What people are saying about "The Title of Master"
The Title of Master
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3 months ago
"I know rocket-launcher-fu"
Gareth Martin
3 months ago
Reminds me of: https://youtu.be/pUWoUM4Wttc?si=DWIy9JsdNqFYz-_c

"You took a perfectly good stick, and then you cut it in half!"
3 months ago
What weapon? This is not a weapon, try using it, you would hit yourself more than the guy you are fighting.
3 months ago
A bunch of these weird martial arts weapons are weaponized tools and common stuff so the farmers could fight back despite the rulers banning proper weapons. The fact that a nunchacku is a shitty dangerous weapon unless you are damn good at it is what allowed them to use it.
3 months ago
The warglaive is also designed to be used more like a Calvery saber, hit and run slashing attacks instead of the cut and smash style promoted by other straight edged swords/blades.
Steve Simpson
3 months ago
The demon hunter's warglaive is basically a bladed Tonfa. You have a short and long blade part with the handle sticking out of it and you hold it with the long or short blade going parallel to your forearm. It gives you the fighting style of a brawler with the reach of a swordsman.
Luriant Urs Karbalis Endorian
3 months ago
Remember, there is a Dildo sword in Cyberpunk2077. Mastery of every weapon, from the base to the tip.
3 months ago
Any one else think Victoria looks better wearing a bikini and 3/5th's of a robe?
3 months ago
I've often thought the Warglave where modeled on the Klingon Bat'leth. But with the curve facing inward rather then outward.
3 months ago
There's also the two-section staff, which is basically a single nunchaku chained onto the edge of a staff. You get the whippy power of the nunchaku plus the reach of a staff!
Freakin' Magic
3 months ago
this demon hunter glaive looks more like two daggers glued together, making them look and handle rather stupid
but a cool weapon design is the bow-sword from runescape, it's a modified zweihänder with a thin and flexible blade that doubles as a longbow
3 months ago
The three-section staff (three arm-length poles connected by a very short chain) is, in my opinion, what the nunchaku are MEANT to be. Mostly the same flashy moves, but the size allows you to strike just as hard without having to spin it as fast (and thus hit yourself).
Branimir Stoilov
3 months ago
I like to imagine you're supposed to use the Demon Hunter Glaives to spin like a beyblade.
3 months ago
Finally, someone else who acknowledges that nunchaku are terrible weapons.
3 months ago
She said weapons, not farming implements.
Rodrigo Aliaga
3 months ago
I guess is based on the Haladie Dagger or that kind.
3 months ago
Oh come on, Victoria. You gonna let Michelangelo be BRAVER than you?
3 months ago
I guess she draws the line at the masochism sticks.