What people are saying about "Divorce"
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over 13 years ago
I always like Megaman Legends, especially the spin-off: Misadventures of Tron Bonne. The game, at the time, was successful enough to not ruin the franchise while changing the gameplay completely, while Megaman Battle Network and Starforce are cheap clones of Pokémon. I'm sad about the cancellation.
over 13 years ago

There is still hope!
Legends fans are being rallied to convince Caocom to continue making Megaman Legends 3!
Spread the word!
Legends never die!
over 13 years ago
This is mildly disappointing from the view of my nostalgia filters. I remember playing the first two games and loving them. As a matter of fact, I think I still have the disk stowed away in a box at my parent's house.
over 13 years ago
I just hope they release MHP3rd HD in the west sometime this century.
over 13 years ago
I belive i was one of the few that was actually saddened by hearing this, really was waiting for the game, but oh well, nothing we can do about it. Seeing as the video game industry has burried itself in shit
over 13 years ago
If this comic took place in Japan, the crib should say Rockman Rush 3. Just saying.
over 13 years ago
It Seem Cyber Conect 2, Creator of .Hack, Tail Concerto, Solatorobo, Silent Bomber, Naruto ultimate ninja series, and Asura's Wrath want to take over Megaman Legends 3's development.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_69040]@MC[/url] Please name one that takes longer than four hours. Outside of Classic/X series does not count as most of those are RPGs or similar. Unless you were speaking metaphorically.
over 13 years ago
Hey, are you gonna make a comic about the new Cow Wrangler 5000?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_69040]@MC[/url] Actually MVC3 not only had one set of two DLC characters already, it's getting a re-release with a handful more characters. A wierd decision, but I don't complain about these sorts of things.
over 13 years ago
Most Capcom games have began to feel shoddy or rehashes. After seeing MML3 canceled. Capcom is dead to me. MVC3 is a disappointment to me even. No word on any DLC character since it came out. I wanted a new megaman. that isn't Download and beat in 4 hours and less.
over 13 years ago
I dont think Guild Wars 2 is going to be canceled...
over 13 years ago
I didn't notice until you mentioned it. Plus one for you sir.

And if they do make a new mvc, I'm getting it used. I bought the last one full priced because I was in a "Support teh industry!" Mood. I hope they go the way of ssf4 as I can't buy dlc. That plus Zero's mmz costume would make me recon
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_69001]@OriginalName[/url]: I agree with you for most parts.
over 13 years ago
Took me a few times to realize that is a cradle...And not some box in storage..

Sadness +5
Doy factor +2
over 13 years ago
The capcom woman.
I think it's a man.
over 13 years ago
what we need is more games with original ideas, or games that take things in new directions. Don't like paying for the same game with better graphics.
over 13 years ago
That is all.
over 13 years ago
Marvel controls which characters gets in sadly.
So expect Anti-venom before Venom. If there going to be a venom.
Black Dragon
over 13 years ago
As for the 12 I'd add, I'd go with; Venom, Sabertooth, John Talbot, Bishamon, Juggernaut, Zangief, Lord Raptor, Guile, The Lizard, Carnage, Omega Red and Blanka
Black Dragon
over 13 years ago
As far as UMvC3 goes, the fact that they STILL haven't added Venom to the roster kinda pisses me off. I mean I'm happy about Ghost Rider and all, but I'm really getting sick of the super obscure characters (Rocket Raccoon...really?) that I'm sure most people don't give a flying fuck about.

over 13 years ago
Each day it passes I care less about what Capcom does... same for SquareEnix.

Las't game I bought was MvC3 and I'm not buying UMvC3. They won't sell me the same thing over and over, there are a lot of original, completely new games I want to buy.
over 13 years ago
Funny, I had the impression that they stopped caring what Inafune wanted around the time of X6, which is why I'm perplexed by the notion that maybe they care now that he's gone.
over 13 years ago
I'm still waiting for new ZX\X series game. Still Legends were classy.
over 13 years ago
;A; noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
On the plus side, that was the only reason I would ever buy a 3ds
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go release one game five times.
over 13 years ago
Megaman Legends 3, the fan favourite series that people had waited 11 years on a cliffhanger to see?
BOOM CANCELED. Sorry, it just didn't fit our business model. Totally didn't have anything to do with the man behind it leaving, no sir, nothing, go away, we totally mean it.
over 13 years ago
Make a comic about Deus Ex goddommot! like about augmented, let's say, penises, or implanted penises or stealth penises.
over 13 years ago
aw, i liked the 'Legends' series, even though i only played ML2... i find the idea of a more open, action-adventure game to be interesting.
over 13 years ago
If I ever get rich, I'm buying the IP and making the damn game myself.
over 13 years ago
I don't have a sad enough emoticon for this.
over 13 years ago
I don't.
over 13 years ago

I am also saddened that for all intents and purposes that it looks like the MM series, Tron Bonne and the serve bots have been essentially reduced to cameo spots in MVC games.....
over 13 years ago
Just because a game doesn't appear to be a cash cow doesn't mean it isn't worth seeing through.

