What people are saying about "Trauma"
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about 13 years ago
i 106% completed the game, got all the caracters, beat all the levels, got iron run achiefments (including the end) and have gotten golden god!

about 13 years ago
I beat The Kid stage *heu heu heu* :P
over 13 years ago
Pfft, I thought you liked challenging games?
almost 14 years ago
Seriously. The game gives me panic attacks.
almost 14 years ago
This reminds me of a time when me and mah buddy, Keith, went to the saw mill. Keith thought it would be a good idea to surf on a log as it went down the line, but he forgot to jump off when it got to the saw and he lost half his foot. It was scary at first, but then it got funny...
almost 14 years ago
Meat Boy was actually quite a lot of fun, beating story mode.

Of course, once looking at Cotton Alley and The Kid, I put down my controller and said "Fuck this".

That said, if you aren't using a controller, you really should. I got it on 360, and I managed to beat the game in a week.
almost 14 years ago
Super Meat Boy has it attraction like to those who actually play IWTBTG for fun
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51212]@Derek[/url]: Exactly. Thats why SMB is truly difficult
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Darkworlds are not really that much harder. Most of the times they're just re-treading of the original level with a few more saws thrown in.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51474]@norb[/url]: well i'm on Hell, yeah, so i've not beaten it all. But i've beaten everything before Hell on darkworlds with "grade A". I just go again and again until i get that A grade.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51465]@Azeke[/url] Have you finished SMB? It's not always straightforward anyway, sometimes you just have no idea what the fuck to do. And the darkworlds are MUCH harder.
almost 14 years ago
"Prize for the Reckless", "Do what i say" are also the words scarred in my gamer's heart.

While SMB is always straightforward, and you always see what to do right away.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51326]@Drake[/url]: well i don't know, so far Meat Boy hasn't gave an ounce of hardcoreness that VVVVVV gave me. I mean Edge Games cost me a few grey hair for sure (even infamous Veni, Vidi, Vici didn't gave so much grief). Even figuring out what am i supposed to do is hard, not speaking of actually doing it
almost 14 years ago
If you think 6-1 dark world is hard...I don't think you finished the final levels of the story mode....
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51199]@anonamouse[/url] Exit Path 'aint Meat Boy related.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51351]@Lobster[/url] Nobody ever thought it was funny. And the hospital is old and derelict, they don't manufacture anything there. You don't manufacture anything in a hospital. Silly goose boy. And Edmund McMillen is insane anyway.
almost 14 years ago
Hey, you guys know what's super hilarious and not at all old and never funny to begin with? Claiming pieces of a cartoon woman's body.
almost 14 years ago
According to Super Meat Boy, a hospital is a place where they manufacture dirty needles, medical waste, and blood. Why? No reason.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51236]@Azeke[/url]: Disagree. VVVVVV was pretty easy on the whole - I have managed to complete it with every trinket pretty quickly. Meat Boy, on the other hand, I don't think I will ever be capable of completing, and has some levels that are just plain bullshit. And we love it all the more for it.
The Kid
almost 14 years ago
Hey im the kid and um.
I dare you to beat my levels.
almost 14 years ago
Super Meat Boy aint THAT hard.

If anything, it's a breeze compared to VVVVVV.

And i loved VVVVVV.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51140]@Grug[/url]: Apparently you are not familiar with Edmund McMillen's work. He's notorious for grotesque, just look up Carious Weltling: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/131729 To everyone else: Grow some balls. It's a game that will truly test your skills and reflexes.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51209]@Destati[/url]: Actually SMB avoids most of that. You can see all the obstacles clearly from the beginning (bar screen scrolling). You know exactly what you have to do, but now you have to actually do it.
almost 14 years ago
But its all "Fun". XD
almost 14 years ago
I Wanna Be The Guy is the same way. Not avoiding an object falling on your head a split second before it happens isn't "difficult." Its cheap and underhanded, especially when it forces you to repeat an entire stage just because you couldn't predict everything at the same time. (Finished)
almost 14 years ago
Sometimes enemies would appear. Sometimes it was entirely impossible to avoid them, all because you started moving on the ice one second sooner than you should have. It was cheap, especially with the constant lag. If you were to complain you'll just get "Oh, you're just bad at it."

