What people are saying about "Dat Feature"
Dat Feature
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almost 14 years ago
oh my god its engie tan in RL...errr comic RL
almost 14 years ago
EXACTLY how I felt.
about 14 years ago
Except for the pyro, it fits well on his head.
about 14 years ago
It's actually a pretty ugly hat.
over 14 years ago
wait these hats might be a trap to get a foot hold in tf2 for the zerg. soon we be up to are necks of infected soldiers, scouts, and spies in the release of sc2.
over 14 years ago
I don't really like the game, to be honest. It's free, so I'm not going to complain, but it's also about the same quality you'd expect from something with that price tag.

The hat is ugly as sin, too, but I got it anyway because I miss most event hats. What I wouldn't give to have Bill's hat...
over 14 years ago
the game is realy good, most people play for the hat but then stay and keep playing (i once played with someone who's name was hats hats hats, i called him a noob on the assumption he was just there for the hat, but then i found out he was lvl 27... and he got me kicked, i later went on to pwn moar)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36704]@ARLINDER[/url]: you can take promotion, like Prestige in CoD
over 14 years ago
37? I'm pretty sure the level cap is 27.
Unless you were talking about the missions.
Mad Cow
over 14 years ago
Yeah, I started playing for the hat. That was about 37 levels ago...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36592]@Roflstomper[/url]: YOu know its possible to play singleplayer if you wwant to read the logs with a bot team type in "asw_show_all_singleplayer_maps 1" into the dev console without quotes then go to offline mode and you'll have all your campaigns and missions installed accesible
over 14 years ago
The parasite levels aren't that much of a bother if you take 2 medics, 1 as a general healer and 1 as faith with a medigun, flamer and tesla armor. Send faith in to clear the rooms of parasites and they aren't a threat anymore.
over 14 years ago
Alien Swarm kicks ass.

Yesterday, i had an amazing game going. My whole squad death, nearly out of ammo, and we hadn't even cleared the sewer off parasite eggs.
I solo'd from there, and ended up winning.
over 14 years ago
Is that -Tan version of Jo?

over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36672]@Derp[/url]: Flamethrower - YES! Burn your squad to crisp and solo the level - without worrying about parasites, friendly fire, etc.
pyro guy
over 14 years ago
love the look of joy in the last panel
Lucio 1995
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36672]@Derp[/url]: Or use the Electric Powered Armor :P
over 14 years ago
I laugh when one of my team member gets parasited I deploy the "healing thingy" and he decides to run FAAAAR FAAAAR AWAAAY from it instead of you know healing himself? I mean why of all the things they decide to escape and run away is beyond my comprehension
Old Spice Guy
over 14 years ago
The hat is now DIAMONDS!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36657]@Red[/url]: I doub valve will ban ANYONE because they don't like a hat
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36662]@blakyoshi7[/url]: Obviously, you're one of those people who like easy games and thinks there shouldn't be any challenges. Most of the game's easy, I beat insane with some friends in a few hours, but the parasites are the real challenge. Figuring out how to overcome a challenge and surprises make it fun.
over 14 years ago
Alien Swarm is awesome, totally worth downloading...whoever is whining about parasites needs to learn to play and stop sucking, pronto.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36642]@Batabii[/url]: Hm, Looks like I'm not the only one with an issue with proper placing of apostrophes. :)
over 14 years ago
If your squad is constantly dying to parasites, you should probably do two things:

1. Play with people who know what parasites are.
2. Bring a flamethrower. It helps a lot.
over 14 years ago
Moar pyro kid
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36662]@blakyoshi7[/url]: You know, you can heal off the parasite... Anyone turned on electric armor? Then it's even easier. Also, pre-emptives!!! Tesla gun is a total cake, good flamethrower user (who uses short bursts instead of FLAAAAAME) is even better. Autoaim guns kill the creeps almost as easy.
over 14 years ago
Sadly, this was my exact reaction. Could care less about the game, curse my ocd for hat status in tf2.
Codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
Alien Swarm is pretty good, and the slownotion parts make it look like the matrix, better yet, parasites are easy to remove, just have 2 medics
over 14 years ago
People like this game? Really? I guess people like repeatedly smashing their heads into brick walls too. The worst part is that I'd like it a lot if it weren't for Parasites turning the entire game into a dice roll.
over 14 years ago
Another plus about Alien Swarm, is that it being on the Source Engine of course, people in the modding community are already working on maps to play in from other games.

One such instance as of right now is Pallet Town from Pokemon.
over 14 years ago
Why does a hat have to be "rare" to be cool? I like my soldier with a gibus and my heavy with a halo, I like my engy with a towering pile and my pyro with an ALIEN!

