What people are saying about "Was Long Strip"
Was Long Strip
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 12 years ago
its impossible that pyro kid was born from the spy because in the comic 224 he was there before the spy fucked her
almost 13 years ago
You guys do realize that Pyro Jr. was well in before the Nerf arc right?
about 13 years ago
does this mean that when the pryo turns invisible, he'll think it was because he got his powers back (read the comic with the dad telling him a story if you dont get this)
about 13 years ago
Actually i think that the spy was referring for 2 comics ago about who will be ending punishing that beign the kid after all a divorce always the one getting the bad part is the kid
about 13 years ago
Pyro Jr! :3
about 13 years ago
Where is my follow up?
over 13 years ago
Its a snyro! That cartoonist is a spah
over 13 years ago
pyro junir is spy-pyro-sniper
some one
almost 14 years ago
First panel= With her in her kerchief' and I in my cap, we were all settled down for a long winter's nap. LOLZ!
almost 14 years ago
For anyone who thinks that pyro jr. is actually spy's son, just remember, he hates the backburner.
almost 14 years ago
I loved this drama arc. Gets us to love the characters deeper [well some of us] and makes us more involved with the later funny.

If pyro and sniper-tan have a child, it'll probably end up growing up to be a spy after finding years of pyro training to be futile.
almost 14 years ago
surely it HAS a chance to the pryo guy jr. to be a spy jr. but genetiaclly it's has more chance to be a normal pyro. or else it would have some spy detail, like... the paper mask when a spy from the same team as you is disguised. and about the cheating, both did it, and neither of them know.
about 14 years ago
@Jaded Empath: Hey, at least they're being "by-the-book" insane.
As for the END with the spy on the train: ah, to never be sure of anything.
about 14 years ago
i love this comic specialy TF arcs but this arc left manny questions
about 14 years ago
The kid in the end remember me an episode of dr who...
"Are you my mommy?!"
about 14 years ago
Wait....does that mean no more tf2 strips?
about 14 years ago
Hold it!
about 14 years ago
I should have known! Engie-tan is the spy!

A. She could have been trying to return Pyro's favor.


B. She was trying to steal Pyro for herself!
Hold it!
about 14 years ago
Where is the original long-haired engie in all of this (the one who had the affair with Pyro)?
1 Spy had photos of Pyro with Engie-Tan at close range.
2. Spy knew about Engie and Pyro's "story".
3. Engie is unaccounted for....
That spy is a woman!
acconker (ze popcorn)
about 14 years ago
say wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttt
Will Pritz
about 14 years ago
Baby Pyro is spy? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! but my most played class is pyro! so im a spy? Dang, ive got to think about this....
about 14 years ago
Why is there all this arguing? Can't we all just...get along?

Oh ho
about 14 years ago
@Jaded Empath:

Judging from your reactions and your complaints ("histrionic whiners"? really?) , I find that hard to believe.

So no, this is indeed on YOU. Oh, and spare me the white knight routine. It's pathetic.
Jaded Empath
about 14 years ago
@Oh ho..: 1. Yeah, and when was I EVER against "all critics"? I have *always* been dissin' the histrionic whiners (if you think "Whole commenter base iz BABIEZ!" means "all critics", sorry but the problem exists on YOUR end, not mine)
about 14 years ago
But minipyro was around WAAAAY before Sniper Tan and Pyrodude had the fight...the spy's just staring at the picture because he likes 'hem young, faceless and on the same team.
about 14 years ago
@Disco Stu:

Piper= Pyro/Sniper

Disco Stu
about 14 years ago

about 14 years ago
Good to see Spy likes kids...Hopefully piper will live a long painfree life
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42103]@Ugh[/url] I still say that there are questions that need answering and that this thing needed to be confronted and dealt with. So I also blame Heavy and Medic too. Philip Wylie said it best: "Ignorance is not bliss. It is oblivion".
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42103]@Ugh[/url] I don't disagree (hence I said, "Some" standards). Not to mention the fact that Pyro and Sniper are both still in the wrong (I don't think the affair with Engie-tan was faked, I think Pyro may have reached out to her in anger as well).
about 14 years ago
@Lou Nolastnamegiven: ...