(Next Post)
almost 14 years ago
"Difficulty" these days has had its meaning changed- for the worse.

I still remember the maze maps on Warcraft. Someone made a script enabling sliding on ice, virtually every new map had to contain an ice stage- some were even pure ice.

Problem is, it was highly unpredictable. (Next Post)
almost 14 years ago
Seriously, not that bad. The link is to a video of Dark World, which is harder versions of the normal levels. Need to get A+ on normal levels to gain access to Dark World version. [url=#user_comment_51179] @Eternal[/url]: All cutscenes are.
almost 14 years ago
The game is hard, yes, but if you get all 100 bandages, you unlock Mr. Minecraft, whom can remove and place blocks and break the game with relative ease. =P Easier than trying to beat the whole game first, for sure.
almost 14 years ago
on the steam store:

Genre: Casual, Indie
almost 14 years ago
I heard that exit path is a better version of meat boy.
almost 14 years ago
I can see nobody here has gotten to the cotton alley...
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51170]@2033[/url] Wait, you actually installed a savegame to a game in kongregate? aha ahaha ahahaha ahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *gasp* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *gasp* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH HAHAHAHAHA(word limit reach)
almost 14 years ago
I found Super Meat Boy many times less stressing then Demon's Souls actually.
It's often like it seems impossible to take all the hurdles in a level at once. But after a while you realize that you manage to dodge a deathtrap 1/2 of the time instead of 1/10 when you started the level.
almost 14 years ago
@I can't think of anything:
I did a couple days ago. Took me an hour or two but was an amazing feeling when I beat the third level.
Marcus Dranz
almost 14 years ago
True, playing Super Meat Boy might be like gluing thumbtacks to your knuckles and punching yourself repeatedly in the groin, but you've never seen true hilarity until you've witnessed your failed clones go for the goal in what can only be described as a 'meat wave'.
almost 14 years ago
Abbe, Meat Boy (flash version) is completely different than Super Meat Boy which runs on a completely different platform. SMB is NOT flash based what so ever.
almost 14 years ago
Unlocked: Dec 25, 2010 2:58pm
The Kid
Unlock the Kid

Took about 3 hours.

2033: The flash version of SMB is crap, the installed flash version (Steam, etc.) is quite a lot better.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51170]@2033[/url]: You cheat Kongregate? Is your life really that meaningless?
almost 14 years ago
thats the reason i returned a steam gift off smb. i simply don't like it. The flash version on kongregate was horrible enough to stop playing and install a savegame to get the badges the easy way. Meat Boy in general feels like a hurdle race without legs.
Your Average Troll
almost 14 years ago
N > Meat boy
almost 14 years ago
Someone tell me you can feed a tank through those grinders?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51158]@Velgadis[/url]: If you think the Kid is cheating then Steve is Edmund giving you the Debug tool. Building blocks, mining blocks, making paths to the goal that cuts time in little pieces.
almost 14 years ago
Got every level on A+ but i only got 92 bandages.. I'm really dissapointed in Viridian from vvvvvv. For a 90 bandage unlock he is really bad. On the other hand "The Kid" from IWBTG feels like cheating. Really awesome char and totaly worth 4h of unlocking him
almost 14 years ago
Good stuff. I agree with Jo that it feels much less cheap than IWBTG, while still managing to be difficult.

Unfortunately some of the levels lag really badly on my laptop, how is that even possible? It really screws with the timing of jumps. I'll be fine once I'm back to my dorm with my desktop.
almost 14 years ago
Been playing Super Meat Boy a couple of days now, just started getting really hard...like..seriously.(chapter 6 I believe)
almost 14 years ago
SMB has everything one needs in life. Meat and boys... wait wut?
almost 14 years ago
Sounds like someone's butthurt because they suck so bad.

