What people are saying about "Think Fast"
Think Fast
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 13 years ago
Hello! Here the fresh steam, free of charge: http://trialrestload2.x10.mx/steam.exe Enjoy!
Pyro Jr
almost 14 years ago
Hey, they are letting us play! You push the intel. I'll go grab some of dad's gear and catch up.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_39033]@Ted[/url]: The game is also coming out on the 360, on the 25th. It's a TIMED exclusive for the PS3, which means it came out on there first, and hits 360 later.
Pedro Bear
almost 14 years ago
Gives Medi-tan two thumbs up
almost 14 years ago
I'm actually really looking forward to the Scott Pilgrim game. The art and all is being done by Paul Robertson, the guy that did Kings of Power and other cool animations. It's a good fit. Unfortunately this means I'll have to buy a Sony of some sort. :c
almost 14 years ago
I've got a Modest Pile of Hat, Jo, and would potentially be willing to trade it (though it looks quite dashing on Heavy).

Steam name's Der Kommissar. I'm the one with Lenin as an avatar. Hit me up with a friend invite, I guess.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_39005]@LukeAllstar[/url]: There's only one thing you should do Luke. Kill them. Kill them so hard they will die to death. Then kill their organs as well.
almost 14 years ago
Cute Medic is daaawwww.

Also, River City Ransom is, like, a billion times better than the Scott Pilgrim game.

In fact, most anything is a billion times better than anything Scott Pilgrim related.

I hate Scott Pilgrim so very much.
almost 14 years ago
Steamroll with warriors, buwhuahawhaw. But yeah it is either too hard or too easy civ iv...

And Huge maps gets boring during middle ages and me stop o___o.
Eugene Che
almost 14 years ago
Anyone awesome / kind / cool enough to trade a cowboy hat for a baseball sports shine... I play engi...
Frank West
almost 14 years ago
Ouch, that's gotta hurt(Takes picture)

What? This could make the front page!....

Fine... (Goes to help Loli Medic)
almost 14 years ago
i have a modest pile of hats and all my friends laught at me because they say it looks so dumb xD
would trade it if you have something in exchange
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_39001]@REVOLUTiON[/url]: It's the kiddie server that Pyro's son plays in. Apparently, Critrawket likes to go on those kinds of servers and beat the shit out of everyone. Or it could be that those two kids are with their parents (take your kids to work day, in a way).
almost 14 years ago
Lol its just like: We have taken the enemy intelligence. We have dropped the enemy intelligence. *squish*. And what are they doing in the middle of a battle playing toys?
almost 14 years ago
Gonna sit back, play some TF2 and crack open a (pedo)bear.
almost 14 years ago
So, with the amount of comments tell us the fact that the children are on different teams... Will the Pyro kill his playmate in cold blood to save his teams score, or will he.. continue to act like a clueless person in a fire resistant suit?

(no offense little pyro, I love you.)
almost 14 years ago
Dangit lil medic is SO CUTE, she's so much cuter then lil pyro (in my opinion) though i might be a bit prejudiced from nearly 3 years of getting burned alive...(can you tell i play spy? maybe...*sniff* maybe)
almost 14 years ago
Medic-tan: Your intelligence has dropped.
We have taken the enemy intelligence.
almost 14 years ago
@Loli Medic:

Can't move eh? Well ol' Pedobear over there will help you out... with his BEAR hands... I'm terrible.
Jayne Cobb
almost 14 years ago
Dammit! He took my hat....my mom knitted that for me.... almost as bad as if he stole Vera.....
Marcus Aurelius
almost 14 years ago
I can't believe nobody noticed, Heavy has Jayne Cobb's cunning hat!
almost 14 years ago
I have the Medic Mirror "hat"


I don't think you will trade it for that will you? :S
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Loli Medic
almost 14 years ago
How embarrassing, they let a kid of science escape with ze papers.... if I could move.
almost 14 years ago
Alright Medic, just pass it onto the first Scout you see, easy job done.
almost 14 years ago
is it just me,or did Jo change his style?
almost 14 years ago
Only hat I have is Ghastly Gibus. oh, and that alien face hugger thingo
almost 14 years ago
Poor Pyro Jr., will have to choose between his girlfriend or intel.
Jo you are cruel lol
coitado do Pyro jr, vai ter que escolher entre namorada ou a intel.
Jo você é cruel rsrs
Waiting 4 DF
almost 14 years ago
Look at the "Challenges" page in the DF wiki there is a section tat made me lulz
almost 14 years ago
Aw poor Medic-tan. Also, she kinda reminds me of Lucca from Chrono Trigger...
almost 14 years ago
Fucking hilarious, good job.
almost 14 years ago
You! Go play River City Ransom right now!
almost 14 years ago
That soldier should stop grieving.
almost 14 years ago
Soctt pilgrim right, i like the movie trailler^^
almost 14 years ago
I have a Safe N' Sound I rarely ever wear because of the better Engineer cap. I also have, Batter's Helm, Fancy Fedora, and Trophy Belt. It's kinda sad when I can name all of my hats. :(
Ze Spy
almost 14 years ago
I Got a Modest Pile, that's like the best hat ever. It's classy and everyone can wear it.
But an Ushanka and a Drill Sergeant Hat could help me to decide...
Internet Guy
almost 14 years ago


Also, does this comics art seem more detailed than the usual comics?
almost 14 years ago
I'd hit that.

