What people are saying about "New Kids on the Block"
New Kids on the Block
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almost 13 years ago
I saw a shooter in Flash with that same name.


Probably just a coincidence.
about 13 years ago
I want to see the pc-98 characters right nao. :0
29 Extra Lives
almost 14 years ago
I would actually like to see a Touhou Team Fortress 2 arc, but at least don't bring too much fanon into it, some of it's good but quite a bit of it (Rule 34 people among other things)just make me more disappointed in the human race, more then I am already.
Overrated crap
almost 14 years ago
Also note, Touhou fans only really care about the lo-I mean characters.
almost 14 years ago
Touhou comment shitstorm :L
almost 14 years ago
There is nothing at all wrong with the desire to shoot stuff, or else we wouldn't be joined by a common ground of... shooting stuff.
about 14 years ago
I "own" the touhou games but I haven't beaten them and I don't care about the story...I just like to shoot stuff. Am I a horrible person for this? Oh wait...this is Nerf Now I'm trolling on...OHSHI-
about 14 years ago
Summary of Touhou (SUMMARY-SUMMARY):

Touhou is a franchise that has become extreamly popular in the past, and is popular now. You play the game, you choose to play it, you like the challenge? Cool. If not, oh well. You like the character? Cool. Love? Hell no.
about 14 years ago
Summary of Touhou (CON):
1) Fandoms will butcher it, but that's to be expected in just about anything. Touhou + Tanks/Obscure Pop Culture/Gangsters isn't that appealing.
2) Some will obsess over a certain character. Some cos-play as such (Your rights, but some customs won't be agreed on.)
about 14 years ago
Summary of Touhou (PRO):
1) Interesting references to Japanese folk-lore.
2) Some of the characters have a fleshed out character. Some seem Mary-sueish at first, but they all have their down-points.
3) They aren't bad games. Though they ~will~ kick your ass the first time.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37053]@MK[/url], most mature people who like Touhou hate the memes with a fiery passion.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37053]@MK[/url] I didn't know there was so much animosity towards it.
about 14 years ago
Congrats. You have officially fagged up your webcomic with touhou crap oh wait you did that before by trying to compare TF2 with Touhou

Not to mention half the memes which are way too goddamn overdone. People gotta stop helping touhou take over the internet. Touhou is the new Final Fantasy 7
about 14 years ago
@Jake'm: Even for Letty's theme there is. :o
about 14 years ago
First reaction: What the- Is this supposed to be an ero shooting game?
Second reaction: It's by Aksys... WHAT THE FU-

But I do love Touhou. It's a challenging and addicting Shooter.
Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
about 14 years ago
You're all guilty of being trolls.

Judgement: 30 hours of forced TF2!
about 14 years ago
That Touhou Fortress may be old, but only now I saw it. I may try using one or another model. No, I'm not a perv, why do you ask? Currently, I just use the Obvious Medic (with the white coat being team colored), and a Guitar replacing the Pyro's basic axe.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36901]@Drake[/url]: As far as I can tell, there's not one for Letty's theme. [url=#user_comment_36890] @Bob[/url]: You're right about the fans. At times, I try and wade into some stuff just to remind them of that "canon" thing, but I end up feeling ill afterwards. They're really creepy.
about 14 years ago
I hope jo learned his lesson, don't make a touhou comic because it will cause a shitstorm of idiots. And this comes from someone who has translated touhou songs and (non-ero) doujinshi for the past 3 years.
about 14 years ago
I discovered Touhou through my brother, who found it through "Sakujo Techno" on YouTube, a mix of Marisa Stole the Precious Thing and, uh, Mikami of DN yelling at people to Delete. There were a lot of lasers, considering the content.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36890]@Bob[/url]: Nah, you'd be surprised. There's fans for pretty much *every* Touhou tune, including the small ones that play only in the endings - my first contact with Touhou was an arrange in youtube, actually. There's a lot of remixes of Septette and U.N.Owen and that, yeah but there's a bit of everything
Anonymous Coward
about 14 years ago
What the fuck?
about 14 years ago
I was super surprised to see Touhou in my Nerfnow today.
about 14 years ago
For br0s out of the loop, Touhou Project 12.8 was recently announced. It's a Cirno-centric game that crosses over with the Three Fairies manga. ZUN even got the artist to do some drawings for the game.
about 14 years ago
Basically, it's kind of like the FF7 of the SHUMP genre, except with lolis (except Touhou is probably better than FF7).

