What people are saying about "Riot Plz"
Riot Plz
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over 10 years ago
@The people who don't understand why DotA players bash LoL more, here is why:
LoL was spawned as a rip-off of DotA. And when Pendragon left to make it, he completely shut down the DotA community and stole ideas from it, while lying about only taking the website down for a couple weeks.
over 10 years ago
I love seeing all the bashing LoL is getting. How many of you are mainly DOTA 2 players? I thought so.
over 10 years ago
oh Jo, and you aren't even in EUW, in here we take yelling at Riot to incredible levels.
over 10 years ago
No boobs in this comic? JO PLZ FIX!
over 10 years ago
'Ey there Jo. Offers from before are still open, if you're bothering to read this. Hell, I'll even tack on Vel'Koz. He'd probably suit you more'n anything.

Think about it. And send me a message or somethin' if you decide to take me up on the offer. No skin off my nose, either way.
over 10 years ago
And then you have to disable the chat-filter out of game. o.O
over 10 years ago
You could always make an empty custom match to change your keybindings, that's what I do anyway.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342971]@Vidiotdragon[/url]: Chat keys, hotkeys for attack move, queueing, other chat keys. Oh and chat keys, those are always important.
over 10 years ago
Wish I could play league with Jo, but I'm currently on a volunteer trip to Haiti. Sad face
over 10 years ago
In the league of legends community, one of the most common phrases used is "riot plz". I'm not sure what the DOTA equivalent is, but think of something that people say roughly every other game if something doesn't go their way. Is the enemy champ OP? RIOT PLZ! Is the server a bit laggy? RIOT PLZ!
Random Dude
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342968]@Malygon[/url]: At least its faster than Dota updates.... [url=#user_comment_342976][url=#user_comment_342976] @Phrozen[/url][/url]: Me too mate :) @NerfNow: Ah yes; Riot fix. Speaking of which, what the hell are you customizing with? I don't recall 20+ difference in hotkeys between Dota and LoL.
over 10 years ago
All this LoL hate is hilarious.

I mean, 90% of the LoL community doesn't even care about which one is better.
Meanwhile, at Valve's side...
And yes, I have played both.
over 10 years ago
Another example of why League is a terrible game, Riot does anything they can to artificially fluff up their current players total, even if it means using script bots or forcing players into a game to change settings.
over 10 years ago
Better nerf Irelia...
over 10 years ago
20+ keys?
QWER... that doesn't add up to 20.
over 10 years ago
Can someone explain the joke?
over 10 years ago
Riot would have to inconvenience alot of players in order to fix their client/servers. So i can understand maintaining current status
over 10 years ago
It's somewhat funny/sad how the "most played" game has such a mediocre client, unreliable servers and some bugs that have been around for ages. Riot themselves said that their old, outdated codebase from their Indie times is to blame but they are sooooo slow when it comes to fixing stuff...
over 10 years ago
Jo, there is a notepad file where you can edit the hotkeys and another stuff. It's not perfect, but it works. Just give it a quick googled and you will be fine.
over 10 years ago
Ever notice how so many DoTA 2 players are actively hating on LoL whereas so many LoL players really don't even pay attention to DoTA 2? Now, something something, Brazilians in LoL.
over 10 years ago
Jo, play real games please!
over 10 years ago
Aaand this is why you should play dota.
over 10 years ago
well, see you back in Dota 2 in T-minus 2 weeks....
over 10 years ago
You know, this really is a basic thing that should have been implemented a long time ago... riotplz...
over 10 years ago
Just make a custom game against 1 easy bot. Concede when you're done.
over 10 years ago
All comments became "Jo, add me" -_-
As another piece of advice, play as cheapest heroes at the beggining. They are kind of most easy to handle.
over 10 years ago
Jo if you still need help you can add me in steam Evangelion___13.
I am from Russia, but now i am in Spain, so i can't play on my domestic servers to high ping)
So ican create another blank acc and help you in adoptations,it's hard to adopt if you playd dota before, games looks simmilar, it'satrap
over 10 years ago
HAH! League has settings for left-handeds. Go to interface options.
The Esquire
over 10 years ago
If you're looking to play, I do both Dota 2 and LoL. I'm "The Esquire" on the NA servers. If you're not on a different server, feel free to give me an add.
over 10 years ago
I'm more than willing to help you with w/e

I'm Nasuuna on NA server, plat 1 player
over 10 years ago
Buy all of the 450 champs and do not buy any runes until you unlock T3 runes at summoner lvl 20. Until then just try to find one champ that fits "you" everyone has at least one. also, read all the items at http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/items/
over 10 years ago

over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342930]@SJCTsauce[/url]: You do realize that most companies don't make their own codebase, right?
over 10 years ago
Oh, Jo! That sucks, really. I remenber the time Nintendo Support came to my home to change my Super Mario World keybinds and gave me a massage... Oh... WAIT.
over 10 years ago
Here is how you handle it. Instead of doing that start a custom game and add no bots or people and then start the match. You can leave a custom game at any time without PUNISHMENT.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342938]@VenomBHz[/url]: And that's, my friends, is a dota whore Seriously though, League and Dota have their place at this point.
over 10 years ago
that's why league of legends sucks
over 10 years ago
Sorry for the offtopic, but Jo...

When did you hosted that? ;) XD
over 10 years ago
Well if you don't mind Jo, and play in North America send me an Add Lord Huckington. Gold Support can help you get into it.
over 10 years ago
Side-note, the 'I'm the only one in this game' custom style map is a great way to try out item builds and champions you're not comfortable with too. I generally run each champ on a map like that at least once just to get a feel for them.
over 10 years ago
If Riot only ran League on an actual client and not Adobe Air...
over 10 years ago

And, yeah. LOL sucks, i know because i'ven playing it for 4 years