meow Cate: Looks like Fallout indeed, but Jo hates the new Fallout. WTAF?
over 9 years ago
The rep thing reminded me of WoW. ^^

Go Jo, what's the answer? :D
over 9 years ago
Stealing and eating your Cheesecake...no....no this has just begun and it's just the tip of the iceberg, if this is the extent of her revenge they got off WAY WAY too easy...I'd take away internet and sell them to Zone for a week as a START!

I take Cheesecake very seriously.
over 9 years ago
Really Jane? Have you really forgotten what Angie is?
Meow Cate
over 9 years ago
@Otter : I think it's about Fallout New Vegas.
over 9 years ago
Now you fucked up.
over 9 years ago
Oh they gonna get it coming. Get the cameras.
over 9 years ago
I thought of Freelancer myself.
over 9 years ago
@Otter: Doesn't refer to any specific game, thou I was thinking on Dragon Age when I drew it.
over 9 years ago
Does the "Lost 100 reputation" refer to a game? Because it reminded me of the good old GTA2, but that's not it. :P