What people are saying about "Wishing Well"
Wishing Well
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almost 11 years ago
Kind of late here, but I'm massive fan of your work and I'd love to play with you. Add Twentyapm (NA) if you would like. I can cater to however you wish to play, but I also recently started LoL and I'm only the equivalent of 4k-ish rated with DotA2 MMR. We can learn together.
almost 11 years ago
NA here, user name is Vertajalihaa (Blood and Iron in German). I'll teach you how to tank as Warwick, or assassinate like Master Yi, doesn't get much easier than that.
almost 11 years ago
On the NA servers I'm Smashter. I've been a long time fan of your work, so I decided that I would want to help you out on LoL! Though you've gotten lots of help already I bet.
almost 11 years ago
Is it just me, or does her face look a bit "off model" here?
almost 11 years ago
If you're going to play League brace yourself and be prepared. LoL's community is way waaaaaay worse than in DotA 2 (in my opinion at least)
almost 11 years ago
I won't mind helping you to get better in league of Legends. Don't care if you feed or not.
Just one thing I must warn you, is that the LoL Community might be one of the most toxic player base that most gamer ever met. Dunno about the Dota2 community.

If you're in EUW, my ID in LoL is XenonGold
almost 11 years ago
Well Kamidju Toma, but i am playing on ru serv, at least my main account is there. But, i can advice you if you whant, and owercome my terrible engrish! ^)
And if you wish a can get you some lessions of Russian lg ^)
almost 11 years ago
I would gladly participate in LoL with you my ID is corpseface42
almost 11 years ago
My LoL ID on the NA servers is the same as my RealID nickname here (ZealDawnblade). If you're looking for a friendly game, send me a poke!
almost 11 years ago
I'm up for teaching you the way of League. Summoner name is SJCTsauce. I also play Dota when you get tired of LoL.
almost 11 years ago
With so many people wanting to play with you I recommend just making a chat room in game and then making custom games to play with everyone
almost 11 years ago
My LoL ID is GenesicArthur on NA server.
Garen top is quite good for newbie. His health regen is crazy and spin to win. XD
If you suck at laning, try jungling. Warwick can jungle without health potions.
almost 11 years ago
Decent at Dota but bad at LoL? Are your trying to create a tear in the matrix or something ? ^^
Jax Omen
almost 11 years ago
I'd be happy to be a teacher. Summoner name is same as my name here, on NA servers.
almost 11 years ago
Yeah! Engie is back (hopefully.)
almost 11 years ago
Gold V support main here Jo from NA hit me up if you want it.

You might want to look at the new champ.
almost 11 years ago
Booh Hiss for miss an obvious joke : FACEBOOK!.
almost 11 years ago
You just need to play more and learn the items, and characters. You're basically just starting to learn how to play DoTA 2 but in a different form. i'm sure if you like DoTA 2 you should like league.
If I'm ever on when you are would love to play game with you.
My username is: supuhmagikarp
almost 11 years ago
I'm only gold IV, but may help you if you want ;)
Grinjouw, EUW :3
almost 11 years ago
Try Smite instead, less popular more fun.
almost 11 years ago
with a pleasure Jo
Kyirtis EUNE
almost 11 years ago
You can thank me later, Engie.
almost 11 years ago
Add "Nyksund" in League of Legends Brasil ;-)
almost 11 years ago
@Daniel Yi: I like this guy name.
almost 11 years ago
Let's start a NerfNow guild on League! Is that the kind of thing you would support or endorse, Jo?
almost 11 years ago
I am Plat brah, and a very patient person.

Add Postal Badger if you want some tuts and all that shiz.

almost 11 years ago
I'm silver in league so I'm not that great, but I do know the basic ideas :D
almost 11 years ago
Let's all bug Riot to make an EnJinx skin!
almost 11 years ago
If you're playing NA I have a pair of accounts I can play with you on. A high and low level. Alphieus and Doctor Alphieus respectively. Shoot me an invite if you'd like.
almost 11 years ago
Im great support I'll make sure you don't feed I'm Domrar.
Add me if you'd like.
almost 11 years ago

I'M VoidTentacles

almost 11 years ago
I would suggest first finding the hero you want to try and looking up a build on mobafire.com under league of legends. Then try the build against bots to see if you like it. Then try against other players and hope you live. As always watch out for smurfs.
almost 11 years ago
to all about C#, coding is different than programing
coding is learning specific program language and learning how to use it programming is building own game engine
coding is way faster but less efficient, programming is efficient but way more expensive and time consuming
almost 11 years ago
Oh I would feed you! Still I can't imagine how hard it could be next to Dota.
almost 11 years ago

I would be HONOURED to get to play with Jo, it doesnt matter if you feed! You are my favourite comics artist, ever! Please, consider it!
almost 11 years ago
Played both LoL (from the Beta on) and DotA.The main thing about both is the meta and those who break it I guess. Everything else is just in the difference between Warcraft III and the League. In both those you won't learn anything from playing against bots but from watching streams or Esports.
Totally Not Feeding
almost 11 years ago
Joe, if you want a streamer, I would recommend watching wingsofdeathx. He mains top and mid, and does really good commentary on builds and decision making.

