What people are saying about "Supercommon"
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over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53335]@Snix[/url]: You make a false distinction, Snix. "Manga" and "comics" are the same word from different languages. There's certainly a cultural difference, but anyone following sixty webcomics at a time knows that the line very often becomes blurred.
over 13 years ago
Genre didn't move my ass.

Have you not read Watchmen?
V For Vendetta?
For gods sake, man! The genre practically transformed! Sure Batman hasn't been good since Killing Joke and Superman can't stay dead for more then a couple graphic novels but superhero comics aren't the only comics.
Spiral Power Engineer
almost 14 years ago
@Frank West:
Goody! Here, these are some badass triangly sunglasses. You'll need them.
almost 14 years ago
About superhero comics: you may enjoy some titles which are playing with the genre itself, like Empowered or Kingdom Come.
almost 14 years ago
That is the same reason why i stoped reading comics and moved to manga (not mentioning absured amnesia in spiderman)
almost 14 years ago
Now wait just a second, Bats smiles way more often than they make good sonic games.
Doc Lithius
almost 14 years ago
You know... Asking Batman to smile is like asking Sega to make a good Sonic the Hedgehog game: you can ask, beg, plead, and ask again, but it just ain't gonna happen. But if it does? Run. Very very quickly.
almost 14 years ago
W40k MMO...hell yeah...i kill Games Workshop if i won't be able to play an ork!
Frank West
almost 14 years ago
@Spiral Power Engineer

Sign me up amigo! I haven't had work since Case West!
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53250]@Draken[/url]: The full quote, I believe, is 'Opinions are like assholes: Everyone has one, and they all stink.' Don't ask me to tell you where it's from though. Seriously, if you ask, your head will explode.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53257]@Somefag[/url]: Silly rabbit, (Domina)Trix are for Kids.
almost 14 years ago
People keep talking about the pun in the bunnygirl's name.I don't see it.Explain,please.
almost 14 years ago
Dark Millenium Online. Gonna be fun. In one way or another.
almost 14 years ago
But they aren't always right.
almost 14 years ago
@Admiral-Crunch: I fail to see how Dawn of War, one of the highest rated RTS games of all time, is garbage. Yes, Fire Warrior could have been better, but it was still a solid shooter. Chaos Gate was a very good TBS game as well. So. I leave with this. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has them.
almost 14 years ago
fuck you Austin Downey, fuck you !
almost 14 years ago
Sooo... not any better than C:O I reckon?
almost 14 years ago
This is Solid Snak- I mean Calculator.

I was in the closed beta for DCUO. Honestly, I liked the Voice acting, but the game was so...bad. Freeform combat is fine. I enjoyed swinging my giant hammer around, but that was it. The rest of the game was so god damn boring.
almost 14 years ago
Gah, I now I must make the Ubermensch as soon as possible.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53224]@Nerfnow[/url]: but didn't batman stop chasing joker when he died went back in time and started working his way back through history or did they reach status quo already?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53223]@CK[/url]: Sorry, I mean Superhero comics. I am following Walking Dead for example.
almost 14 years ago
If you still want to read superhero, Grant Morrison's Batman Inc. or All-Star Superman are just flat out brilliant.
almost 14 years ago
It's unfortunate you feel that you've "grown out of" reading comics, because there's a variety of comics, not just superhero, where the medium has really risen above the one and done recycled stories. Sandman is a great example, or you can try something more modern like The Walking Dead or Criminal.
almost 14 years ago
@Admiral-Crunch: Dawn of War was a pretty good, pretty polished non-dirt-farming RTS, while Dawn of War II was a great squad-based RTS, especially since you could change the difficulty to focus more on the RPG aspects (easier) or tactic aspect (harder).

Your argument is invalid. Deal with it.
almost 14 years ago
On the other news, Champions Online going free to play, I'll wait until Ps3 DCUO went free.

Also, FFXIV, they stretch the release date to fix em, I'm still hopeful.... and hoping they go free to play.
almost 14 years ago
Want DCUO. But judging from some gameplay videos I'm apprehensive about it. I want a trial. That way I can actually see if the gameplay is something I would enjoy. Rather than pony up 50 dollars and then realize i just rented a game I dont like. :|
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53194]@Rejection[/url]: More chances that batman would accept Sub-zero resume than Frank west. Maybe there an opening in the Avengers for you West.
almost 14 years ago
Because (Domina)TRIX are for kids. Or not.
almost 14 years ago
"the genre doesn't move" If you're talking about superhero comics then ok it might be true, but if you're talking about all of them, then check for example Sandman by Neil Gaiman;)
Spiral Power Engineer
almost 14 years ago
Pssst....Mr. West, was it? There's a team I think you wouldn't mind being a part of, as long as you can handle large amounts of drills and testosterone.
almost 14 years ago
That's a good resume and all but Clark Kent is the best reporter of all time.
Frank West
almost 14 years ago
Hey, um, Batman, are you still hiring? Being a freelance reporter isn't paying as much as it used to. My special skills are fighting zombies and covering wars!

I'll just leave a resume...
almost 14 years ago
Ubermensch being in the Justice Leauge would actually be pretty epic :D
almost 14 years ago
Eye iz watching u!
almost 14 years ago
Eye signed up for it.
Eye still like Marvel better then DC.
almost 14 years ago
Dominatrix and I will be going on a long term undercover mission. We won't be seen for a few weeks.
almost 14 years ago
none of those are as bad as the characters i made in the beta XD
almost 14 years ago
You know they have Warhammer Online, right?
It has an infinite free trial. Let's you level to 10 but doesn't lock you out at any point.
almost 14 years ago
Warhammer 40.000 Dark Millenium: Online
almost 14 years ago
whait if you like WH40K why havent you made any comics about it? Xp
almost 14 years ago
Wow, Admiral-Crunch...

You know that some people LIKE the Dawn of War games. You also got to realize that some of those games were not made by the same people, pulling from the same resource. I don't know if GW really did much work with them or not.
almost 14 years ago
The pun in the rabbit's name took me a while.

Silly rabbit!
almost 14 years ago
"Warhammer 40k MMORPG"!? Weren´t you satisfied with Warhammer Online? Do you not or can you not see what happens when Games-Workshop is involved in Computer Games? Have you played Firewarrior? Or Chaos Gate? Or Dawn of War? Yeah it got good graphics so what?! It´s garbage.
almost 14 years ago
I dunno if it's known or not, but they *are* making a 40k mmo. Supposably done like no other MMO out there >.> Don't know how much I trust it since I think it's being made by THQ.
almost 14 years ago
Poor Batman. Now there's hundreds of people with "Dark Mysterious Personas" that strike fear into the hearts of villians.
almost 14 years ago
Space Marines! attack!
almost 14 years ago
W40K!!! YES!
it would also be neat to try out playing as a superhero, but mmorpg isn''t my thing, except w40k indeed
almost 14 years ago
Should've used Dominique Trix from Cel Damage for panel 2.
some loser
almost 14 years ago
lol reminds me of meroko
almost 14 years ago
there's an app for that.