The game might be great, but the fans make you go "euhhhhhhhhhhhh" with their creepy love for the characters.
Bob (And I still love you Jo)
about 14 years ago
And maybe I'm coming off as a hater (hater's gonna hate after all).
It's rude to make fun of fans (except Halo and MW fans), and I apologize if I offended any of Touhou's (it's still an OK game). I just wish they'd tone down their somewhat superior(and obsessive) attitudes. It's not obscure anymore
about 14 years ago
Man, I let myself get mad <_< [url=#user_comment_36829] @Kevin[/url] While I agree about unique that patterns, I'd have to disagree about the music. Sure, it has some incredible tunes, but people only care about, like, five of them out of the whole series.
about 14 years ago
@codenames: slenderman: It's a bunch if witches who fly around in bullet hell games. And the have a fighting game too. (For those unfamilir with the term, bullet hell would be games like Raiden. Where you pilot a jet and the entire covers the screen with bullets.) And they might be lesbians.
codenames: slenderman
about 14 years ago
who or what the hell is touhou, is it violent? cute? cute AND violent? WHAT!?!?
about 14 years ago
If only they didn't region lock this.
Also, removing purposeful slowdown in Cave game is not good idea!
about 14 years ago
@King of Zeroes: And if you claim that you can do the same with LV.999, get your fucking ass on the leaderboards and prove you're not all talk.
about 14 years ago
@King of Zeroes: Deathsmiles MBL LV.999 would like to have a word with you.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36866]@Akkml[/url]: Think of it as the old movie cliffhanger serials. Engie-tan gets tied to the railroad track, then it stops. You have to come back next week to see how she escapes.
about 14 years ago
Oh yeah ! Touhou is in nerfnow now !
about 14 years ago
Every time a touhou comic is made, someone jizzes.
about 14 years ago
Oh dear. My lady will definitely want some of those Deathsmiles fashions.

King of Zeroes
about 14 years ago
Dah fuck is dis? This isn't nearly as FUCKING BULLETS EVERYWHERE as Touhou. Replacement my ass. Get back to me when I can't beat it with my eyes closed.
about 14 years ago
GAH! Stop forgetting about your TF2 arcs mid way >.> this is like the third time its happened
about 14 years ago
I am so jealous of you all.
about 14 years ago
yo dawg, I heard you like nerfnow so I put some nerfnow in your nerfnow so you can troll while you troll
Anonymous Coward
about 14 years ago
Ehh. Sidescrolling shooters in general are a stagnant/sluggish genre. You can only do so much before you have to start throwing in gimmicks just to claim "we're developing the genre!" (Remember Contra 4's Grapple Hook?)
about 14 years ago
@Touhou Sh'moe: I do. I got into Touhou via Vocaloids (it's complicated >,>) and whilst I like the various fan-comics, I like the shooters as well.

And I'm aware of other SHMUPs, I'm just a lazy git who won't get a game unless it's interesting in some way.
about 14 years ago
Though, to those who say the only drag of the series are the lolis - not a chance if hell. I got in this because I loved the games, particularly the pattern-based approach instead of bullet waves approach. And because of the music, and the fantasy aesthetic. Games need less marines and more fairies!
Sylvester Ink
about 14 years ago
Touhou jumped the shark with Imperishable Night. Everything since then has been same-old, same-old. But then, maybe it's because I'm tired of curtain-fire shooters. Bullet dodging is only PART of the challenge of shmups. Hydorah, on the other hand, is an example of a FANTASTIC shmup.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36826]@Bob[/url]: As a Touhoufag, I assure you, I play plenty of other shmups. Problem is that lately it seems like only CAVE is getting any publicity, and CAVE games, on average, are fucking annoying. Give me Treasure any day (by the way, those who like rail shmups? Go play Successor of the Skies. Like, now).
about 14 years ago
Touhou? In My NerfNow? What has the world gone off to? Also,[url=#user_comment_36826] @Bob[/url]. The thing about the fans? TOO FRIGGIN' TRUE.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36848]@KOA[/url]: Friggin' seconded.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36826]@Bob[/url]: You are my hero.
about 14 years ago
u mad?
about 14 years ago
Personally I like Touhou. Some of the fans are obsessive and creepy, some of the fandom stuff is unfunny or overworked. But there's some honestly quite creative stuff there, too.

Also draw some Ran.
about 14 years ago
@Jake'm: Nobody told me.
about 14 years ago
@Where?: Japan, apparently.
about 14 years ago
I'm with[url=#user_comment_36793] @Lemur[/url]
about 14 years ago
Grouchy Reimu: "Hax Sign: Burn everything"
Frank West
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36801]@Lien[/url] Hey baby, I like your style. Wanna cover some wars with me?
about 14 years ago
> yuri relationships, backstories and countless fan games

Are boring as shit.
about 14 years ago
Touhou's silly hats reign supreme.
about 14 years ago
Internet Guy
about 14 years ago

about 14 years ago
That said, Cave has never really held my interest. I've played a few of their games and did alright at them, but I was never immersed enough to want to practice until I could 1CC them. Maybe I'm just a casual carebear, but it seems something is missing.
about 14 years ago
If memory serves, Lunatic is set to be challenging for ZUN, and the difficulty decreases from there. Any money that is to be made by a game is concentrated at the initial sale, so there is pressure to make it fun. It can still be difficult (difficulty is part of fun), but it's necessarily less so.
about 14 years ago
As much as I love Touhou, anyone claiming it to be the hardest shmup has it backwards- arcade shooters will always be harder than console/PC because their purpose is to leech quarters from arcade-goers. The real profit is made when the player fails, and the difficulty reflects that.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36826]@Bob[/url]: Aside from the people that like the game for the lolis, there are people that like it for the interesting patterns and music. I agree with you about how the fans can be incredibly annoying sometimes but I don't think the game itself is worse or better than any other bullet hell game.
Touhou Sh'moe
about 14 years ago
Which of us actually /plays/ anymore? If you aren't pulled into the yuri relationships, backstories and countless fan games then you've probably noticed that that actual shooter is sort of boring.

