What people are saying about "XCom"
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almost 12 years ago
I too was interested when I first saw this up until the for coelosns too part. And In Lukasz's link above you have this: Is this going to be dumbed down for the wider console audience ?Firaxis is undeniably streamlining aspects of the game and removing no small amount of micromanagement which
about 12 years ago
Somehow I think the third girl is the cutest.
But I'm a girl myself, what do I know.
about 12 years ago
I'd still tap that from the third panel.
Die Markierten Kommentator
about 12 years ago
Smoking? Why not eating babies? If it wasn't for the smoking thing all three would be fine.

They always have to add something horrible in the mix.
about 12 years ago
Left is cute.
Very cute indeed.
Other two are do not want.
I don't understand why they can't just make games like the originals, with more pixels and new storylines but the same gameplay.
They always break what is already very cute.
about 12 years ago
First two girls (two leftmost panels) are very cool/cute. Are there prints? High resolution pictures? In a shop? Or something?
about 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall: Surprise! The middle girl is the lesbian!
about 12 years ago
High school crush? Lucky bastard, I went to an All-boys school.
about 12 years ago
It can't be a worse letdown than Diablo III... right?
about 12 years ago
I have to say I had several of those moments over the years. Not that the third panel is unattractive in the slightest. She is equally attractive. But it's just that "oh wow...I didn't see that coming" sort of issue. High School proves nothing about us as the closer I get to my PhD.
about 12 years ago
Yeah... third panel is...

I'd go for that.
about 12 years ago
I could never figure out what middle girl's top is called.

about 12 years ago
Does it say something about me that I find the one on the left more attractive than the one in the middle?
Accalia de Elementia
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176726]@Willow[/url]: You and me both. Although I'm not picky. Any of the three would be fun!
about 12 years ago
I want to be lesbians with the girl in panel three.
about 12 years ago
Young Xcom-chan is the best.
about 12 years ago
Im gonna find it hilarious once the lower budget true to the original game is going to outsell the high budget fps they were trying to shove down our throats.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176640]@Mags[/url] Please, the original gameover was far, FAR worse. Simply seeing one useless leader being pwned cannot be compared to see what the aliens would do to the world if they won.
about 12 years ago
And then you discover the insane, boyfriend-killing psycho underlying the adorable figure of said crush.

..But she's still so cute...
about 12 years ago
The first version looks like Shani from The Witcher
Commissioner Gordon
about 12 years ago
Because it's the game Jo deserves, but not the one he needs right now. So he'll make a comic about it, because the game can take it. Because it's not the best game. It's a silent guardian of nostalgia, his watchful protector.
about 12 years ago
if these were girl gamers instead of xcom-tans, then girl #3 is smoking afterwards with a "that's all you got?" expression
about 12 years ago
The fps has been scratched.

So we have the traditional yet somewhat innovative one (XCOM UD) and the ultra-traditional remake (Xenonauts).

So, it's like discovering that your extra cute high school crush has a sister :)
about 12 years ago
About x-com, please check the BAD ENDING for the PSX version, this ending is ...WOW.

About high-expectations, two words : Fallout 3. ^__^
Not A Dyke
about 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall: Hate to break it to you, bub, but not all muscle chicks with short hair are lesbians. Fuck, just a couple of decades ago, that was the description of the town whore.
no u
about 12 years ago
the girl in the middle looks like roxanne from a goofy movie. the hairstyle is almost identical and color is pretty close too. and..well there's more resemblances, but did you base it on her? just asking.
about 12 years ago
I've had a chance to try the first bit of the game at PAX. Though I wasn't able to get very deep into the gameplay, it seems to be doing a good job of simplifying things in a way that doesn't make the game easier or shallower - just easier to understand. I pre-ordered it the next day.
about 12 years ago
Why am I so certain that the girl in the last panel is so much more fun and a lot better in bed than the one in the middle? :P
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
So XCom revisited is a butch-dyke lesbian? I hate to break it to you guys, but all of you who are going "I'd hit that" are probably going to be very disappointed.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Maybe that was the intention? That even though your high school sweetheart isn't the flowing haired vixen you thought you wanted, and she's definitely not the fourteen year old virgin you had, she's still good in a way you didn't expect?
about 12 years ago
Yeah. Oh no, my high school sweetheart is a muscley badass. It doesn't match my expectations, no, but I was surproused.
about 12 years ago
I think we see why Jo didn't like Jack in ME2. I mean, unf unf. Dat 3rd panel.
The Anon
about 12 years ago
I want to feel good about it, I really do.

