What people are saying about "Bonus Damage"
Bonus Damage
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over 13 years ago
I feel like the whole reason they came out with this is for the competitive players and that is all. But on xbox there are no servers anyways, so it's really just a mw2 remake with different guns.
All in all, I'm waiting for updates to battlefield 2 that will bring back reticule knock etc
over 13 years ago
I wouldn't suggest black ops if you didn't like mw2 very much. At least with mw2 the single player was somewhat decent. In black ops it's just horrible. It's like one really long action scene that never stops and the story line sucks.

As for the multiplayer. I'm kind of disappointed as well.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51806]@PurplePimp[/url]: Think it's called "Bastion".
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51853]@Bob[/url]: CoD didnt sucked until MW2, Black Ops was a decent game, but my favorites will always be the ones before MW2 (yes including 3)
over 13 years ago
Jo, you basically summed up why COD sucks, and why it's called the babby's FPS.

Also, hair raising action in this comic.
over 13 years ago
oops, I put[url=#user_comment_51811] @Diegox223[/url] as my name XD
over 13 years ago
Probably (and I still don't get this) working with the Russian Miltia guy after he miraculously came back to life, and probably caught for being mistaken as the killer of Zahaiev
over 13 years ago
Sheperd motivations are neverd explained in the story, as how *****SPOILERSAHEAD****Price ended up in the gulag is also a mistery I cant resolpve after beating the goddamn game for the 20th time****ENDSPOILERS***
over 13 years ago
amnesia: dark descent!

god that game is scary as fuck
over 13 years ago
Apprentice has DOMINATED Melon

Master: Say something.
Apprentice: Wait, what?
Master: You must ridicule that melon for being a failure.
Apprentice: Err...like what? It's a Melon!
Master: That'll do "Dominated you melon!"

And that was how the Spy's domination lines came to fruition!
over 13 years ago
Can someone tell me what game this is?
a concerned mercenary
over 13 years ago
hmmm is this spy's great great great great great great grandfather?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51733]@maksio[/url]: Just poor excuses to shoot stuff? thats just like real life! the game is so realistic! [citation: dude in dance bar who randomly felt compelled to start shooting it up]
over 13 years ago
side note, shepherd did not want to rule the world, Shepherd wanted a war.
and his plan worked.
now, as to his motivations, i have no idea
over 13 years ago
I HATED all ghillied' up
i loved one shot one kill.

stalking around and sniping = good
an escort mission were the escort can't move= bad
Mw2 player
over 13 years ago
Played MW2.it;s single player is good, and the missions are connected by the time they are there, but there's no real point of all it... if shepard reall wanted to control over the world, he coulda done ALOT better plans..to all people who disagree...he's a general, but he kills his best operatives?
over 13 years ago
FYI, the "story" doesn't really go anywhere from there. It is only vaguely connected in MW2.
over 13 years ago
It´s always a good idea to play Bioshock and/or Bioshock 2. Screw MW2!
over 13 years ago
Argh, those haters......The story of MW2 is fine enough. People don't like get stabbed in the back(by story) doesn't mean it's a bad one.
over 13 years ago
Time for me to play some ArmA2 after these talks of "realism"
over 13 years ago
I hate Modern Warfare 2
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
what most people won't understand: the apprentice got backstabbed with a "meat" cleaver.
over 13 years ago

but its not that bad of game its short and sweet, and lol at those expecting a deep story
over 13 years ago
Oh please... dont. The sequel wasn't all that great compared to 4, but it was ok. And... [url=#user_comment_51772] @Cirno[/url]: I dunno why but you sound diffrent... IMPOSTER!
Reimu Hakurei
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51772]@Cirno[/url]: Smartest thing the ⑨ has said. I mean seriously, I need the donations! And for every donation I receive, I will save a miko from poverty!
Frank West
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51772]@Cirno[/url] Oh yeah, high five!
over 13 years ago
Who cares about stories!? Serious Sam has none and it's still fuckwin!
the background(upperright)
over 13 years ago
is staring at the nerfnow logo.
over 13 years ago
Fuck MW2. Wars hell and that game makes people love it.
Yknow what game is SUPAHAPPYFUNTIME? Persona 3. Also Touhou.
And Dead Rising 1. Frank needs more love.
Alternately you could also do My World My Way.
omg JO
over 13 years ago
If you must play it, YARR it but please don't give fucking Activision more money, DON'T!