As much as I like my loli's w/ lasers, I much prefer a dolphin and ninja in a fight jet.
about 14 years ago
remu wears breats pads
about 14 years ago
Also, if Touhoufags ever bothered to look at another danmaku-game, they'd see that Touhou isn't the only SHUMP with insane amounts of bullets and artificial difficulty, which is what they seem to believe.
about 14 years ago
@ Absolute Truth

...I rest my case.
I bet you're the type of person that sees a video of another SHUMP/danmaku and goes "Touhou wanna be."

And CAVE is alright, but even now they're starting to focus more on retarded fanservice (thanks Touhou).

Touhou is a sub-par anyway. Bloomin' idiots
about 14 years ago
Both Touhou and Deathsmiles fucking suck. I'm not even joking.

OK, maybe the actual games are OK, but the fans make me want to vomit.
Not only do they only care about it because it's got lolis, but they seem to think their genre, like there aren't any other bullet hell shooters.
about 14 years ago
God fucking dammit why do all the Touhoufags suddenly pop out LOL CIRNO BAKA OMGOMGOMG NN DID A COMIC ON TOUHOU HURRRR
about 14 years ago
@Where?: Now, you didn't hear it from me, since the games are sold on CDs and the propagation of these games online is TECHnically pirating, but check out Doujin Style. You need an account, but that's it.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36806]@XYZ[/url]: Yet I guess you're fine with the undead zombie miko?
about 14 years ago
I keep hearing about Touhou. Where the hell do I go to get those games?!
about 14 years ago
Hooray for NN doing a Touhou strip! This is a happy moment that must be followed up with MOAR!

XYZ, that Reimu hair color is correct for a given point in time- Just not the most recent one.
about 14 years ago
So much lolis and hats. I LOVE IT!
about 14 years ago
and also Pa- *gets knifed*
about 14 years ago
No one can dethrone Remilia and Flandre
about 14 years ago
Reimu's hair color is wrong.
about 14 years ago
Time for another "incident"!!
Absolute Truth
about 14 years ago
Touhou > bullet heaven
That is all
about 14 years ago
It's time for Gensokyou Inquisition. Reimu with other will purify infidels!
about 14 years ago
@Frank West: I love you Frank West. May i give birth to your babies?

To all of Touhou haters. Don't judge on what you didn't play. Don't think you know better.
about 14 years ago
Is this a hint for TF2 Tohou crossover story arc?
Frank West
about 14 years ago
Heh, you know I published that article. It was tough, but you've gotta get the truth out to the people. Plus, I've covered wars, you know?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36787]@Batabii[/url]: Dude, the Touhou Fortress 2 stuff's old. @Overachiever note: That's tea. Delicious tea.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36730]@Kaquin[/url] it already is brought to the states
about 14 years ago
I would kill for a touhou arc. Pweese? *sad puppy eyes*
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36761]@NukeTheFridge[/url]: ha ha oh wow
~ DB ~
about 14 years ago
Two things that I need to say

1. She's getting her info from that stupid Tengu again -_-

2. Nothing can replace Touhou... Ever. ( Ok maybe in the next ... .. 6 years? )
about 14 years ago
Really, Deathsmiles and Touhou are all but similar.

That said, it looks a lot more fun than CAVE's usual fare, and worth a purchase.
about 14 years ago
Finally a touhou comic.
@Internet Guy: You just did.
Internet Guy
about 14 years ago
Now, let us see how long it is before somebody makes a Yukkuri joke/reference...
stupid made up japanese name
about 14 years ago
Touhou is a retarded fucking weaboo game
about 14 years ago
Lets see how many people say MINE on this picture :|
about 14 years ago
Touhou sucks.
about 14 years ago
1) Touhou on Steam
2) ZUN becomes wildly rich
3) ZUN accidentally drinks self to death on very expensive liquor
about 14 years ago
you can have loli-wearing-silly-hats-shooter in your men-wearing-silly-hats-shooter:

about 14 years ago
Five to six more days till we start seeing SC2 Comics. xD
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
The picture in the article isn't very loli at all!
about 14 years ago
Touhou? On NerfNow?! Hell yes!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36723]@lobster[/url]'s photo note: Just like your emote is facing wrong way?
about 14 years ago

As opposed to

Yukkuri shiteitte ne
about 14 years ago
Touhou is far superior, simply because the retarded company publishing Deathsmiles decided to put a bloody regional lockout on the US-released 360 version. Meaning it doesn´t fucking work on my PAL 360. Meaning I FUCKING HATE THEM WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT RETARDS BUUUUUURN.

Lolis 4 life
about 14 years ago
<3 lolis
about 14 years ago
If Touhou was brought to the states it'll be an instant hit with the shmup community.
about 14 years ago
Touhou will always be the #1 loli bullet hell for me.
about 14 years ago
Lolis. They ruin just about goddamn everything.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Whats this?