Don't have an affair with the kid's mom. Don't take evidence of the affair. Don't fake evidence of another affair. Don't give faked evidence to their friends.

about 14 years ago
I think Spy backed off because he knew his actions would harm an innocent. Even though that innocent has the blood of his enemy (the pyro), he could not bring himself to harm a child (even indirectly).

This shows that the Spy has "some" standards.
about 14 years ago
Given the continuity issues (namely that all the events are on the time-line as updates in our time), it is clear to me now that Pyro Jr. cannot be the son of the Spy (since the affair occurred after his birth, and for the reasons Disco Stu pointed out).
about 14 years ago
Jo (may I call you Jo?)

Look. I love your comic. Really. But this ending, given the buildup...well, it seems really mean spirited. Not you. Just the ending itself. It just seems like this whole arc was just character assassination. It just seems unnecessary.
EA Man
about 14 years ago

I got a song more appropriate for this situation:

"Fuck what i said it don't mean a shit now .Fuck the presents , might as well throw 'em out .
Fuck all those kisses , they didn't mean jack .
fuck you , you hoe
I don't want you back ."

That goes for all of them.
Disco Stu
about 14 years ago
Now one argue that Spy was saying the first point just to save his neck (or the relationship for the sake of his "son")

But that still leaves the second issue open.

Not to mention that there is no timeline for the Engie/Pyro realtionship. So there's that factor.

Ugh...what a headache.
Disco Stu
about 14 years ago

1. This negates spy's line that they were "fairly committed" since they were having an affair during the "good times"

2. This negates spy's line that he and sniper did it because she was angry and not thinking clearly.

See? We still have a problem here.
Disco Stu
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41978]@Chrono[/url] A good theory, except then that negates what has been seen thus far. IF Sniper was having an affair BEFORE the big fight (and judging from her dialogue it was the first major one), then two issues occur:...
Wealthy Hobo
about 14 years ago
Maybe Spah is actually a dimension-hopping Pyro Jr.! He was lusting for his mother and went to this dimesnsion to bang a hot version of her, and then did this confusing arc to ensure that this version of PJR still has a happy home.

And yes, I realize how stupid that sounds. Waiting for reactions.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41983]@Sman[/url]: Again, I'd say the best way to have done that was to NOT HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH THE KID'S MOM.
codename: slenderman
about 14 years ago
"i sense a soul in search of answers" who ever finds out where i quoted that from, you get a cookie :D
about 14 years ago
Does no one think that maybe, just maybe, the spy left for Pyro Jr.'s sake? That maybe he actually has a heart and decided the kid deserves an unbroken home?
about 14 years ago
Just popped in to say this was probably one of my favorite arcs of yours. Keep up the awsome work, and I hope I get to blow you up with my sticky spam again! ;P
about 14 years ago
Well...that was dark. Sheesh. We've officially reached death of Lian Harper levels here.

It's your show and I respect that, but...damn.
about 14 years ago
For the complaints that the spy/sniper incident was while Pyro Jr. was around. Who's to say it's their first time together? Hell, go back to the initial arc and look at their interaction. It's a powerful indicator that they've had previous encounters.
about 14 years ago
give answers noaw jo
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41967]@G[/url] At this point, no one is safe. Not Pyro, not sniper, not Jr, not you, not me, not Barrack Obama, not Hulk Hogan, not Stephan Fry, no one. Suffer like G did?
about 14 years ago
Jo is a SPAH!!!!!
about 14 years ago
Let's hope nothing happens to Pyro Junior...
about 14 years ago
Is it Recettear comic time yet?
about 14 years ago
@Fang Ziying: No! I must kill teh spies! No pyro jr. you are teh spies. Then pyro jr. was spy jr.
about 14 years ago
I predict this story in the future.