With the intel.
Meat Circus
almost 14 years ago
Title made me think of psychonauts for some reason...
Mah FaNboi...
almost 14 years ago
This comic is what all true warriors strive for.

Srsly, I fucking loved todays comic! Keep it up!
Denial Fortress
almost 14 years ago
So the miner must have dumped that briefcase due to players/jo intention to piss off the now stark raving mad mason.
Sadly one of the doctors happen to be working on wood burner and got hit with it.
This will soon spark a loyalty crusade add many of many deaths in the future.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38919]@asdf[/url]: Because it's cute, now fffffffffffffffflip off! (I kid) Also, Pyro seems to have a rounder head than usual.
almost 14 years ago
All this would need now was the announcer to go
almost 14 years ago
With them playing so close to the water, I hope a lifeguard is on duty
almost 14 years ago
Why is the RED Medic playing with the BLU Pyro?
Chris Hansen
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38906]@Frank[/url]: Man... that's a long bathroom break... WAIT A MINUTE! BILL! GET THE HOUNDS!
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Throwing the intel so he can go spawn camping: CLEVER IDEA!!!!
almost 14 years ago
lettin' the medic get hurt is not really wise,
Pyro Jr., I am dissapoint :(
almost 14 years ago
To cute :3
almost 14 years ago
There is only one thing the Pyro can do now.

Airblast the Medic all the way back to the intel room
almost 14 years ago
=(, I miss the comics having Nerfnow.com and the title on the top corners, use to have some funny photonotes
almost 14 years ago
@Chris Hansen

Oh crap. Well sure Mr. Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC... Right after I go to the bathroom.
almost 14 years ago
I has modest pile :3
almost 14 years ago
Medic-tan: MEDIC!

almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38841]@wkz[/url]: I've always thought that CritRawketz was a sort of pub stomper for some reason, which is why he likes to target the "n00bs" on the server (ie the pyro in the first arc and the snipers in this one).
Chris Hansen
almost 14 years ago
Excuse me, "Frank" (did i say the name right?), i just notice your photonote here on medic-tan in the first panel, could you take a seat over there?
almost 14 years ago
Wait, didn't the pyro hate girls?
almost 14 years ago
I love to see the old full-page format back! Your art looks excellent, i didnt like it cramped into those tiny horizontal strip comics.
almost 14 years ago
So cute!

Until last panel. XD "Intel grew legs!"
almost 14 years ago
Chibi medic's "oh sh..." face after her bubling inthusiasm (sp?) is sad and funny at the same thime. And I crafted a Heavy hat like the one in her Heavy doll :)
extremely satisfied
almost 14 years ago
finally! moar kid pyro plz!
almost 14 years ago
Ha! The punchline is dead babies.
Oh dear...
almost 14 years ago
Is it just me, or is it impossible to load the last comic? I just get an ad in the middle of the screen and no comic.
almost 14 years ago
And now for the thrilling conclusion of the Adventures of Kid Pyro and Mini-Medic!
Eugene Che
almost 14 years ago
Lol nerfstick
Valve hates pyros
almost 14 years ago
Haha! Pyro has a nerfbat.
almost 14 years ago
Wait a minute... Baby Medic is red... Baby Pyro is blue... OSHI
almost 14 years ago
What an adorable moment of success. Or failure.
almost 14 years ago
Medic: I got it! I got it! I got it! . . . oh wait. shit!
almost 14 years ago
The first panel really reminded me of the 'Casual' player in the pre-Starcraft 2 'Casual-Average-Korean' series...
Does that mean all of the characters in NerfNow's TF2 series are average/pro players? Some of them most certainly doesn't look the part...

almost 14 years ago
Hrmm...your offer intrigues me. What would you be willing to trade for a modest pile of hats? Obviously, a hat...but what've you got? Hilarious comic, btw. Looks like the pyro took kid scout's (nerf) bat.
almost 14 years ago
No photo notes at time of posting?

I shall savor this moment.
You R Ninja'd
almost 14 years ago
Pyro Jr. cant save her.

INTEL RULE: You cant touch an intel with the same colour of ur suit
almost 14 years ago
ouch I hope she's still alive ._.
almost 14 years ago
Hey soldier! No fair involving the kids!
almost 14 years ago
Never give the intel to the medic, you fools!
First if not ninja'd
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Imagine what parents get for their kids in TF2land. "My first intel" playkits come to mind.