What people are saying about "Hardened Veteran"
Hardened Veteran
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almost 12 years ago
I visited your blog today, and I eneoyjd reading it very much. It appears we have several things in common: a love of reading, and a love of Japan! I order special origami paper all the time; my current craze is folding those tiny, puffy stars which are given in jars for friendship. Do you see them
The Everything,man
almost 12 years ago
She looks like a new wife for Anakaris in a new Darkstalkers or Night Warriors game... Man that would be creepy... ''Shudder''

Take care and don't even think about that O,k.
about 12 years ago
I have seen the horrors, and payed for it later.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146557]@Chykin[/url]: Nothing is worse than cold tentacle rape.
about 12 years ago
I was not going to... then I caved in and spent nearly 100 dollars in games... that would outside the sale, be aroudn 300 dollars or more. Just sucks I got some packaged that alerady have a game or another I had purchased before, and it doesn't give me extra copies.
about 12 years ago
I use steam sales to buy gifts for people. "Wow bro you bought me a full priced game?".....yes, yes I did.
about 12 years ago
Unfortunately I'm a rookie Steam Sale. However I also fortunate enough to use Steam Card to fill my wallet and I only fill it with $20 card. I got a couple of old games but hey, I still ready for winter sale!
about 12 years ago
That's pretty much where I'm with Steam sales. I went overboard on the first few and bought up most of the games I want. I now have a short shopping list that I've been holding off on buying until the sale, but unless something leaps out at me, there's not much else I plan on getting.
about 12 years ago
So he's a cold-blooded tentacle monster?
about 12 years ago
Sad and glad to say i'm a rookie, my wallet's not gonna live long with those prices... gonna need some back up with mr. paypal
about 12 years ago
I remember now that one of the games not available over steam was "Footbal Manager 20xx" - a game which is made in germany!
about 12 years ago
Why isn't the wallet also a sexy woman?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146487]@2033[/url] I think it's got to do with all the copyright bullshit for some regions, publishers issues and forgetting some regions. Still steam's fault for allowing it. Use any US web proxy to see them, last game I couldn't see was Batman Arkham City and it has GFWL and securerom so I wouldn't buy.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146487]@2033[/url] Don't worry Germany, you aren't missing much.
about 12 years ago
I am still wondering what is behind those mysterious signs labeled "this is not for your region" when connecting from germany.
Probably have that anyway, tho.

Steam violates german regulation regards the protection of minors.
about 12 years ago
Bah! I come here expecting strip about hard time with summer sale, and get this instead.
about 12 years ago
Nice comic today Jo can totally relate.

On the other hand you should really take note of the Source Filmmaker already that stuffs exploding all over the internet since the pyro update.

about 12 years ago
Jo and I must live very similar lives because most of his comics I can relate too.
I've only bought Hard Reset for myself and Binding of Issac for my brother so far. I'm hoping Sins of a Solar Empire goes on sale.
about 12 years ago
Wallet sees this as a mortal struggle avoided.
Wallet owner sees this as just another excuse to wrestle with Steam-tan in cosplay. You know we love it <3
about 12 years ago
Mikey you're like 12 years old stfu tyvm
about 12 years ago
All I've got to say is I've been around since Counter Strike released and I'm not going to pick and choose stupid shit to complain about with Steam. If you're concerned about buying shit and not actually getting it, don't buy the shit. Don't go on a crusade to make others join your cause...
Rowen Lebam
about 12 years ago
Guess it's time steam adds more games to the store.
Like old games, games from consoles, japanese games. There's still a market.
Steam-tan's boobs can still grow.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146426]@Pandor[/url]: win, but its true :c
about 12 years ago
Dude your heater is way to strong, we are melting over here...
about 12 years ago
@Miguel Young: Wut? Jo doesn't livei n Bahia.
about 12 years ago
Take me. NOW!
about 12 years ago
@Wait a second ...Well, I suppose it depends on what you're meaning by 'available'. Total library, you're right--but in terms of games available to spend more money on as opposed to the ones you've already bought), the strip is about right, I think.
about 12 years ago
I wouldn't mind seeing a Steam/GoG merger, myself--Steam handles the new releases and modern games, while GoG keeps doing the older DOS and early windows games that require effort to get to run on modern systems.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146346]@Dome[/url] Not to mention that if the client can't call home to the servers in the first place, if nothing else you'll just end up in permanant Offline Mode.
Fuck steam
about 12 years ago
Fuck steam. GoG will lead us to the future!
about 12 years ago
Don't be mean to STEAM chan.
Wait a second
about 12 years ago
What happened to breast size being directly proportional to games available?

I demand some big ol' titties. Now!
about 12 years ago
Welp,you can't speak for all of us.
about 12 years ago
TL plox

moredkaiser es #1

about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146346]@Dome[/url]: Gaben has a standing promise that DRM removal patches will be supplied if Steam goes under. Like it would, anytime soon. In other news, GoG.
about 12 years ago
Pretty much how it goes.
about 12 years ago
Jo, you can keep yourself warm with a thermic bottle full of hot chocolate/tea/coffee/soup
about 12 years ago
yeah it feels overwhelming when you all ready have all they game you wanted from previous steam sales.

All I really want was Deus Ex 3.
about 12 years ago
I must admit, if steam ever where to fail, I would probably be tired of all my games on it.
No.. I prefere to use my shelf space for other things.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146346]@Dome[/url]: You mean those boxed copies that won't work because the CD/DVD won't read, or because you ll lose them, or because the OS won't be compatible? Not to mention finding the patch etc Honestly steam is not going anywhere especially since digital is the future, whether we like it or not.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146346]@Dome[/url] Actually, I seem to remember them stating that in the event of a shutdown they would to their best to make sure that the games are still playable, including removing their own DRM from the system.
about 12 years ago
Remember to always use steam as a last resort when you are buying a game. Steam hides behind a mask of convenience the fact if they ever shut down those games you 'bought' are gone. I'm gonna go admire my shelf of boxed copies now.
about 12 years ago
there are always new games to buy. I just got space marine and from dust (so now I own from dust twice)
about 12 years ago
Only game I think I'll get is fallout just cuz I wanna fool around with mods :P
Miguel Young
about 12 years ago
deixa de ser fresco, meu rei, onde que faz frio ai? :D
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146337]@HeliaXDemoN[/url]: Hear hear! Well... maybe From Dust as well, but I'll wait for ArmaII.
about 12 years ago
I only want Arma2 for DayZ :D
about 12 years ago
This is my current problem, out of my entire wishlist, after looking thru all of steam 3x, I have 9 things on it, 7 of which aren't released and the other 2 which I only passed up earlier because I didn't feel like playing that type of game at the time >.>