I really don't want to see the gaming industry go down that path any more than it already has .... we already have enough nearly identical FPS as it is.

MML3 would have been a breath of fresh air.
over 13 years ago
Dammit. I love megaman franchise.Now is gone forever. I Only want a New game, Just Megaman. Power bust, Weapons Hidden Items. And the blue robot that is my hero...
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68920]@Iceholder[/url] Or, you know, you just stop playing it because you don't like it anymore. Seriously, why do you need a reason to stop playing? If your 'friends' don't like you anymore because you don't like playing it anymore, then they're not really friends, they're people expecting things of you.
over 13 years ago
Capcom's business model = FUCKING STUPID
over 13 years ago
@Elia: Yeah, as hyped as I am for GW2, trust me, it's no 'ticket' out of WoW. Only way you'll be free of it is if ALL your friends get bored and move on.

MML3: Sad to see it die, but with Inafune leaving, Capcom made the right call.
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
Are you too waiting for Guild Wars 2? I'm tracking all the info about that game, since it could be my one-way-only ticket OUT of World of Warcraft. Forever.
About the cancelled ML 3 ... well ... I never followed the franchaise, so I sincerely don't give a ...
over 13 years ago
It's sad whenever the fire of an game and design idea gets hushed.
Companies and designers think of money and players think of bugs and completing a game in a line of titles, just for the cause of completing. If you ask me, there is no good or bad behind either. Just consumer economy
over 13 years ago
Too bad Legends was a series that sold terribly in the first place.
over 13 years ago
Well least you guys can look forward to more re-releases of fighting games! Expect a Ultimate MVC3: Super Turbo Edition to be released a week after Ultimate MVC3 is out!
over 13 years ago
@Adeptus Enginus: No, it would make less sense. The point was it didn't have a release date, implying it may get cancelled too.
over 13 years ago
Fuck you Capcom for canceling MML3, and possible MML Online in the future.

That's all.
over 13 years ago
On one hand I would have gotten it on principle as Legends is the one mm series I didn't get to try. On the other hand, imagining all the legends fanboys crawling in their skin about this pleases me. Especially after all the complaining they do about the other mm series. So screw them.
over 13 years ago
Poor ML3.... :(
was it good for you too?
over 13 years ago
so, the guy is keiji, the woman is capcom, the baby is ml3, omfg! comedy.
over 13 years ago
oh god. no. I've been waiting for so long. ~sobs~
Felipe Enormowang
over 13 years ago
oh what in the fuck.

Capcom, you are dead to me.
over 13 years ago
Not shown. Her killing anything else related to him that's not making her an obscene profit at the time.
Deject cont. 2
over 13 years ago
I would think eyes would be on TERA more. Don't even need to change the character's designs for them to give the fan service this comic demands.
Deject cont.
over 13 years ago
If there is a problem with the game, the community will fix it, likely before Bethesda does, and the mods will keep the game fresh for years to come. Oblivion is buggier than ever with mods, but still fun.
Now to the topic I wanted to say, I'm somewhat surprised that GW2 is what is being looked at.
over 13 years ago
@Too much hype?: Skyrim? You want to know why people want it? It is the sequel to one of the greatest games ever. A game so good and fresh that no matter how many bugs it had it was still considered top of the game. Then there are people like me that want the editor more than the game itself.
over 13 years ago
An to think, I was actually looking forward to Megaman Legends 3.
Adeptus Enginus
over 13 years ago
Jo's comment would make more sense if Guild Wars 2 had a release date.
over 13 years ago
What did you mean, I'm looking at Guild Wars 2? Good or bad thing?
over 13 years ago
Maybe shes giving it the hanging e ta-

Too much hype?
over 13 years ago
Skyrim. I don't understand why everyone is so excited for its release day. It will be a terribly buggy game on release, just like every other game in the series. It'll take months just for it to be fully enjoyable, not to mention mods coming out.

I don't understand why anyone wants it on release.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
What? No!
over 13 years ago