What people are saying about "Memories"
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about 13 years ago
So this is why you don't like the Sniper in Team Fortress 2?
about 13 years ago
MGS3 has ironsight ._.
about 13 years ago
I hate raging fans
about 13 years ago
the dukes got all 3 covered
over 13 years ago
If even at close range it's always better to activate the ironsight and red-dot sights are always the best solution, you'll never see the weapon animation from the hip nor see the action w/o that "best" sight. Red Orchestra or Killing Floor have sights, but they don't overuse it, don't skip them !
over 13 years ago
That panel nailed it (again) :D

The game visual identity depends a lot on the HUD and the % of time spent looking at the weapon animation. ...
over 13 years ago
Wager matches in Call of Duty have some interesting and challenging modes, but most of it is just a rush to see who can line up the shot first. It is fun, just not inventive. Realistic? Somewhat. But being a frontline grunt in real war aint fun. Throwing birds at pigs is fun.
over 13 years ago
I like Iron sights because for me, it makes it easier to aim, instead of guessing where my bullets will go based on the line between the gun in the lower right corner of the screen and the crosshair. I can't even play games like Unreal Tournament or Halo because of the lack of sights.
over 13 years ago
Hissy~! <3
over 13 years ago
well you played paintball or airsoft? if you shoot from the hip you miss, so in a game that's trying to be somewhat realistic...
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
hey! hey remembered me in TF2! (im always a spyro behind your heavy medics)
over 13 years ago
i usually hate ironsights also, but i am ok with it in a game like fallout, where your Player will start to move slower and such giving the whole 'taking time to aim' thing as opposed to games where the iron sights up for like a second just to line up the shot and boom
over 13 years ago
What about the fear franchise?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68418]@Cortez[/url] You are absolutely correct. I thought that when the first HALO came out and it is still true now. Modern Warfare 2 just made me mad and want to go back to playing TF2
over 13 years ago
The important part is
"I always feel like I'm playing on a shooting gallery and the enemy are cardboard ducks going up and down from their covers."
Which is largely true, sadly enough.
over 13 years ago
Because this comic is him complaining about iron sights rather than shooters "evolving" into stale, one-dimensional gameplay.

Mobility? Active strafing and dodging? Real variation of weapon design? Emphasis on shifting zones and map control? What's that?
over 13 years ago
Timesplitters Future Perfect was the last good console FPS. Discuss.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68374]@DeathZero34[/url]: their* uses
RED Pyro
over 13 years ago
Spy as me, er, Spyro!
over 13 years ago
during the 90s I played a lot of FPS games and always wished games had iron sights. So I'm in ironsight heaven in the last decade ^o^
Sorry duder!
over 13 years ago
I like iron sights, but that's probably because I'm getting more interested in realistic shooters than most people (I mean really realistic ones - Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad will be awesome). I like the ones clearly designed for fun perfectly good too, though.
over 13 years ago
My issue is that they aim for realism but it's another example of them messing it up. Aim down the sights and it's impossible to miss, shoot from standard (which is not from the hip but the chest) and you can't hit anything.
over 13 years ago
that's funny, I typically skip games with comics with rabid screaming fanboys.
M.D. Pain
over 13 years ago
I love the comic, but I find the screaming fanboy's from the comments just as funny.

over 13 years ago
Man, let him skip whatever game he fucking wants.

And besides, you know it's true that the grand majority of games that include ironsights these days (As in, the past five years) are pretty mediocre.

(I'm looking at you, six COD's)
over 13 years ago
Sights have there uses in game like Arma(1-2-3) or Battlefield 2 : Project Reality. In those game the scope actually have the real utility of a scope where you can measure distance and target your enemy. But in games like Black ops there kinda worthless.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68369]@Shade[/url] If you aren't going to close one eye, there is no reason to look down the iron site. If you look down the top of a gun with both eyes open, the iron site doesn't do anything.
over 13 years ago
I think the fallout series did it okay because you didn't actually need to even use the scope, or First Person for that matter. Then again, that probably wasn't exactly an FPS.
over 13 years ago
I sort of agree that I don't like the mechanic, when I tried to play the Black Ops multiplayer, I got really fucking annoyed when I could point a gun at people at close range and start firing, but they could kill me even if I got the drop on them because they were better at pulling the gun up.
over 13 years ago
I think Borderlands is the only game I have ever purchased that had an iron sights feature, and I didn't even know that when I bought it.
over 13 years ago
The biggest problem with Iron Sights in games, is they remove your visibility too much.