All hats are good hats, if you disagree valve will perm-ban you.
over 14 years ago
First,she's all like ;( but then she's all like :D
over 14 years ago
It's terrible when you play this game, and see 3 of your 4 players die to parasites within a 30 second span.
Jaded Cynic
over 14 years ago
Huh; I just found out about Alien Swarm free on Steam about an hour ago...and then while waiting for the d/l I decided to read my webcomix, and here I find... :)
over 14 years ago
One day parasite will share the same hate with the gibus and halo for being too common. (Maybe *sniff* maybe...)
My fache when
over 14 years ago
Parasite is op
over 14 years ago
Yeah it's a awesome ... but half of us can't play it (including me)and gabe doesn't give a shit about the crashes.
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy: http://www.apostropheabuse.com
over 14 years ago
This game is actually very awesome. The hat was just the icing on the cake.
over 14 years ago
I LOVE THIS GAME. played throught the mission with the biomass but then the server shut down, made some steam friends and got an awesome experience.

The hat is just gravy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36592]@Roflstomper[/url]: wow, it's free quit whining, saying that's like being given a free donut in the street then whining cause you don't like sprinkles. as the old saying goes "beggers can't be choosers"
over 14 years ago
I've already promoted up and working my way through the levels again. It's a god damn fun game.
over 14 years ago
Oh look, my demands were answered
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36592]@Roflstomper[/url]: Although, I will admit, the audio books/cell phone things are poorly implemented, no player's really going to stop to read the things, even if they're not in immediate danger. [url=#user_comment_36616] @Batabii[/url]: I think he's referring to the original mod as AS 1, and the new one as AS 2...
over 14 years ago
I didn't even know about the hat until I started playing, having loved the original mod. It's like finding out your birthday present is christmas!
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36592]@Roflstomper[/url] "It isn't easy to tell which class is which" Going to disagree with that one, Officer's are Green with square backpacks, Spec.Wep's are blueish with cylindrical packs, Tech's are yellow with glowing square pack's, and medic's are red/white with glowing square pack's.
Fathoms the Fox
over 14 years ago
@Hitman Spike: i feel your pain. i hope they dont make it drain health... especially not as fast as in the actual game >:
over 14 years ago
This game is amazing. I feel bad for my mac brothers without knowledge of Wine who miss out on it, because it's a great free game to play with friends. And running around with both the alien hat and the earbuds is a nice bonus. :D
Hitman Spike
over 14 years ago
The game is fucking awesome. But the hat scares me. Wanna know why? Play as a Medic while your entire team is screaming at you to get the damn things off.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36606]@MuthSera[/url]: What? Of course you can control the bots. Also what's alien swarm 2?
over 14 years ago
The computer is now a diamond!
over 14 years ago
As far as free games go this one isn't the worst of them. I'd go so far as to say I'd probably at least pay 20 bucks for this, and by doing so I've jinxed you all.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36592]@Roflstomper[/url]: Well Roflstomper when the Alien Swarm hits you feel free to stop and tweet to all your buddies as much as you damn well please. The rest of us will act like sane human beings and continue moving.
over 14 years ago
I am SO there.
over 14 years ago
The characters did indeed have personality in Alien Swarm 1. Not so much in Alien swarm 2, actually. They don't talk to one another much if any, but you do still have the original audio when they're shooting/getting munched on/crying for a medic or some such. This game is pretty much AS1 otherwise.
over 14 years ago
The Aliens? Or the soldiers?
The soldiers say something every once in a while. I wouldn't call it personality. The aliens are just there to kill you, Not make conversation.
over 14 years ago
They have personalities? I didnt even notice cus i was too busy shooting aliens in the face with my generic soldier's FREAKIN AUTO CANNON
over 14 years ago
lol yeah I'm sad :(
over 14 years ago
Another reason why Pc > Mac.
over 14 years ago
Mac users
over 14 years ago
Ugh, That's a tough one.
Does it have something to do with pirating TF2?
over 14 years ago
here a riddle: Who plays tf2, but cannot get this hat?
over 14 years ago
I've played Smash TV through to the end (freeplay mode FTW) and Alien swarm is nothing like it. Smash TV is just a stupid hard arcade arena shooter with six degrees of fire and motion. Alien Swarm is... much better.
over 14 years ago
it's like the ultimate wowfag bait
over 14 years ago
she's purty
over 14 years ago
It isn't easy to tell which class is which*

Seriously, at least Bioshock's audio logs you could listen to while playing, but you want us to stop and read when aliens are clawing at us? Valve didn't have a hand in designing this, and it shows.
over 14 years ago
Not to mention the armor which completely covers their body isn't very well designed, either. It isn't each to tell which class is which, because it's the same bulky half-a-car's worth of metal Warhammer 40k design. It sucks. And why do you give us fucking reading material during an online mission?
over 14 years ago
Game is okay, the hat sucks. I hate the character design of the game, though. Eight different characters with text log bullshit giving a detailed personality which we will never, ever see, because they're stuck in the default space marine battle armor
over 14 years ago
I like the game, though i havent played much of it because my friend cant get his freaking server to work. The hat.... well..... I think it's better than the brainslug... which is my least favorite pyro hat and the only pyro hat which has droped for me...
over 14 years ago
Alien Swarm was awesome
Can't wait till they release more DLC for it
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Don't worry Jo...we understand what you're getting at loud and clear
over 14 years ago
Played Alien Swarm mod for UT2004... And the new game is even more freaking awesome!

