What people are saying about "Details"
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about 12 years ago
Got to admitt, this song has a point, my frenid had a family that only played wow, his mom was super addicted and now his parents are divorced, he got kicked out the house he was renting, and now he's living family in a little house down in Texas, poor guy.
about 12 years ago
I haven't played WoW, but I strongly feel the same as Jo does.
about 12 years ago
No no no, you got it wrong, the second frame should have a blood elf instead. :3
about 12 years ago
I love all the Pop culture references in warcraft 1. Love the cartoony art in warcraft 2 and the redesigns in warcraft 3 but i became a warcraft fanatic when i tried WoW. Let me tell ya, seeing people who say "glad i quit wow" makes me laugh. See you all in pandaria. I'm sad that jo won't join us...
about 12 years ago
@Zak the Troll Hunter: They're gonna release newer models later on in the expansion.
about 12 years ago
@Bliz Store: You can get it in quests.
about 12 years ago
@Mister Polka Dot: Maybe because DotA was spawned from Blizzard's Warcraft 3 and back then only had access to Blizzard models and shit?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164291]@m[/url]: You could hold up to 4.
Zak the Troll Hunter
about 12 years ago
This is so unrealistic.
The Shoulders would be at least twice as large, it IS an orc.
I WANNA SEE YOU MAKE ALL TEH WOW RACES or even, a WoW comic strip
Lastly; Does anyone find it strange that in every Art piece or Cinematic, Orcs have straight backs, but in game, hunched?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164875]@Geary[/url] So you believe a game designed almost from the beginning with lore secondary to gameplay/content and constantly trying to improve its experience can't be good on its own? Or do you just always have to right, even about whether or not someone really likes a video game?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164875]@geary[/url] I played tons of other MMO and none of them match WoW man. Also, theres hasnt been any lore-rape since BC and those damn draenei. Seriously, I'm glad Chen Stormsnout is finally back, pandarens have been in warcraft for 10 years! And seriously, gaudy visual? I love those cartoony graphics.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164850]@Huttj[/url] So you believe that WoW, with its lore-rape and gaudy visuals, is just as good as, or better than, Warcraft? Or just as good as WoW originally was in comparison to other MMOs at the time?
about 12 years ago
Additionally, shoulders too colourless, small, and immobile. They need to spit fire every 4 seconds and have to quadruple in size occasionally IMO. ;)
about 12 years ago
I havent been quite as in love with WoW in recent years as i was with vanilla and burning crusade, but a game is a game. They're still adding content so let us not overlook the fact that this means more to play and another look at just how creative blizzard can get with their raid bosses.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164789]@Geary[/url] You know, I saw someone on a forum saying "you're not REALLY having fun, you just think you are." You sound like him. If you don't like it, don't play it. You can give a concise reason why you don't like it, that's fine, and prompts discussion. Accusations of delusion do not.
about 12 years ago
This is sadly so very true.
about 12 years ago
People still play WOW? I quit during Wrath, didn't care about Cataclysm, care even less about Mists. Try it, you'll find there's much better MMOs out there.
about 12 years ago
Orc chooses Sunflower.

Sunflower uses Sing

You are now humming the "Zombies on our lawn" song from PvZ lol
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164747]@Bruceski[/url] There are always people willing to beat dead horses because they liked it when they were alive.
about 12 years ago
@Mister Polka Dot: For a game that's dead, it sure has a lot of subscribers.
about 12 years ago
that belt is waaay to small to be a WoW one. and ya I thought the human was kunkka too.
Bliz Store
about 12 years ago
New Sunflower companion! Only $12.99! Available for a limited time.
Mister Polka Dot
about 12 years ago
The trailer looks like Dota2, sounds like Dota2 and the human is so totally Kunkka.

RIP Blizzard ???-2010

WoW died with Arthas, for some even sooner..

If the quests story are as shitty as Cata's fuck this.
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
about 12 years ago
Won't be like that at all, Jo. The skull shoulders are far too manly.
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164607]@WTF[/url]: I only know the 40k Orks, no idea about the Warcraft Orcs.
about 12 years ago
Wow, someone else that has played Warcraft 1?
FYI, you can select up to four units at the same time if you held the CTRL key and drew a rectangle.
about 12 years ago
Excuse me while I hide in shame.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164542] @Sabre_Justice[/url] @Info-Man I had no flipping idea, though it was flock like flock of birds. The more you know...
about 12 years ago
I don't play WoW (pay monthly? yea right) but from trailers and such mists of pandaria seems fun, even the monster battles. And it seems blizzard is making raids and end game content easier and more accessible so everyone can do them which I'd think would be a welcome change too.
about 12 years ago
Picture 2 isn't really in the game so much anymore since you can control what your character looks like with the Transmog thing
about 12 years ago
@The Everything,man

Orks for the most part get slaughtered by Space Marines and since you seem to refer to Warcraft Orks... those wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in hell to even get within reach before dying a horrible brutal death. Idiot.
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
''oger guy'' WAAAAAHHHH!!!

''Space Marines'' FOR THE EMPEROR!!!

'Huge fight, Space Marines all dead''

''oger guy'' Now dat waz a good fighing Boizz!