I seriously doubt a soldier is going to close one eye to aim a rifle in close quarters.
over 13 years ago
didnt call of duty invent in-game ironsights
over 13 years ago
You forgot the people with grenade launchers (aka noob tubers) from MW.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68342]@Hedrox[/url]: It's all taxes. The government considers games as "gambling", then they make it go like that. it's utterly ridiculous. For example a PS3 here is worth about 1000$ (around 1654R$) However, i didn't see this tax money invested anywhere on my country...
over 13 years ago
founny thing is that is most-likely me!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68359]@Ozi[/url]: It is more fun racing with a gearbox. That I agree. However, I do NOT agree that ironsights and scopes are best in fps games. A real good example of real life sniping would be the sniper in tf2 without powered shots. Or CS snipers.
over 13 years ago
For me, ironsights and scopes are the best thing that could happen to fps games, it's add fun and one more thing to do. It's like manual gearbox in racing games, it give you one more thing to do while driving, so it's more fun.
You guys are lulz
over 13 years ago
The amount of mad in here is unquantifiable.

Then again, getting people to admit all of their crappy FPS's are total shit, save for a select few (IE TF2, Killing Floor), would be like trying to swallow a wall.
over 13 years ago
now lets see...which one is more worth playing? XD
Deadly Sinner
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68245]@Knight[/url]: Modern Warfare series realistic? Ahahahahah! Having a knife in your hand gives you a speed boost? You can carry two guns, grenades, body armor, laptop, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition and still easily sprint around silently? You can heal all your wounds in five seconds?
over 13 years ago
Skipping Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
For shame...
(You could either Z-Target or "aim down the sights" of the Bow and Slingshot)
Dr. Know-It-All
over 13 years ago
On a side note, I'd have to say that Iron Sights should be the least of your concerns when considering what game to play. Whether it acts as a cross-hair, unrealistically improves accuracy, or even if it is utterly useless, it should really only be mentioned as a minor detail.
Dr. Know-It-All
over 13 years ago
Realistically speaking, aiming down the sights does not actually increase accuracy. It will increase precision, yes, but not accuracy. Precision and accuracy are two similar, but completely different things. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Le Mage Huscule
over 13 years ago
what about borderlands?
over 13 years ago
@Y.U.NO: ahh... that's opposite in Poland. I have paid 42$ for box limited version + Karkand and other bonuses instead of 59$...
over 13 years ago
maybe its just me but I like iron sights. Without it you're just firing in a cone. Like a shotgun. And If I wanted to use a shotgun I'd use one.
over 13 years ago
I don't blame you really. In fact, should I ever be responsible for game design that'll be something I'll want to note down.

The Killing Floor example was brung up before, they do ironsights a tad differently, you fire plenty accurately without then, they're just to see where you're pointing.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68269]@Hedrox[/url]: Doom had no steam support because there was no steam back in the day, now we have much more choices, and the main reason i'm skipping it because of steam support is the fact that if i buy the "box" version i'm going to pay about 200$ for a 59$ game.That's also valid for EA store in brazil..
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68318]@Ithildyn[/url]: +1 - I give my hat to you sir. WE NEED MOAR (shocking) POWER!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68325]@Cirno[/url] True for all the MW games at least, but BF:BC2 was actually great as a hardcore shooter. You actually have to WORK to get a kill (especially if you and your friend decide to run around killing each other with smoke nades shot from your rifle. Yes, they are a one shot kill.)
Herp derp
over 13 years ago
Where are the hats? the misc.? the spam???
over 13 years ago
I concur with the Ballistic Weapons UT2004 comment...and in Fallout: New Vegas, they're optional :D
over 13 years ago
Ironsights, cover, clones, corridor level and blablabla secret base. That pretty much describes every modern (copypaste)shooter.