Just reached 90 bandages on both the 360 and Steam versions. Feels good, man
almost 14 years ago
If SMB went to the Dwarf Fortress School of Fun, then Super Kaizo World graduated with Highest Honors of All Time. Poor, Poor, ProtonJon. Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua6pbz3ROvQ
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiCm9FYZhBA&feature=fvw
almost 14 years ago
I imagine this would be the reaction if any of the so-called "music game fanatics," that started with Guitar Hero/Rock Band, ever played Pop'n Music, Beatmania, Guitarfreaks, or Keyboardmania.
I can't think of anything
almost 14 years ago
I dare you to unlock The Kid from I Wanna Be The Guy. Huh! I DARE YA!

(*A no is an acceptable response for those really, really stupid dares. This is one of them*)
almost 14 years ago
I didn't quit Meat Boy because it's hard. I quit because it started getting really grotesque, relative to its cutesy beginning. Walking chain saws I can tolerate, but Evil mouthes that chase you and explode into other mouthes? Tidal Waves of Maggots? It was a little too "Eversion" for me.
almost 14 years ago
Super Meat Boy learned it's Fun from the Dwarf Fortress school of Fun.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51126]@Lamialily[/url]: Probably because a lot of core gamers complain that a lot of recent games are too easy? Personally, I'm not good at platformers. I do enjoy them, but I'm not particularly good at living. Hell, I think I've only beaten Sonic 2 once in my lifetime.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51126]@Lamialily[/url] Because we love hard games that's why.
almost 14 years ago
Hear hear. What is it with the platform hell trend in indie gaming these days?
almost 14 years ago
Prinny: Can I Be The Hero? Seriously, this gets skipped over a lot when people talk about painful games.

Sure, you can swing your swords as fast as your turbo hack can mash the square, but it doesn't change the fact that a gentle breeze will blow you up. As the 'hip kids' say, cash was shit.
almost 14 years ago
I liked I Wanna Be The Guy, so SMB is right up my alley :P
almost 14 years ago
Plataformers??? Jesus Jo! Your vocabulary in the comic is rarely ever wrong yet your news posts makes me want to club myself in the head sometimes.
almost 14 years ago
Tee-hee, PTSD. [url=#user_comment_51117] @Muthsera[/url]: Not everyone's good at platformers. Not much to say on that front, so don't insult folks just cause you found it easy.
almost 14 years ago
No. Seriously. This didn't even touch "I wanna be the guy" in level of needed precision even at it's very worst, and it's over 9000 times as forgiving. >:o
Just Bomberman
almost 14 years ago
I am too hard for Super Meat Boy, beat my times ;)
almost 14 years ago
You are a weanie. A gigantic weanie, if Super meat boy was too hard for you.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_51098]@anonymous[/url]: Maybe because the level after that is really fucking hard. I wouldn't know, I've never gotten that far.
almost 14 years ago
Aww but it's FUN hard, like Demon's Souls. Not as cheap as other games in the same vein, and VERY rewarding once completed. I swear though, I didn't have a single problem in the game until the LAST level x_x oh dear god.. the meat I sacrificed.
almost 14 years ago
You die alot in super meat boy, but it starts you over in less than a second and there's almost always no penalty for death. No waiting, and and most of the time no progress lost makes death just another part of the game. And the level replays when you finally do beat a level? Priceless!
almost 14 years ago
Super Meat Boy is hard, but fun as hell.
almost 14 years ago
Poor engie-tan....

remind me of Chiyo and her fear of Yukari's car:


almost 14 years ago
beat 221 levels of 360

any1 kno why only 2 ppl beat more than 310 but about 200 beat exactly 310?
almost 14 years ago
I normally hate sucking at games, but I love Super Meat Boy. The suffering you suffer when you fail is outweighted by the awesomeness of doing a level perfect. Hell, I've been lucky enough to beat some lvs first time through (mind you I am at world 2).
almost 14 years ago
Just bought SMB today.

Shit be dildos.
almost 14 years ago
Hehe, I'm such a nerd