What people are saying about "Dirty Girl"
Dirty Girl
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over 11 years ago
comparing this to the ad next to it, Lara's wearing her strap wrong :O it's on the opposite side.
over 11 years ago
I just want to run her a hot bath.
over 11 years ago
This if the best NerfNow!! comic EVER.
over 11 years ago
@Nokia E63 User: The default android browser
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_264131]@Mac[/url]: I shall then. I'm using the default one, but I have Opera too. Thanks for the tip!
acidic tiger party
over 11 years ago
Are people serious about the new Lara having petite breasts? Guys, whatever doesn't fit in one hand anymore ISN'T petite. Stop using anime girls with breast complexes as a reference.
Nokia E63 User
over 11 years ago
Scrolling down comments works perfectly on my ancient Nokia E63. What kind of an ancient rock do you need to use as a phone in order to be unable to scroll them down?
over 11 years ago
@ OneSickManiac

I can on mine. Use the Opera browser?
over 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Yo. While you're here, can I ask you to make it so smartphone users can scroll down comments? Thanks Jo. Love yer comic.
The Witch
over 11 years ago
Had you made a Path of Exile comic, I would not have taken your children, Jo.

Now I am exiled. But the elements are with me. I fear nothing.
Mr. Bean
over 11 years ago
"I want to scrub the fuck out of her."
If you know what I mean...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263889]@Somefag[/url]: With soap and water, of course.
small correction
over 11 years ago
"It's the new tomb raider'S fault!"

Love ya, Jo.
over 11 years ago
Lara: "Sigh"
over 11 years ago
So how exactly does a tentacle creature take a bath
over 11 years ago
I wonder how many will get the joke that the entire comic is about hygiene.
over 11 years ago
I expected something with the argonian Maid..
over 11 years ago
New Lara
Just the right amount of petite breast....and of course, her immortal famous DAT ASS!!!
over 11 years ago
New Lara
More dirty and more flat-land. :-/
Nando Rock
over 11 years ago
Lara, the eternal sexy girl...
over 11 years ago
Another good reason to buy the game
over 11 years ago
Lara, Lara, Lara, when will you learn :3
Hey Jo
over 11 years ago
Scrub the fuck out of her? Sure you didn't get some words mixed up?
over 11 years ago
Go on and try to touch her..
over 11 years ago
Mud is one of the things that Lara less concerned.

She gets hurt, covered of:

Wounds, almost all island trying to hurt she
Sweat, escaping of danger
Blood, no matter how much she run, sooner or later she gets hit
Scratches, like mud
Sper.... oh,that didn't happen just development mirages
please Jo
over 11 years ago
don't molest the duck with your tentacle penis.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263806]@KnightGunny[/url]: Tentacles are literally a collection of very long penises!
over 11 years ago
how did the tentacle masturbate? he doesn't have any penises
over 11 years ago
well that was unexpected
over 11 years ago
@Van-Tuz: Horny Teentacle ^^
over 11 years ago
and I want to reverse that sentence :)

Yes aiden, you are very "special".
over 11 years ago
Horny teen tentacle. Hm...
over 11 years ago
This is why both DotA and LoL are bad.
over 11 years ago