What people are saying about "Group Effort"
Group Effort
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about 12 years ago
My son is a sophomore this year. He is 6'3 , is a good SF (very good shoetor and can dunk with one or two hands). He is also 19th out of 400+ in his HS and carries a 4.67 gpa. He started for his JV this year and will play for and probably start for the varsity during his junior year. He would li
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
Oh f..k my scout and go to hell!

This looks like Warhammer in Gamesworkhop and the lord of the rings movie all in one.

Is this Warcraft or TF2 gone med,evil all of a sudden?

Take care, and watch out for Orks!
over 12 years ago
Yo 2033, it's DARK Souls, not DEMON Souls.

l2 crapcum
over 12 years ago
Wait.. people are still playing Diablo 3?
over 12 years ago
is it coincidence that there is a 'group effort' that has complete gone to waste? Demon's Soul, open for preorder now, is verified to use GFWL through it's steam page. Too bad. I really wanted to play it, but GFWL is like having to tie a rotting cat or small dog to your face.
over 12 years ago
D3 must be good if it inspires such insane hatred.

As for me, I play a low-dps monk with cyclone strike and tankiness. Groups tend to like me. :V
over 12 years ago
One last note:
lest I be elitist, I'm getting chain-raped by a Jailor/Desecrator/Plagued lacuni pack.
That crap is just bad. Can't out run them. Can't kite them. Can't take the beating. 70K in repairs and counting.
over 12 years ago
Also... don't feed the trolls
over 12 years ago
Tentacle witch doctor rules!
over 12 years ago
It's really a communication problem. If I had some idea who I was fighting with and what they were thinking that'd be far better.
Most randoms can't be bothered to say "hello", nm talk tactics and pacing.
Plus rush rush rush all the time.
over 12 years ago
Good comic, Jo. I'm a long time reader, first time poster.
You've got it.
I'm an InferNAO DH (actually a human, but whatever) and since I live and die by kiting and keeping my movement options open or at least predictable, Moar =/= Better on Inferno.
over 12 years ago
(PART 2)

And maybe add a vendor shop accessible after each round to buy non-gear stuff and an item to speed up follower resurrection time.

Maybe do away with waves and just have a constant stream of enemies that get stronger each passing minute.
over 12 years ago
Diablo needs horde mode. Your party fight against endless waves of enemies in an arena. Each wave gets progressively harder. Each enemy killed will drop better loot/gear than the last wave. Sometimes you'll need to equip better gear in the middle of a fight!

over 12 years ago
@Logical Dude:

You pick and choose the opinions you want to matter, and claim that they do based on nothing.
You are basing your stance off an unsorted, undetermined number of opinions from an unspecific community, and the words of single man's article on quality.

Objectivity this is not.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
@Lolwat?: Clearly you do not want to discuss this logically. I have made my point and seeing you reply like this points to no possible discussion. Since you don't want to discuss this, the rational thing for me is to stop wasting my energy on this. Have a nice day.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
One last thing: The link I posted was an article written by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Kramer

Call it argument of authority if you want, this guy appears to have enough credentials.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
Yet some people claim DIII is good, that they enjoy it, that a lot of the things in DII are old, relics of a time lost, unfun, etc... but then, why is Diablo III not enjoyed if it supposedly did everything better?

Is DIII really better? If so why? Is DII better? If so why?
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
@Lolwat?: I'm not trying to support anything and do not label me as such. However there is stuff to reflect on with this thing. DIII disappointed, overall, at the very least, this is the most easily accessible opinion for someone who goes to the community.
over 12 years ago
@Logical Dude:

Careful now, if you keep putting words in my mouth like that it might be considered sexual assault.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
@Lolwat?: However DIII caused quite a stir in the gaming community. Amongst the reasons for the stir was it's dislike by many and it's supposed love by many others. Clearly this points at something here. I'm not trying to protect either, I want the objective facts and I'm thinking in QUESTIONS.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
@Lolwat?: According to whatever you say we shouldn't be able to say that DIII is better than DII or that DII is better than DIII, only that DII is (an in exists) and DIII is (as in exists). According to what you say we shall not compare them as we cannot compare objectively.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
@Lolwat?: In fact there are objective qualities for what makes good media hence why we have writing/scenario classes in some school programs teaching people not to do that. Of course these qualities are arbitrary and can change with the times and people.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
@Lolwat?: If the only way of measuring quality is relative, then we shall use it. New games have been compared with older games, same with movies or TV shows. Next will you tell me Marye Sues are good writing since we can only measure good writing arbitrarily?
over 12 years ago
@Logical Dude:

You take an arbitrary scale for a game's quality, and pit it against another arbitrary scale of another game's quality and claim it to be objectivity.

All you are doing is trying to bolster the validity of your preferences with the belief that they are not subjective.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
qualify as good actually is.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
As someone for whom the reality, objective reality is important, I would be the first to agree DIII is superior, even if I did not like it personally.

However somehow I don't see any proof it is superior, objective or not. Only people who claim it is and I'm not certain that what they...
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
... objectively prove which game is superior.

This is why we need to look at the overall appreciation and at whatever objective criterias we have (my link you probably didn't read).

Would also like to point out there is no straw manning here, l2 definitions.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago

You miss the point i.e you're retarded. However, know this: My issue is with people saying DIII is better than DII, based on "objective criterias" that the Skill System is better, the itemization is better, more simple, etc...