Please google "Infinityward sued" and "Bobby Kotick hates gamers" first!
Frank West
over 13 years ago
You know what game had a great story? Dead Rising. Why don't you give it a shot?
over 13 years ago
No, don't do it, Jo. You have the opportunity to avoid the travesty that is MW2's story. Get out while you still can, and keep your happy memories.
over 13 years ago
....Freakin noob rogues....
Matt Hudson
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51754]@WTF[/url] As far as "realistic" shooters go, yes. EDIT: Feel free to disagree, but I'm hardly going to change my mind without examples
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51758]@Woolytop[/url]: Clearly the dagger is one of those with low ATK and a massive bonus to crit.
over 13 years ago
Off topic, but...



Or until another BEST.INVENTION.EVER comes out.
over 13 years ago
A 175x multiplier? Seriously?
wtfer foo
over 13 years ago
black ops seems it has more story n all other than MW2 so i suggest u play that if you want more story n all. MW2 is jusst guns & explostions. Black Ops has some of that but also story and character development, and some mystery. also, no damn nukes in Black ops (damn thing is an end game >:U)
over 13 years ago
well the sequel apparently has a similar cliff-hanger ending as to halo 2 so meh :U
over 13 years ago
And I just finished MW2 today. It's fun, music is awesome, story can be ridiculous a bit, but the game itself feels like awesome action movie. Like "Fuck the plot, we've got explosions and totally epic moments"
over 13 years ago
@ Matt Hudson
WoW is the best game of its type out there and your saying that CoD4 is to? What the fuck have you been smoking?
over 13 years ago
don't you mean back slice? I know is a spy joke, but cmon he not actually stabbing it.
over 13 years ago
Dont play MW2, the singleplayer makes little no no sense. Believe me its not worth your time.
over 13 years ago
Modern Warfare 2 is fun in a bad action move kinda way. The story is ridiculous, the action is too over-the-top, and the characters aren't great. It's not terrible, but Black Ops is much better.
over 13 years ago
MW2 was pretty bad in comparison to the first. I really, really wouldn't recommend it. If you must get it, rent it and finish it in half a day.
over 13 years ago
MW1 was a pretty awesome game. MW2 is just pile of crap.
over 13 years ago
If you don't care about the story becoming dull as that knife you might enjoy MW2. But there's good news anyway, if you liked the part, at the beginning of the game, when you jump to the helicopter and Captain Price saves you, you will be happy to know that it happens another 3 times in MW2.
over 13 years ago
Wait for Killzone 3, and also Bungie have a countdown timer for a new game:


Less than three days to sign in for beta... for something...

Or Amnesia: Dark Decent on PC


play it at midnight, alone, and in the dark.
over 13 years ago
Ah the storry of MW2....wait was there even a story?

No seriusly the story DOESNT develope. Everything from the cause of the war through its course to the big "plot twist" at the end makes no sense at all. Just poor excuses to shoot stuff.
over 13 years ago
Alternatively, Dont get Either MW2 or COD4. Once you finish killing an endless horde or Nazis and vaguely foreign looking people- There's a whole world of titles to explore! Some have aliens! Some have actual women! Some even have colors beside brown and grey!
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Critical Hit
Matt Hudson
over 13 years ago
Seriously, don't get MW2. It's absolute rubbish and does nothing new or even better than COD4

Think of COD4 as WOW; it's the best game of its type out there and nothing even comes close
The High Priest
over 13 years ago
No, Cyclone Duke.
In the back.
That's the joke.
over 13 years ago
Spy has an apprentice!
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
Pow! Right in the kisser!