''other Orks'' WAAAAAHHHH!!!
about 12 years ago
haha, nice antenna.
about 12 years ago
Picture #2 is one of the many reasons why I don't play WoW.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164505]@Zacsi[/url]: Indeed. Let me pause for a moment in painting my silver terminator armor in battle sister goopy bits to observe that, like all things derived from Warhammer, it lends itself to canon rape and massive retcons in the name of anticipated profits.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164504]@V[/url] lol. A group of crows is called a "murder". @Latino-Freak Mann vs Machine tf2 reference FTW.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164504]@V[/url]: That's a bad example, since it's a pretty common hilarious fact that a group of crows is really called a Murder. (Ravens are an Unkindness, Rooks are a Parliament. Corvidae are awesome like that)
QQ now!
about 12 years ago
new website name is QQ now! hahaha
about 12 years ago
quit at Cataclysm with 3 max level, max gear characters before I even HEARD of MoP. Well, guess I really WILL be sticking to GW2 from now on...
about 12 years ago
i actually think the style changed drastically since warcraft 3... warcraft 1 and 2 had a more 'classical' look... the style became a bit more 'cartoonish' since warcraft 3.
about 12 years ago
You puny mortals and your fear of change.
So predictable like fight between Khorne and Slaanesh. I bet a battlebarge full of warpdust that none of you would even play a game for longer than a year if it isn't updated.
Now im off to play some Tf2 to constantly switch my hats.
Just as planned.
about 12 years ago
I agree, I also dislike the overused memes and popculture references.
Both Darksiders II and WoW have the "A Murder of Crows" talent, for instance.
about 12 years ago
Not pictured: legendary chest hair of the human sailor.
about 12 years ago
I really hoped that Garrosh would become a MANN and take the Horde into their badass ways from the past. But he was a sore leader, and will be dissmissed in MoP for being... well, an Orcish conqueror.
about 12 years ago
I liked when Thrall wanted to take Horde into a path of redemption, but they've been striped of their pride as a powerful nation of conquerors. Now they're a "politically correct" representation of a token ethnic group from our reality.
about 12 years ago
I used to have Warcraft 2 (Brazilian localization, with all voices in the entire game being made by only one person). Was a fun game. Pokemon battles in WoW? I heard something about it...
about 12 years ago
please, for the love of god, tell me that the "defilement of old lore" is not the Pandaren. The quickest and laziest of google searches would prove that false. It just pisses me off when I hear the "kung-fu panda" crap being kicked around. Frozen throne was 9 freaking years ago! Know your lore!
about 12 years ago
Agree on at least a few of those notes - and just to mention one... way too many memes in Wow now. Can´t throw a dead cat around without hitting one now.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164317]@TrollyMcTrollerton[/url] "reasonable criticism" lol. His answer was all over the place, had he time to think and structure his answers they probably wouldn't have responded that way.
about 12 years ago
everytime i think about the old warcraft days i tell myself WoW is just like a movie adapted from a book
Nando Rock
about 12 years ago
Call of Honor: Modern Warcraft Stadium Silver and Gold ... man, i will play Wow normaly
about 12 years ago
I love the phrase "modern warcraft". Sounds like "Cashcow of Developers: Modern Warcraft" to me.
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
Now I look the like of this oger!

but with the smiley face on him and the flower next to him, looks kinnda gay on him.

Like the helmet an robot eye, with any luck he could be in Warhammer 40k!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164407]@Mac[/url]: There are gonna be pets that you use to battle other players' pets, heh.
about 12 years ago
Sounds like the same thing that happened to TF2 artstyle.
about 12 years ago
You feel you bro, about not being able to continue the game. Honestly I think by this point, WoW's being milked until it can't anymore.

And what's this about pokemon? I thought Jo was making a reference to the fact that the Pokemon series has been around for nearly ten years now.
about 12 years ago
>click link

about 12 years ago
I don't think it's anything to do with a new fangled generation of gamers on your lawn, it's just a result feature creep and the breakdown of consistent art design.
about 12 years ago
Zombies are coming! Protect that sunflower!
leeeeroy jeeeenkins
about 12 years ago
Mine! Oh wait...
about 12 years ago
I think the Pokemon battles will be a nice addition, something fun to do when waiting on other players
about 12 years ago
Too bad Blizzard doesn't deserve your business (and won't be receiving any more of mine). Check out the 'mature' way that their employees responded to some reasonable criticism by a former Blizzard North developer.
about 12 years ago
Actually, original Warcraft was the very first RTS to implement multiple unit selection. Up to 4 at once.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164292]@MeowMix[/url]: Oh God, I miss them. Fuck you Thrall for ruining the horde! Thrall's Horde should've just been a clan, while the other orcs were still evil badasses.
about 12 years ago
Remember when orcs were evil motherfuckers and none of this noble proud warrior bullshit?
about 12 years ago
Off the top of my head, holding control allowed group selection up to 6 units. It has been probably a decade seen I last played warcraft 1.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164277]@Dwarfio[/url]: You aren't constipated or something, are you?
about 12 years ago
I would straight up murder somebody if it would mean Blizzard would make Warcraft 4!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_164258]@Translator[/url]: Spelling/grammar mistakes only matter if it's in the comic. If Jo ever types a perfect sentence into the description box, I will shit.
about 12 years ago
With the inclusion of transmoging, it won't be that bad. At least it isn't as colorful as the BC leveling experience.

Also, this:

about 12 years ago
this is the first comic i see without notes and i come regular to this site now like a year ...
about 12 years ago
"mordern" Spelled wrong
about 12 years ago
You know the weird addictiveness of Pokemon? Yeah it has that feel. Beware.