But I've had too many hopes crushed and am now a bitter shell of my former self.

Especialy since UFO-The Two Sides was lawyerd out of existance.
about 12 years ago
Okay Jo a few things:
What is this "fun" you speak of?
The wise old kidman inside me says that unless I really need the game for big teamspeak games I should buy it on a steam sale later and spend my money on my one true love instead: TF2
She always changes and I can't spot loving her.
about 12 years ago
And if its awful there is always Dead State for X-Com vs Zombies.

about 12 years ago
Even if it's #3 and not #2... I'd still hit it.
about 12 years ago
"High school crush" is not how I would describe the original X-Com considering how I spent most of the game running for the dropship the moment I spot a chrysalid on the field.

I just hope 2K doesn't dumb it down to make it more "accessible", which is too often the case for modern remakes.
about 12 years ago
new realtime shite is not needed when we got xenonauts
about 12 years ago
...so, did the fanservice vote win? Just judging from this strip.
about 12 years ago
Eh, I'd hit that (provided she's still into guys). [url=#user_comment_176345] @GG[/url]: Action points like in VC and Space Hulk's Command Points? I'm down with that.
about 12 years ago
If enough people pre-order, we can all get free copies of Civ 5 ^_^
An Anonymous
about 12 years ago
I wanna play this game too, but I think I can actually wait till the reviews come out for this one. Unless it's Atlus, I can usually wait.
about 12 years ago
As a big X-Com fan, I'm not really interested in either of the X-Com's. Personally, I'm more interested in the remake Xenonauts.
about 12 years ago
The kid won, I hit the pre-order button pretty much as soon as it popped up. I've not even pre-ordered Dishonoured yet, and I've been practically creaming myself at the thought of that game. Talk about nerdgasms.
about 12 years ago
You can always play UFO: Alien Invasion or Xenosauts! AI is freeware to boot!
about 12 years ago
It's in good hands with Firaxis, failing that we gather around the office and burn the heretics like we will the FPS team.
Polish your pitchforks and shine your shoes, angry mob are we!
Also, dat dyke!
about 12 years ago
Also I love turn based Squad-Based Tactical Games but they seem to have dropped out in the current generation of games with only a handful being made by smaller studios and indie devs. It'll be great to see one being made by a larger studio.
about 12 years ago
I can always just play the original. This new game looks amazing in terms of it's own style, it's own atmosphere and as a Squad-Based Tactical Game in general. That's what re-imagining is about. It's not a remake and thats great.
about 12 years ago
The original X-Com is still my favourite game of all time. This game changes so much that I doubt they can keep the original's atmosphere intact. It seems a lot faster paced for example. That said, I still look forward to it. I never expected someone to recreate the perfect original experience.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176345]@GG[/url] that was 2 builds ago. the next build will be beta build.
about 12 years ago
Borderlands 2 vs Diabolo 3
waiting for an comic

Also i hope the left girl makes it into engi-tan and jo's house. She is just too cute to not involve her charactere.
about 12 years ago
I was never really able to get into xcom, It just seemed so complicated, but then again I never played the original I played... 3 I think.
about 12 years ago
I'm getting a slight Kim Possible vibe from the middle panel X-com.
about 12 years ago
Very nice drawnings. VEERY NICE.
Good job.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176342]@Maze1125[/url] True, they announced it when people went ballistic over that blasphemy with the same name as X-com, but it seems like Firaxis' project was already on the works since much before.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176329]@DomEReapeR[/url] That's exactly what I was going to say. I don't know why people are so desperate to believe that the new XCom has only been in development for a short while. They've told us repeatedly that it's been in development for years, they just weren't ready to announce it before they did.
about 12 years ago
Oooh can we vote for more loli fan service?
about 12 years ago
The important changes I saw was having one base and abandoning the Time units in favour of main action points (Like in Valkyria Chronicles, you have a number of actions for the entire team each turn, so you can focus in only one member, or share it)
about 12 years ago
Might wanna watch their livestream panel, they've been working on the remake since somewhere around 2008.
about 12 years ago
Personally the kid already won in me. When I knew that Firaxis was the one in the works, and I checked the changes from X-Com: UFO Defense. I decided this game would be worth it, and I preordered it.