Also, if you want to feed together, name is Pon Katt on NA. Ever seen a support hard carry? Neither have I, but one can wish.
almost 11 years ago
Server; NA Summoner Name; Furnacelord. I've held many a hand for noobs in league and feedong is no worry, just adds more challenge. Be happy to help.
almost 11 years ago
My NA summoner name is Satin6T and I can be your hero baby
almost 11 years ago
Yeah.... League of Legends and DotA may look the same, but they play differently.
I'd like to play with you, but I have the problem of playing on EUW...
almost 11 years ago
If you're on BR server, add me up : Fus ro dah. Diamond player. Would love to play with you man! Please state who you are though, i have lots of friends hahah.
almost 11 years ago
If you are still needing help, toss me an add on steam:
(currently got nearly 2k matches under my belt.)
Paticus Roth
almost 11 years ago
I missed Engie and I'm glad she's not dead
almost 11 years ago
I dont think that learning from others is a good idea, just play vs bots untill you feel you are ready. Oh and FORGET ALL YOU KNOW ABOUT DOTA. Lol does not work that way. I mean it looks obivious that you can stack ability power and nuke enemies for ~1000 damage with spells but its forgettable.
almost 11 years ago
Spectate ranked games. There are 5 listed on the main page from recent high-ranked matches. You can learn a lot about how to play a lane, how a champ works, how to build items, and how the map flows. It's a great way to learn, and it's entertaining, too.
almost 11 years ago
im not the best player but if u need someone to lane with all my friends love when im support since they don't die.

jonnychaos13 incase u want to either get help or just really annoy others
almost 11 years ago
Hey if you want a decent teacher look up Ktar Equestria. I have gotten a few people to at least silver skill level
almost 11 years ago
Well, I rather thought that players coming from Dota 2 are rather good at LoL and Lol guys rather suck in Dota. I never had any problems, I learned very hard the Dota items, tactics and so on and I am a good player (not only in my opinion :D ) with this I could easily rule in LoL. So good luck to U.
almost 11 years ago
D-does that mean we will get League of Legends comics soonTM????
almost 11 years ago
Oh, yea, if you started as Kassadin, well... I'm sorry. He's a beast- if you play him well. He'll get you owned time and time again if you don't. Maybe try some more straightforward heroes while you're learning items and getting a feel for the differences. Ashe or Garen come to mind.
almost 11 years ago
So, long ago I went from DotA (original) to LoL. I'd played a ton, as well as a good chunk of HoN. I had issues. Advice: Play more conservative, aggressive DotA style play doesn't work very well in LoL. Also, keep wards up, even if you're with a support in lane don't always expect them to buy.
almost 11 years ago
Went from LoL to Dota and never looked back, but would like to hake another shot at it some day...maybe
almost 11 years ago
After you reach lvl 7 Add CannonGolem. 1800+ dominion win, and its something different.
almost 11 years ago
I'm also a DotA player that tried transitioning to League. I can teach you the differences pretty easily. I personally had no difficulty with the transition, but I can understand why you might have trouble.
almost 11 years ago
Spend money. I hear you have to do that on LoL.
almost 11 years ago
Add me XD, NA server laughinggod666 me and my friends just have fun XD
Mr. Coupon
almost 11 years ago
PER LVL RUNES ARE BAD(cept mr blu)

Basic runes, if your summoner lvl is 1-19 pick up all the Teir1 red AD yellow ARMOR blue MR

After Sum-LVL 20 unless your 5 stacking and will have mid lane
ALL armor Yellow, ALL AD Red, ALL MR Blue, Move Quints
Tyrant Belial
almost 11 years ago
I'm fine with it. I'm on NA but won't be available till Saturday. Tyrant Belial is my Summoner Name.
Mr. Coupon
almost 11 years ago
Well I would be happy to give you the quick rundown of how newbies get stomped (what not to do & basic runes) then some basics to more advanced tactics in the "League of Riot plz"

And if my summoner name doesn't lend credibility than I don't know what will.