(not being able to go prone, terrorists who use frontal (zerg)attacks rather than ambushes, being killed by being shot at a toe = realism,yea,right)

p.s.+1 to albion
Serious Table
over 13 years ago
Aww come on. You can give Serious Sam 3: BFE a try. It may have had iron sights, but with the sheer number of enemies around, who needs to aim?!
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68282]@Brocephalopod[/url]: Ah yes good old realism. Pardon me while I just clean the jam out of my eyes here.
over 13 years ago
It is his personal preference; he just doesn't like iron sights, they make games less fun for him. That said, anything other than Modern Warfare-esque mechanics is unrealistic; you need to be motionless, aiming down some sort of sight to get any kind of accuracy. Plus, I just hate not having them.
over 13 years ago
I miss the no-scoping fun of the Shock Rifle in Unreal Tournament...
over 13 years ago
What I dislike in sighting/scoping on modern shooters isn't the delay or lack of speed (I play heavy), but the huge loss of peripheral vision.

Maybe it's realistic, but so is bleeding to death from a gunshot.
over 13 years ago
Jaysu Fekking Christos, people. It's his game preference, not his goddamn religion. NExt some of you will be whining about how he's an idiot if he doesn't like RTS/ So he doesn't like sighting. SO WHAT? Get a grip.
over 13 years ago
Awww you're gonna skip the Planetside 2 this way... It's got sights, but (judging by the trailer) as a firing mode switch (auto/single).

Don't blame the sights. Blame the mechanics of "can't aim while moving".
over 13 years ago
omfg HISSY! <3
over 13 years ago
Ironsights: the most overused "innovation" in FPS... even if it's not being implemented properly.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
Their are 2 types of iron sights, you have the killing floor kind that don't actually improve accuracy, they more really act as a cross-hair, and then the CoD iron sights that basicly turn aiming off with even shotguns.
over 13 years ago
Aiming down the sight is a good mechanic when used correctly. It adds for tactical decisions into the game. Accuracy traded off for movement speed and vision. Good example would be Borderlands where you can spray but still have an option of aiming down the sights for increased accuracy.
hardcore mature rated gamer
over 13 years ago
i only play mature rated games for mature hardcore gamers such as myself who is hardcore
over 13 years ago
That Cacodemon.....Hissy? Is that you?
over 13 years ago
Dude, aiming down sights is the least of Modern Warfare's problems.
over 13 years ago
Dont blame the mechanism, blame the designers. Irongsight in Red Orchestra was brilliant since it had a realistic ballistic, meaning you could very well snipe with any weapon as long as you aim right.
over 13 years ago
I can't stand games WITHOUT iron sights. Not being able to aim properly just makes it feel like I'm leaving everything to chance. I'd rather have a game where I can have the option to aim down the sights and get real accuracy instead of just always having spread. It gets less random and more skill.
over 13 years ago
I can't stand ironsights. It makes me feel like I'm some moron who tries to aim by holding the gun a foot away from his face. Realism my ass.
over 13 years ago
Nothing says a good TF2 memory than a CONGA LINE! :D
over 13 years ago
call of duty games USED to be brillant. but after world at war it became a 'game-a-year-must-make-money' franchise
over 13 years ago
*is (not are)
over 13 years ago
Iron Sights are not the problem. The problem is when using them in-game are pointless anyway. Who needs Iron Sights when you will get knifed in the back by a Balistic Knife runner (marathon, light weight) anyway? Or get shot from 500m distance in the head by someone who shot his MP5 unzoomed at you?
over 13 years ago
Worst overreaction ever.

At least try BF3..
over 13 years ago
Yes comrade, skip baby games with IRONSIGHTS. Sasha never IRONSIGHTS and never misses! Only sniper IRONSIGHTS, but he baby who cant shoot straight.
Remember, IRONSIGHTS are realistic and realistic no fun!
over 13 years ago
Yeah, you're overreacting. You're missing out on a lot of awesome games because of one little gameplay mechanic? Ironsights are put in to make the game more immersive, pull you into the experience.
over 13 years ago
I love that Cacodemon, he's adorable
over 13 years ago
No offense, but have you ever shot IRL? You really can't hit anything reliably past a certain distance without the sights.