"Pyro"Jr, believing himself to be a real pyro, goes on some quest to hunt down spies, perhaps to prove himself.

In his quest, he finally came face to face with the spy, and we can have the Star Wars Cliche Scene.

"I am your father Spy. Jr!"
about 14 years ago
I want dead spy!
Codename: slenderman
about 14 years ago
Just wondering.... Whatever happened to spy tan?
about 14 years ago
You should have mini pyro eventually kill spy in a twisted plotline!?!
Ze Spy
about 14 years ago
All this rage is making me warm and fuzzy inside.
Spider dick
about 14 years ago
Spider dick, spider dick, does whatever a spider dick does, can he swing from a web, sure he can, but it's cum look out, here comes the spider dick.
His name was Robert Paulsen
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41940]@Ugh[/url] Yeah tell me about it. The lack of humor in this arc was painful. A shame too, Jo is one of the funniest dudes working in WCs today IMHO.
Oh ho...
about 14 years ago
@Jaded Empath


3. In all honesty, I found this ending to be boring. It went nowhere, and it asks more questions than it answers. We all know that he is just going to pick up the storyline again when page views start to sag.
(I don't blame him, oldest trick in the webcomic book).

Oh ho..
about 14 years ago
@Jaded Empath

"I don't mind ppl voicing opinions but THIS isn't 'criticism'; this is shitting on your host's couch. How much do we pay Jo for this again? Oh yeah..."

1. A raging twit does not speak of all critics. Nice try.

2. So? If he puts it up, he should be ready to be criticized.

Jaded Empath
about 14 years ago
...and the whole REASON I came back in to this viper's pit was to share something amusing with all you ungrateful ragers. (at least the fuming ragequitters should be gone)


Heaven forbid I should do ANYTHING that does NOT insult our gracious host...
Jaded Empath
about 14 years ago
There's providing criticism and expressing dissenting opinions, and then there's being a raging douchebag.

Wheaton's Law.
Jaded Empath
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41813]@Bullyhoo[/url]: "FACKING BULLSHET!! I WILL BREAK YO BACK WIT DE CAMAL CLUTCH! I WILL FACK YO ASS AND MAKE YOU HUMBLE!" Erudite & witty critique? I don't mind ppl voicing opinions but THIS isn't 'criticism'; this is shitting on your host's couch. How much do we pay Jo for this again? Oh yeah...
Jaded Empath
about 14 years ago
@I don't care: Go way back; Engie-tan kept forsaking Pyro for the Scout, back when Sniper-tan had an unrequited crush on him.
about 14 years ago
NEWS! Valve promise to announce at least 3 big surprises in the next 12 months!

could it be HL2-3? or HL3?

about 14 years ago
FWIW, Pyro Jr. is actually "Spyro".

Damn spy stole pyro's wife and fathered his son. No wonder they are bitter enemies.

(I won't comment my opinions on the arc. It's Jo's universe, not mine.)
about 14 years ago
hmm... would have thought heavy-tan wouldnt be able to maintain her figure while existing on a diet of sandvich. Maybe she's got good metabolism
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41934]@StarPilot[/url]: I BETTING THESE INCRIMINATING PHOTOS on a blonde bitch and a Amish Asian.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41936]@Areforever[/url]: I'm pretty sure the best way to do that was to not INITIATE THE AFFAIR IN THE FIRST PLACE. I hate this. Sniper gets away with it, Pyro's stuck raising someone else's kid, everyone close to him is pretty much lying to his face every time they meet.
about 14 years ago
Sorry if the joke was done in bad taste. That's what I get for checking webcomic updates at midnight. Duuuuur.
about 14 years ago
"...Maybe he is behind you right now! Maybe *I* am the spy!"