@Nerfow: Xenonauts it's almost in Beta phase, they only have three builds left.
about 12 years ago

Hey, it's Firaxis. They are not as cool as they used to be in the Brian Reynolds times, but they are still pretty solid, Civ5 notwithstanding.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Hey man White Tank tops are pretty hot. I'm not complaining.
about 12 years ago
As long as the butch can take dick, I can dig it.
about 12 years ago
> The wise man on man says "wait for the reviews"
> The wise man on man
> man on man

about 12 years ago
my high school crush have become realy slutty and trashy :I i am not very amused
about 12 years ago
Well Jo, the game at least seems to go into the general direction of what I used to like and unless it is a complete failure it is good enough for me at this point. ;)
Wealthy Hobo
about 12 years ago
The only thing that I would change about the third woman would be her having longer hair. Don't know why that's a turn-on for me.

Regardless, I thank you for the fanservice, Jo.
about 12 years ago
How about an hour of solid gameplay footage? That'll help you see how well it lives up to expectations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VP4YmExQAE
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176249]@Nerfnow[/url]: There's alphas (soon betas) for people who preordered and it looks good enough.
Beep Boop
about 12 years ago
What in tarnation is a mongoloid?
about 12 years ago
so if we carry this metaphor just a little further, my high school crush was a half retarded mongoloid that I spent no longer than 20 minutes with in 2002 (half a decade after I left high school) and immediately moved on to something better without a second thought.

yup, that's xcom
about 12 years ago
@Mr.Ace: They all supposed to be the same girl. Note there isn't a "bad" option, just not getting what you expect. Depending of the person this may even be a good thing.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176247]@VW[/url]: No, but it's not what you expected.
about 12 years ago
...I don't see what's supposed to be the problem with the woman in panel 3. Is there something wrong with muscular short-haired women?
Great Biotic Wind
about 12 years ago
As with the picture, it really comes down to the expectations.
I tried the old UFO recently and it felt like the game could use few changes, especially the tactical part.
about 12 years ago
All this time... Jack was X-com tan all along!
Mr. Sedgewick
about 12 years ago
I suggest you go way back and watch all the video interviews, Jo. The guys making this are all committed (as in, asylum) UFO: Enemy Unknown players and lovers. They're determined to make XCOM Enemy Unknown into a game worthy of the title. Know their intent. Assuage your fear.
Shadow Scryer
about 12 years ago
- and that's without exotic guns, psionic powers and armour upgrades.
Shadow Scryer
about 12 years ago
Never heard of Xcom before this one. HA! That's the benefit of having no prior experience, I have nothing to be disappointed about if it's not the same as the original! I've seen the trailers and two gameplay videos so let's be honest here, it's freaking awesome with just the base soldiers.
about 12 years ago
You know if the 3rd girl let down her hair, used a little make-up and smiled she'd look good too.
about 12 years ago
You know, I can't wait for either of them, because the concept just fascinates me!
about 12 years ago
add in Xenonauts and you have 3
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176210]@V[/url]: Rebelstar is like a unofficial "prequel" to X-Com. They obviously took some inspiration from it but the game is a bit too dated and slow paced now. Xenonauts is yet to be released which makes me ponder if it will ever be finished.
about 12 years ago
Another X-COM remake in the works is Xenonauts, which is a lot closer to the original than the one by Firaxis. I'm looking forward to both.
about 12 years ago
Buy Rebelstar Tactical Command for the GBA, it's a lot like X-com(it's even made by several members of the team that worked on the series).
about 12 years ago
I'm honestly looking forward to both X-Com games. They're fun to read about and watch, and the FPS one would let me play an X-Com game without having to use the TBC mechanic that I loathe outside of pen and paper games.

That being said, I'm still going to wait for reviews.
about 12 years ago
"First" - Steve Jobs
"Fake!" - Lee Kun-Hee
about 12 years ago
and thats why hyping something is bad, but as you said, the kid is winning