The problem to me is how slow they make you move while using them.
over 13 years ago
Dont ignore Killing Floor and ESPECIALLY Heroes of Stalingrad. Serious Jo, don't deprive yourself the pleasure of actually being able to SNIPE someone from a tank with a PTRS.
over 13 years ago
I think his next comic should be a part 2 to this but telling his community that MW and killing floor aint the same thing.
over 13 years ago
Don't ignore Killing Floor though. It has that mechanism but its so damn satisfying to use those guns.
Basically L4D but on steroids.

"You are all-furcoat no knickers bitches".
over 13 years ago
Amen to that Jo
over 13 years ago
Allright , i can understand if you don't like Iron Sights with games like MW or BF.
But you're REALLY going to skip Bioshock Infinite? Really? I mean , are you that much of a muther fucker to skip Bioshock Infinite because it has Iron Sights?
over 13 years ago
You should not skip Battlefield 3. Also skipping great game just because it has no Steam support is stupid to be honest. Doom also had not Steam support. Many great games now will have only Origin platform support. So stop being f***n' ignorant Y.U.NO.
over 13 years ago
NO WAY!!! They're releasing NS2??! Natural Selection was so fun!!
over 13 years ago
Maybe you should give the Natural Selection 2 Beta a try. The game doesn't use iron sights because its much to fast paced for them. The alien classes are pretty sweet too. http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/
over 13 years ago
This is why I love Borderlands. It has iron sights but you really don't need them, except with snipers, but then it's a full screen thing, not a stupid 90% of the screen is now covered thing.
over 13 years ago
Try Unreal Tournament 2004 with the Ballistic Weapons mod. While the weapons have iron sights and using them reduces recoil/improves accuracy, it is still entirely possible to consistently headshot opponents without them.
over 13 years ago
@Urist McTroller: Dude, didn't you know, that's REAL LIFE tactics!!

That's why all them reporters allowed into Desert Storm 2's warzone is so disappointed by all the hiding Marines: they just don't understand those marines are not hiding, but are recovering some health from a rifle wound!
Urist McTroller
over 13 years ago
One time, I got hit by a stray bullet from an armed robbery, It hurt so much and everything was red and I was panting like mad! I hid behind the counter and waited for my wounds to heal and my vision to clear! I went behind the masked man and ripped his throat off! For real! It was in the news!

 Platypus
over 13 years ago
I hate games that make me wan't to "scope" in close quarters. I got nothing against it at longer ranges but seriously my SAW is in the other avatar's gut. How did I miss every single last 7.62 mm slug? Oh... I didn't scope it, and he did, so I'm dead.
over 13 years ago
Yeah I hate it when realistic games make me use realistic means to take down targets.
It's like they want me to BE IMMERSED or something.
over 13 years ago
That was a good one.
over 13 years ago
Because shooting guns from the hip is THAT MUCH MORE PRECISE OBVIOUSLY
over 13 years ago
Serious Sam 3 will have iron sights on at least one weapon, but that will probably be the least Call of Duty shooter released this year.
over 13 years ago
You want a game that's got no modern pretentiousness, with a lick of modern paint? I've got three words for you. Serious. Sam. HD.
over 13 years ago
I'm skipping BF3 too, but not because of the scope but rather because it's not going to be on steam.

if it's not on steam it's not on my hardware... at least this is a rule i use with any "huge" games...

And the memory you have from DOOM is pretty accurate.
over 13 years ago
Jo, it's lest, not least.

You should try Red Orchestra 2, it really looks good.
over 13 years ago
And I can't play a sniper to save my life, scoping and staying on the back is so dull.
over 13 years ago
You can aim in modern warfare but still TF2 is the most played game on steam and FREE :p. Take that Activison.
over 13 years ago
Skipping Heroes of Stalingrad? For shame.
over 13 years ago
Just wanted to say I start enjoying these comics a lot more now that I started playing TF2, an awesome game in a genre I'm normally not attracted to.
over 13 years ago
Skipping Battlefield 3? For shame.
over 13 years ago
I only scope with Sniper Rifles.