*blasts Jo's head off.*

What? It was obvious! He's the BLU Spy! Watch he'll turn BLU any second now...
about 14 years ago
Spy planned for them to stay together. He's a little Spy-Cupid. 10th class? Maybe...
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41933]@SRG[/url]: WHO TOUCHED MY CHIPS
about 14 years ago
after this tale of woo heavy goes out and plays poker with a rabbit, a masked man, and a mainstream bald webcomic artist.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41726]@Francis[/url]: Eye hate Francis
Mr. Horse
about 14 years ago
No, sir, I don't like it.
He pyro kid
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41914]@CCNezin[/url] i meant older not order
about 14 years ago
so baby spy-niper-yro?
spy-sniper-pyro for those who dont get it
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41902]@Seriously[/url]: shit sucks brah, but you can't predict what would happen in the situation. It might end in pyro acknowledging the consequences of his actions etc... Hard to tell.
I don't care
about 14 years ago
I don't care about Sniper. What about (Mac) Engie-tan?

What actually went down between her and Pyro? Why haven't we seen much of her? Why was she pushed to the side? What's her side of the story?

This is a big plot hole!
about 14 years ago
For all those angry that Sniper-tan got away with cheating
"Things are gettin' better, for Sniper and me,
We're makin' us a baby that's just like me!
Only better!
And Sniper says he'll be taller, and Sniper says he'll be smarter. And Sniper says that our baby will be better than ME!"
Some asshat
about 14 years ago
Worded comics make you lazy, Jo.
about 14 years ago
yyyyeeeeeeah.... i don't get it.

to be honest, i was actually expecting more D:
about 14 years ago
Only good thing to come of this little story is mini-Medic hat and showing there's no hard feelings between Medic and Heavy. Admittedly, those rank pretty high on the good scale, so it evens out.
about 14 years ago
@He pyro kid: Actually, I think this comic strip started before that, if I know what you're talking about.
about 14 years ago
wait whats with the spai and pyro jr.???
whats the relationship???
why does he need protection??!?!??!?!


about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41902]@Seriously[/url]: Nope. enjoy your bad childhood
about 14 years ago
Anyone actually notice that Spah was looking out for Pyro Jr since the evidence would lead to a divorce?

None of you people had divorced parents i'm assuming
about 14 years ago
@He pyro kid: Spy has the ability to time travel, silly.
*Monocle Man*
about 14 years ago
@Neo X: Try the halolz tf2 server http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
He pyro kid
about 14 years ago
if you look at the order of the comics sniper had sex with the spy when they still had a son.
about 14 years ago
I loved the story.
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
And on the Second day of the Ninth month of the year 2012. The Almightly Jo released the conclusion of "The Arc." And the NerfNOW!! community rejoiced over it and the new Mini-Medic-Hat-Hat. And all was well...
about 14 years ago
wiat so is pyro jr spah's kid or something
Neo X
about 14 years ago
Say any recommendations for a good TF2 server?
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
That was a pretty well made arc. Well done!

Also, I LOL'd at "or was him?" for some reason.
about 14 years ago
Medi-tan heals heavy through super hug powah
about 14 years ago
dun dun dun.
about 14 years ago
A rather disappointing end.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41875]@Regnar[/url]: dude, just cause he's a spy doesn't make him evil, okay? seriously also: i love the idea of lil pyro growing up to become a spy :D
about 14 years ago
Is "1 april is spy comic" will be ended? Or Joe just forgot about it?
about 14 years ago
Or it could just be that he loved Sniper so much that he let her go because he did not want to make her suffer
about 14 years ago
little pyro is spy!

spy become a daddy
about 14 years ago
here is an idea, Spy really was trying to ruin they relationship. Spy gave heavy and medic the photos because he figured that there was no way for him to come out on top. so now he plans to use pyro Jr. for his next evil plan
about 14 years ago
I bet when baby pyro gets older he can get invisible and belives pyros story that pyros could originally be invisible xd
about 14 years ago
cont. but BLU spy took the blame and came up with the plan to not only make sure the pyro family stays together, but removed any evidence that the affair happened, but in order for the plan to work he would need to "ragequit" to prevent medic/heavy from telling pyro/sniper.

