What people are saying about "Escape Artist"
Escape Artist
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The Engineer
over 11 years ago
I figured out quickly that the problem with a Zombie survival game based on a shooter game is that people want to play a shooter game.

Sneak around, gathering your meager supplies, feel pretty good about yourself, then encounter another player who only claims they're friendly.

The Dave
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243826]@Anon[/url] Ecxept for the hackers
A person
over 11 years ago
This is basically me. Just replace "chores" with "studying".
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243913]@Turkashi[/url]: Got it. Thank you.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243892]@idiot[/url]: I think engie want sneaky play games. But before you get spotted, you press alt+F4 to instant close the game. Here is this comic, she pressed alt+f4 to close herself. But in Jo's comment they're talking about WarZ and DayZ
over 11 years ago
Thx both for the explanation. Was a bit too lazy to do my research.
over 11 years ago
Still playing zombie games... I've lost faith in humanity.
over 11 years ago
someone explain plz

i dont understand the comic

thank you very much in advance!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243826]@Anon[/url] not your cup of tea then? Only issue that i have with WarZ is that you dehydrate way too damn fast to do anything entertaining, DayZ i still enjoy mostly out of loyalty, but also quite a bit of gleeful pride in finally figuring out the atrocious GUI
over 11 years ago
I am in the same boat about the game. It is pretty 'Meh', a lot of running around doing nothing, 10 minutes of running away from zombies, and 4 seconds of shooting until one person dies...

I will just watch people play it if I really need too...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243666]@AckAckAck[/url] Actually, I have WarZ. It exceeds DayZ in every way. Also, they're both crap.
over 11 years ago
What chores? Isn't Argonian Maid playing the kitchen-slave role now? I mean "kitchen" as an emotional symbol of "chores", not literally.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243702]@Meh[/url] That might be because they're still in the pre-kickstarter phase. Also, I wasn't aware anything 'owned' the concept of a realistic low-fantasy MMO with hunger, thirst, and permanent death, especially given that ToA was originally started back in 2005, but had to be postpone due to no funding.
over 11 years ago
@ : I always though Star Battle should at least give dead player's control of a big mob, just so they have something to do while waiting for the game to conclude. It's not like they'd make much of a difference in that state but they'd still have something.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243785]@KillerXzow[/url]: But in DotA/DotA2, you don't keep your stuff if you ragequit, and it sets you back far more than if you merely take the hit.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243785]@KillerXzow[/url] you should try Star Battle SC2 map. There is only one consequence for death. If you died then you are dead.
over 11 years ago
Hey Jo, dont forget that PvP + Death with consequences are one of the keys of Dota/Dota2. It takes a while to get used too, but you start to realize what is safe or not in this kind of game.
Liro Raeriyo
over 11 years ago
I hear an upcoming patch will make Alt F4 kill your character before closing your game, making it a moot point if you die or not

oh no wait, thats just how my bullets interpret everything i shoot at
over 11 years ago
Looks like someone have been a very naughty girl!

Come on Jo! Time for some sexy...er I mean, "justified" spanking!
over 11 years ago
try to find a video about 'big rigs', the guy who created this 'game' is the head of hammerpoint studios, the guys who are 'making' war Z...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243684]@turkashi[/url] as loouis and meh have mentioned "the War Z" is a game attempting to cash in on dayZ's popularity.(or at least that's how i interpret it's short development period) haven't had the experience of playing it myself tbh. though the fiasco with steam, among others. hasn't help its rep any.
almost 12 years ago
From what I remember, alt-F4ing in combat will kill you. Bye bye Engie!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243694]@Loouis[/url] and their 'foundation release' is what people usually call pre-alpha...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243684]@Turkashi[/url]: DayZ is a mod of another game named Arma 2. The War Z is a game made by Hammerpoint Interactive and is also a sandbox zombie game. One is a mod and the other one is a real game still in 'foundation release'.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243604]@Geary[/url] ToA seems like vaporware to me. There's nothing on their site that proves they're able to do anything other than write and draw, and most of the concept is stolen from Salem/Haven&Hearth/Mortal anyway.
almost 12 years ago
Whao had read 2x the comic before I understand, today Jo went full high level joke!
btw someone can explain short differnt between warz and the other Z? Though one was a fake that was delete by Steam very early.
almost 12 years ago
Actually the game can be quite fun, course a lot are moving to more PvE or Private hives so that the admins have more control.

I mean...whats more fun than spawning into the game with blackhawk waiting to pick you up, load you with gear, and go RIGHT back into the fray!
almost 12 years ago
It's funny because that was actually an engine crash.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243666]@AckAckAck[/url] WarZ? The worst user-rated game on metacritic? Everything is better than WarZ.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_243593]@Anon[/url]: Because it's still in the Alpha state. I bet you never check the updates huh? Also it's still way WAY better than WarZ.
Your Name
almost 12 years ago
You should respawn as a zombie... really
almost 12 years ago
DayZ hardly has 'permanent death.' You respawn as normal, simply without any of the equipment you had.

For it to truly be permanent death, there would have to be some sort of character progression. There's actually an MMO in production that's attempting this, called Trials of Ascension.
almost 12 years ago
You're wasting your time, Engie-Tan. That game really isn't good. At all. At least whenever I tried to play. Zombies spotting me from the other side of a lake, guns without bullets, bullets without guns, game-breaking glitches, unresponsive gameplay, bones breaking on doors... I could go on.
almost 12 years ago
Engie needs a spanking.
I'll be glad to administer it on your behalf!
almost 12 years ago
Hold on! I thought engie didn't need to do chores?
Not Jo
almost 12 years ago
Press alt-f4 to make em appear
almost 12 years ago
I'm confused...

Boobs were not clearly visible at any point in this comic.

Am I missing a panel somewhere?
almost 12 years ago
Darn, second?
almost 12 years ago