Of course it is very difficult for either side to...
over 12 years ago
D3 is just passing the time until GW2 is finally released, hoping the endgame there will give more of an incentive to keep on playing.

D3 is just a sad excuse of a game. Totally behind its time.
(Alone the fact that blizz denies allowing changes in graphics so low end computer can play it well.)
over 12 years ago
@Logical Dude:
I don't care to prove D2 is bad, I never said it was so. Blatant straw-manning does you no favors.

All I see is you making very vapid, tautological, and baseless arguments in support of your own preferences while trying to pretend it has some sort of grounding in objectivity.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
I said:

"Apart from that, Diablo 2 was loved DIII was not. Reality of things. DII is better."

I did not in any way imply that the fact it's loved made DII better. See the post below this one.

We see what a game with full re-specs does. One which forces you to stick with a build is better.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
The fact that it's loved did not make DII good. The fact it's good made it loved. ;P And BTW
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
@Lolwat?: You did not read the link I posted.

Can you objectively prove DII was bad? It has all the good points from the link.

It's hard to define a good game, but a Diablo II was a good game. Maybe some people did not like the trees and such. But even so does that make them bad?
So They Say
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146240]@Nikari[/url] Now That's What I Call Irony Vol. 4
over 12 years ago
@Lolwat?: This.
Wouldn't be that flagrant if not for the name of the poster :3
over 12 years ago
@Logical Dude:

-Start off rant saying 'Loving X doesn't make it good'

-Says Y is objectively good because it is loved.

over 12 years ago
i always think its sad if someone goes solo because he can, and leaves someone behind who cant... even sader if this happens on someone on the friendlist (in my case thats something i change at this very point)
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
At some point we can't just cater to the most common denominator. Anyone using a computer should be capable of fully understanding the systems and functions of WoW and such games (vanilla) and so simplification isn't needed. Also, if you don't have time, you stay in your league. That's all.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
BC as in BullCrap.

Games should offer a challenge right off the bat for those who want it. DIII fails to do that. TL2 succeeds (Veteran/Elite).

Apart from that, Diablo 2 was loved DIII was not. Reality of things. DII is better.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
DII is better than Diablo III, even if it had objective shortcomings. People praise Blizzard's simplification of games, telling how they can't enjoy it if there's too much farming or can't raid if there are attunements or stuff. BC.
Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
Despite the fact TP had some simplified stuff. Even Skyward Sword doesn't top OoT.

It's hard to define a good game objectively but there are criterias:

Logical Dude
over 12 years ago
You loving DIII doesn't make it a good game.
You hating DIII doesn't make it a bad game.

The reality is DII was successfull and loved. DIII isn't. Or how Ocarina of Time is better than Twilight Princess...
over 12 years ago
Sentry Gun or Sentry Ward?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146203]@lol[/url] Let me guess, we should be buying the Diablo-II-clone* of the week without question and whining about how anyone who dares be successful is evil incarnate like good little anti-conformists? *perfectly ok when Indies do it, naturally.
over 12 years ago
Ah come on guys, it's not an actual game it's an online sweat shop where you work like good little drones for Blizzards sake.
And if you're not strong enough, that's no problem because that's what the real money auction house is for!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146197]@VeraltheWind[/url]: You wa mad?
over 12 years ago
Blizzard made a game that encourages forced socialization between groups that they overestimate the closeness of anonymous, random people on the internet? And have no clear goal but to keep playing and inflating a game's pay-to-win economy?

over 12 years ago
better than torchlight 2

over 12 years ago
Better than path of exile

over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146186]@Shugotenshi[/url] Everyone uses shields in hardcore. By hell, I don't think I ever saw a single person duel wielding, using a 2 hander, or using a class specific off hand. That extra armor is too good to pass up when you only get one chance.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146151]@Dome[/url]: stupid script blocker, didn't see the other responses or your own response to your own post about the Templar so I have but one thing to say "GLORIOUS!!!"
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146151]@Dome[/url], the guy with the shield is the Templar follower....I also play a barb w/shield in Inferno, it provides a good amount of survivability on tougher elite packs, other wise I DW LoH wpns
over 12 years ago
Oh, yes. The eternal "Gamer Paradox":

1) Fresh Friendly Newbie: I enjoy playing online so I can play with other people and help each other.

2) Old Over-leveled Snob: Nah, I rather solo this shit than to pick noobs that mess my play.

Playing an online game in solo mode... simple, right?
over 12 years ago
better than diablo 3

over 12 years ago
Honestly havent played Diablo 3 for ages now - maybe its because I just plain suck at the last fight :p or maybe its just not a game for me. But whichever not a whole lot of incentive for me to actually play it at given time.
over 12 years ago
But there's so many other game-related things you can talk about here! The Ouya.... the Source Filmmaker...THE STEAM SUMMER SALE!!!! Hurry, before they're no longer topical!!!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146154]@Jetpack[/url]: Then it's good that the Demon Hunter isn't grouping...
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
The Demon Hunter there?
over 12 years ago
Play hardcore mode. Those kind of mooches will quickly get killed.
over 12 years ago
I thought you couldn't bring the npc companions when you where in a group?
over 12 years ago
I completely forgot how the templar looked... doh. I feel like idiot now.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146146]@Dome[/url] it's actually the Templar I think.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_146146]@Dome[/url]: It's Kormac, the templar mercenary.
over 12 years ago
I guess the guy with the shield is a... barbarian? I'm not sure since real barbarians don't use shields at all. Barbarians either duel wield or two hand.