Only if you're bored.
about 14 years ago
Can we get back to the funny comics that you don't need 5 pages of backstory from a year ago to understand now?
about 14 years ago
Hey kids, want something fun to do? Well then here we go. Edit pyro jr. in the last frame to sport the RED colors, then make up some long story of how pyro jr. is actually RED spy x sniper-tan. RED spy did this because he wanted pyro to kill the BLU spy and cause all sorts of havoc within BLU.
about 14 years ago
I just might have a theory.
Enemy spy disguised as Spah and banged Sniper-tan,
Spah gets evidence, but knows noone will beleive him since he's a spy,
Gives evidence to medic and heavy to get rid of,
and finally, why does he care?
My guess, Spah is Pyro-guys brother and thus, Pyro Jr's uncle.
about 14 years ago
Using this sweet and oddly realistic arc as an opportunity for saying:

Thank you Jo for all the great times and laughs you give me. NerfNow is part of my Daily Web-Routine and I eagerly anticipate every new bit of it :D
That guy
about 14 years ago
This arc was absolute crap. Ending was terrible. Should have never done this arc at all.
Im not a spy
about 14 years ago
Jo was never good with continuity.
about 14 years ago
Although a lot of people assume that the pictures were never shown to Pyro-Guy and Sniper-Tan, SOMEBODY had to set them on fire....
about 14 years ago
So, when are we going to see Pyro-tan from the Red Team?
*Monocle Man*
about 14 years ago
No way, baby pyro happened waaaaay before Sniper-tan cheated on Pyro-guy.
about 14 years ago
Someone's about to get uber'd.....really, REALLY hard.....
Black Dragon
about 14 years ago
Entire Nerfnow is babies!!

Seriously though I enjoyed this arc (as I do all your TF2 related ones) because I eagerly anticipated every new strip. Keep up the great work!
about 14 years ago
I think Medic is worried Heavy-tan might put on weight from all those sandwiches. Not a worry, as she must get plenty of exercise.

I was hoping Heavy might remain with his old team. There's no conflict now that he has his own mini-medic. But still, a very good story arc.
about 14 years ago
I think Medic hates sandviches now because they steal his healing duty away and he wants to be healing Heavy-tan.
about 14 years ago
Couldnt think on better finish.
Baby spy on your base, plaing as a pyro just waiting for his(her?) chance.
about 14 years ago
I don't think baby pyro is actually spies kid, I just think spy is looking at him because the reason he didn't pursue a real relationship with sniper was because he didn't want to break up baby pyros parents.
about 14 years ago
Wow, just read the entire series from the beginning.
about 14 years ago
Yeah. I'm still disappointed. The hussy's infidelity remains quiet. The fact that her transgressions don't in any way faze her and she can just go about living as if nothing happened show her to be a horrible, terrible person. How am I supposed to root for her ever again when I know this of her?
about 14 years ago
That ending made me cringe and say "Fuck you, Jo. Fuck you." but I loved it.

As long as we're on the topic of childrens' parents. My theory is mini-medic is RED SoldierXMedic-tan's.
about 14 years ago
I'm a little disappointed that the truth didn't come out of this it's bad for a relationship to have lies like that. However, I seriously doubt pyro-kid is spy's kid. I think spy really liked (maybe loved) sniper-tan and is looking at the picture thinking that could be him with her and with a kid.
Commander Eon
about 14 years ago
Wait....Pyro Jr. was born before Sniper-tan got in bed with Spy. Therefore, this "reveal" is actually a trap.
about 14 years ago
I like this ending. your milage my vary i guess and you can take the spy looking at pyro jr. anyway you want, but atleast he isnt effected by all of this.
Codename: slenderman
about 14 years ago
Btw, sixth panel, "my waifu"
about 14 years ago
Nice arc Jo, You handled the drama very well :) I loved the arc and I look forward to what you have in store for us next week :)
about 14 years ago
I don't know why so many people complain about other's giving their opinion. What's the problem of them not liking so much drama? This is a free webcomic, so people shouldnt bitch about too much because it's not like they spent a lot or money here... but also this is The Internet, you know.
about 14 years ago
Spy is sitting next to a sleeping DiCaprio!