LoL Summoner, "Bad Ideas"
almost 11 years ago

Thank god for modern technology, with third party tools,engines, and resource libraries, making games is as easy as 1-2-3!
almost 11 years ago
Should have been more specific with that wording, no one's going to just make you a game just because.
Now I have to go do stuff that is 100% not related to making games. Totally.
almost 11 years ago
Well Jo, if you're playing on the BRHUE server, i can lend you a hand... i mean, i'm not terribly good at it either, but i can try to give you a few hints and all, to get you started

Summoner name is Shareazu
almost 11 years ago
Yo, Alexxeno here. Add me any time.
almost 11 years ago
If you play NA server add me 'Serapho'. Neither me nor the people i play with care if anyone feeds. We screw around in normals most of the time and rarely play ranked, and when we do it's just for end of season rewards.
almost 11 years ago
Hey Jo, se você estiver no server BR pode me procurar no nome de Bavetito lá no lol. Eu e alguns amigos temos nossos próprios servers de TS e somos um grupo bem diverso. Temos gente com 150 jogos e gente com até 1000 jogos ou mais, então estamos sempre aprendendo e ensinando!
almost 11 years ago
Jo, the best advice that can be given for League is to play bot games. No matter how bad one person is, you can always win 4v5 because Bots are stupid as sin.

Also, while I'd love to help, I'm still on a League Hiatus.
almost 11 years ago


almost 11 years ago
I dunno when the last time you played League was, Jo, but they've made a lot of changes in the last several months; game is much more fast-paced and can be really unforgiving of slip-ups. This includes not pushing your advantages while you have them.
almost 11 years ago
Sure, would love to play with you sometime! NA: DaBearGuy
almost 11 years ago
Im roughly 6 points above Terrible, so Thats something :D NA: SiebteNacht
almost 11 years ago
You haven't even mentioned which server you play on.
almost 11 years ago
I'm VonConflagration, I'd be glad to share my (limited) knowledge about league! I used to play a fair amount of Dota2 too, so I might be able to help the transition.
almost 11 years ago
I'll play with you dood! (If you're on NA servers X3) I'm Femista
almost 11 years ago
There goes her last savings.
Fayt Lowell
almost 11 years ago
Phoenix Stance on NA if you want someone to help teach you the ropes still. I'm not great (only Gold III in ranked) but I'm better than average at least. I also played a LOT of DotA so I know a lot of the traps players coming from there typically fall into. :)
almost 11 years ago
Jo, i am "Tinhoso" on the "HUE League Server".And my tips to you are: Mages have scaling abilities, with items to improve damage, so you cant buy something like a "Pipe" and think you are invincible. And theres nothing like Slardar's(and others) "1HP i'm still good to fight".
almost 11 years ago
I wish i could play with you, Jo, but im on eu west. :(
almost 11 years ago
i would love to play with you, summoner's name is kokeanikilator :)
almost 11 years ago
Summoner name is Zhane the Lich if you wanna play Jo! I play mid, support and ADC. You can't feed too bad if you start with just some bot matches, right?
almost 11 years ago
One gold coin per wish? Sheeesh!!! That's quite an expensive wishing well, indeed!
almost 11 years ago
I'd love to play with you, i think i'm alright at it :I
My name is rigellord
almost 11 years ago
Add me.. you will play in a br server? if yes add -> Math Maluf .If no.. sorry '-'
almost 11 years ago
CaliCoastReplay on NA, I will teach you the ways and means!

Also willing to help code Engie her own game!
almost 11 years ago
I'm alright. I'm BtanH, on the NA server. Add me?
almost 11 years ago
Which server are you playing Jo? Im in NA if you want to add me. Dagnet
almost 11 years ago
Join me on LoL! User: Vista is Virus. I main supports and own all champs, runes and 20 rune pages. play easy champs at first without much going on like nunu. Nunu is a easy jungle a good top and a good support (Some times used as a mage but that's a bit ify) Oh! and play garen (top role only)
almost 11 years ago
I'd love to help you out, but I play on NA's servers. If you do as well, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand, I've helped a few friends through early levels before.

Summoner Name is EnigmaRequiem.
almost 11 years ago
One major difference you should know between LoL and DOTA...

You can have multiple passives affecting your auto attacks in LoL. so your basic attacks can have life steal + armor pen. + movement slow etc. depending on items. Stack those effects like a boss!
almost 11 years ago
i would hold your sticky tentacle but i'm from LAN and i guess you're not playing here are you? :P
almost 11 years ago
Let Feed together Jo