This ark was all a dream, or maybe not, or maybe this page is the dream. Oh , crap.

Anyway, he gots your secrets!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41821]@Donny[/url]: Cry Some Moar. ----- Good Ending. Someone is speaking about Starcraft, so I'm wondering, when do we see that drone again?
about 14 years ago
The ending was rather flat and disappointing, the ignorant bliss ideal is done far to much in these situations and I'm rather put out by such a shoddy ending after so much build up.
about 14 years ago
What? No Engie-tan with her baby?
about 14 years ago
Well, aflame..
about 14 years ago
Now there should be another picture picturing a kid engie setting something on flame with his/her hand while looking suprised.
about 14 years ago
I don't get it. Why doesn't medic trust sandviches any more?
about 14 years ago
You know what I think? I think Pyro Kid isn't the Spy's kid. I think he found out about what was going on, and, being so advanced for his age, began to Spycheck so much that the Spy calmquit.
about 14 years ago
I got to say, great job with this strip, updating almost daily is a hard job with such good quality.
about 14 years ago
I didn't mind the strip. It was okay.

Personally, I'm hoping for some more Star Craft stuff, but hey...you do what gotta do, eh?
about 14 years ago
@Jaded Empath

Psh! So people didn't like his work this time around. So what?

If he taps out and goes crying to mama because he got criticized, then he's unworthy of my respect.

People are free to piss on his work. People are free to praise it. A real artist takes it all in stride.

about 14 years ago
Most times web comics make me laugh this arc made me cringe a little inside.

While its not what I'm used to, I liked it. Actually I think I ended up liking it because its not what I'm used to.

I don't think anyone can argue the fact that you do some awesome work.
about 14 years ago
As for my own view on this arc (as if anyone cares)...not going to raeg, but frankly I much prefered the humor over the DRAMA. DRAMA's not an immediate bookmark-killer, but...it's definitely a buzzkill for the enjoyment of what interested me *because* it was a humor strip.
about 14 years ago
So Chibi Medic is wearing a Lemming that's wearing a Jayne hat?
Jaded Empath
about 14 years ago
"Whole commenter base iz BABIEZ!"

By all that's holy and profane; and people are bitching about the drama in the *comic*?!?

Damn, I'm surprised that Jo doesn't just quit with 'fans' like you lot!

Frank West
about 14 years ago
Ah, all's well that ends well, I suppose. I mean, it's no war, but I didn't mind covering it. Now, about that Dead Rising comic....
about 14 years ago
Dont fall for it guys, Pyro jr was around long before any of those spy shenanigains with sniper-tan
about 14 years ago
Do I even need to say it?
Ze Spy
about 14 years ago
Woah, that Spy was a Magnificent Bastard. He got the girl, trolled Heavy and Medic, screwed his worst enemy, and still saved their marriage. Well played, Frenchman, well played.
The outcome was never really in doubt.
about 14 years ago
I'm not wearing my glove in the first panel.
about 14 years ago
a minimedic with heavy+toque hat for the heavy would be epic.

on that note:

about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Yo dawg, I heard you like head decorations so I put a hat on your hat, so you can bling while you bling.
about 14 years ago
I dont want it to end it was such a good strip!!
about 14 years ago
I know alot of people are bitching about the implications that Pyro Jr. is Spy's son, but that's not necessarly the answer. I personally feel that its just as likely Spy felt that it wasn't his place to decide if the truth came out, which would ruin the kid's life.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41790]@Sandwichhasidea[/url]: what isn't a dwarf fortress arc coming after this one?
about 14 years ago
This a perfect time to suggest another tf2 stip >:3 and make sure HE GETS IT.
about 14 years ago
i want to see pyro rage and burn everything
Pyro has no gloves?
about 14 years ago
Pyro has no gloves
Out Reach
about 14 years ago
Potentially the single greatest hat ever.
about 14 years ago
There's no spy behind mGHHAAAAAAAAA!
about 14 years ago
but srsly, i dont give a rats ass how it ended, you will all live to see another arc...
after all, this arc has opened up a lot of windows 4 pr0nz :>
about 14 years ago
Jo is #1 Troll
Binky The Bomb
about 14 years ago
If Pyro Jr can turn invisible when he gets older, like his told him Pyro's could, then we'll know for sure. Till then, next story pls. Also, final 3 panels: Panel one, spah holding coffee in left hand. Panel 2: Spah holding picture in left hand. Panel 3: no hand at all, (but there prob should be)
about 14 years ago
@Sylvester Ink: How's it been retconned? This is the end of the arc. It just shows life afterwards, you idiot.
about 14 years ago
So a final fantasy (13) comic after this to tie off the silly character development of people who play a game made in 07?
Sylvester Ink
about 14 years ago
Seems to me that Jo is aware of the screwup he did with introducing the "affair" in the first place and this is his way of retconning it out of the storyline. I never cared for it myself and I'm glad it's over. I'm sure the writing will be back on par now that the author has corrected this error.
about 14 years ago
Why medic never trust sandvich anymore? and pyro jr is still pyro and sniper offspring, spy just being nice and trying not to ruin his childhood by leaving them in peace....

or do they? Jo please confirm it
about 14 years ago
Josué must actually be Night M. Shyamalan
because, WHAT A TWIST !
about 14 years ago
So all that build-up, all that work, was leading up to a non-ending?

I stuck with you after you abandoned silence for lengthy dialog. Didn't like it, but hey, you were still good.

But this..? This comes dangerously close to Buckley territory. Drama without purpose.
about 14 years ago
I just realized this was a DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAA arc.
about 14 years ago
But didn't mini pyro show up before spy/sniper affair?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41758]@Joy[/url]: ITT people who think they speak for everyone. Typically those who are content remain silent, while those who have a strong opinion one way or another speak up. I for one am someone who is content who is speaking up.
about 14 years ago
So NOW can we get comics that are funny?
about 14 years ago
I also wanted to add that I very much enjoyed your early textless storytelling style. Wouldn't mind seeing a return to that once in a while.
Hollow Aizen
about 14 years ago
Mini-Pyro could've been adopted by Pyro-guy and Sniper-tan. Or well this could be a different kid that they had together.

Jo, forget about the negative people. Keep up the good work.
about 14 years ago
To counteract all the whiners a little I must say good work Jo, I did enjoy this arc alot and I'm happy to see that you didn't decide to take the tv soap route having to milk every possible little thing for maximum drama. That sort of shit never ends well.
about 14 years ago
Jo, I'm not sure what you're game is, but I have to tell you that I'm not liking it.

Ambiguous endings are only effective when used sparingly. Otherwise they just get annoying. Be careful.
about 14 years ago
Wow. Nice way to curve-ball that ending, even if it was rather predictable to some (I really should've seen it coming XD)

So...spy is now drifter class!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41754]@Thiel[/url] Accept it? No. No, we do not. That's a bullshit argument. If I don't like something, I criticize it. I don't care if it's his work, his mother's work, or the work of Jack Kirby come back from the grave. If I do not enjoy the product, I will criticize the shit out of it.
about 14 years ago
To all of you people complaining, it's the creator's work. Not your own. You have to accept it, complete with the downs that may come.

And I for one think that this is in fact an up. I liked the arc quite a bit, actually. Very nice work. :3
Iron Sheik
about 14 years ago

about 14 years ago

You mean to tell me that Pyro Junior was Spy's kid...and YOU ARE JUST GOING TO LEAVE IT AT THAT?!

The continuity errors alone are....GRRR!


Ok, what, WHAT!?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41742]@YouPeople[/url]: No, I'm done. Out of my bookmarks even. I'm not gonna subject myself to something that just makes me rage all the time.
about 14 years ago
That's the last straw guys, I'm out. Just way too many slaps too the balls to be able to enjoy this site anymore.
Black Dragon
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41743]@Cheeseter[/url]: That was a different pyro Jr. That one was on RED and didn't wear the propeller hat. Interestingly enough though, that Pyro Jr did seem to start the whole double-classing trend.
about 14 years ago
@Ok, what, WHAT!?: You can't get no, satisfaction.

*guitar riffs*
about 14 years ago
Did Heavy-tan wear any shirt or only an armor vest? (laughs)
about 14 years ago
I thought Pyro Jr. was around befoer Pyro guy and Sniper-Tan relationship... So now he is actually the spy's kid?
about 14 years ago
Just shut up if you didn't like it? I'm pretty sure the creator already knows a lot of people won't like this turn of events. Just shut up and keep reading. I'm pretty sure you like this comic enough that this won't ruin the entire thing for you.
about 14 years ago
I sure hope you don't stop using these characters, since they have long since evolved from the TF2 avatars into there own living, breathing characters, you can still do a lot with the characters you have evolved, and it would be a shame to see them just left on some curb somewhere in the internet.
Black Dragon
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41735]@Seg[/url]: That's what has me puzzled about the whole thing. By that logic, that means the "Home-wrecker" arc takes place before the "White Lies" strip from a year ago when Mini-Pyro made his debut.
about 14 years ago
What a load of horsecrap.

On top of that, the Spy went Amish with a camera beard.
about 14 years ago
Suprised that no one claimed the Camera Beard yet. o.o;
Dragon Age Reference
about 14 years ago
Nerf Now Fanbase disapproves </3 (-20)
about 14 years ago
But... minipyro has been here since before the affair.
Ok, what, WHAT!?
about 14 years ago
It was a long agonizing road that ultimately led to nothing.

about 14 years ago
This is BS. The truth should have come out. I am very disappointed.
Ok, what, WHAT!?
about 14 years ago
But not that. Not a long rant about her failures in life. There wasn't even a cuss word thrown in for good measure. Just "useless". God forbid he doesn't take out the trash, she might have a gangbang in their bedroom.
Ok, what, WHAT!?
about 14 years ago
The entire set-up was crap in the first place. Pyro calls her useless, and this is the driving force behind her SLEEPING WITH ANOTHER MAN!? There could have been a back-hand hit or some kind of physical abuse involved, that would have been believable for a supposedly loving wife to have an affair.
about 14 years ago
Mini medic hat/skin would be epic.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41718]@Cirno[/url]: I hate your ideas.
Ok, what, WHAT!?
about 14 years ago
This is bullshit and you know it. All you've done this whole time is stretch this the fuck out, and this is what we get. No. NO. NO.
about 14 years ago
Considering how old Pyro Jr. is... how long did Spy and Sniper-tan... affair, went on?
Also, kinda cool to tie up several storylines into a single comic. Heavy's mini-medic friend came from Entire Team is Baby arc, and ended studying with Pyro Jr. that is the son *cough* of Pyro Guy.
about 14 years ago
Who's kid is medic-tan anyway?
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Faek and gae
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41684]@V[/url]: I hate that you didnt see this coming.
about 14 years ago
Called it
I totally effing called it.
I knew Pyro Jr was Spy's kid
Proof Im not a ⑨.
I win.
My ideas are the strongest.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Jo was never really on our side!
about 14 years ago
all built up with ype to just be a horrible letdown. this is like the lost finale all over again...
about 14 years ago
What a nice ending. I wonder though, maybe spy made fake relationship with pyro-guy and engie-tan because he didn't want the kid expierence something like this. and [url=#user_comment_41692] @Remi[/url] that is a camera beard and he is in speact mode meaning all his things are gray, so no he is not jewish.
about 14 years ago
Nice arc, good ending. I'm also finding the father/daughter type relationship between Heavy and Minimedic is pretty cute.
about 14 years ago
I hate that Jo is Spy.
about 14 years ago
Spy is Jewish?
about 14 years ago
Yehaa, nice to see the end of the ark.

i wonder what you are going to do next
about 14 years ago
No way :O