BTW... L4D being released about a year after Valve hired these guys... I feel a connection *_*
over 14 years ago
the game is awesome
the hat is awesome.
i got both.
over 14 years ago
comic is right on the money actually. Dont think I would've given the game a shot if I hadnt heard about teh hat. Then I got the hat in like ten mins and just kept playing because it's kinda addicting.
over 14 years ago
meh, game is solid and entertaining which is made awesome since it's free, the hat, well its not so good but hey who gives a shit it was easy as all hell to get!
over 14 years ago
the game's gella fun, but the hat looks like crap ingame. i didn't know there was a hat till it got dropped for me ingame.
over 14 years ago
anyone getting the crash at startup or loading a game?
Xenni~ ♪
over 14 years ago
I was gonna download as soon as I saw the trailer, then I heard there was a hat and wanted to ply it even more xD
over 14 years ago
its such a good game for being free and it comes with the complete game code, allowing for unlimited modding. The tf2 hat is just a bonus.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36560]@Ambassador[/url]: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Alien_Swarm_Parasite
over 14 years ago
I didn't even know about the hat, I just downloaded it because I thought it was cool.
over 14 years ago
Is there really a TF2 hat for this or are you joking?
over 14 years ago
It originally was a game of sadomasochistic difficulty.. which got harder as you got more players, because the bots were deadly accurate and reliable and people are stupid. That, mixed with the aliens just being.. flat out meaner. I dunno. Still absolutely fun tho. :D
over 14 years ago
But yeah. The bots feel a bit strange as you can't take direct control over them. A few of the design changes feel unnessesary and strange, such as the way ammo is handled. You can't level up your characters anymore, but instead you level up.. and the game feels..... easier.
over 14 years ago
I played the original Alien Swarm for UT2004 and loved it. I've waited for years for this game.. and thought it was just.. dead. I'd checked on it several times and no news. Then all of a sudden, it's on steam, it's going to be free, and it's going to be released in 1 day, and 13 hours?! oh shi-
over 14 years ago
Also of note is that not only is it much older then L4D, the group of modders who made it got hired by Valve to work on Portal and L4D. This is why there is a strong similarity between this and L4D. Both are 4 player coop survival games against never ending enemy swarms, among other similarities.
over 14 years ago
Remember, this game is actually much older than L4D since it started its life as UT04 mod in 2004 and pretty much was complete back then, too.
over 14 years ago
I'm kinda disappointed by this, it's going to drag a lot of faggots in that just want to do the achievements and get out again. :<
over 14 years ago
Honestly I'm downloading for the hat. But I'm also looking forward to some 4 player co-op action. How good is this game?
over 14 years ago
Yeah, I got the game too. Am a lvl 8 now... normally playing medic.
over 14 years ago
Heard about it personally from a friend. I found out about the hat after I started downloading it as a result of mouse-over-ing a random achievement.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36543]@Ikinone[/url]: Agreed
over 14 years ago
Heard about the game because of its 4 player co-op, loadsa weapons and alien shooting. Liked the sound of it, downloaded it, played it, got hat. Unexpected, but was nice. Nice free game.
over 14 years ago
Hat looks awful, game is great though. Don't judge it by the offline mode.
over 14 years ago
You know what? I wouldnt mind a mega buster for my spy.........
over 14 years ago
Civvie?!? Didn't know the TF2 crew had civilian identities.
over 14 years ago
I wonder if the sam and max hat will this open up companies who want publicity to dump hats in Tf2.
can't wait to see the rage come in when Capcom repays valve for their steam service by giving engineer a Bionic commando gunslinger or the spy a mega buster.
over 14 years ago
Oh my sap, there is a fat hat with this game?! I download it because some friends wanted to play it in coop :s
Fat Australian
over 14 years ago
I hate the people who download this game just for the hat.

I was gonna download it when I first heard about it, and the hat is a neat bonus.

Man, this sense of superiority is awesome.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36513]@Macfag[/url]: Wait a week or a month. It's not a limited hat. They had this project going for some time before the mac update, and since it's source, it'll steamplay in no time. So no, you're not allowed to bitch. Be patient, not spoiled.
over 14 years ago
Played it right now. It's fuckawesome. :D
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36518]@Grug[/url]: Shame really, it's a fun game, but most of the folks who download it are probably only going to do it for the hat, then stop playing it once they get said hat. Along with that, a lot of folks compare it too L4D/Dead Space, but it play's a lot more like Smash TV.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Played it.

It's really good fun, really well made, especially when you have a couple buddies playing with you.

Also, the hat is a nice treat, but it only really looks good on the Pyro, in my opinion.
over 14 years ago
It's really a great game for being free+recycled L4D code.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36513]@Macfag[/url] Enjoy your faggotry.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36518]@Grug[/url]: does FREE mean anything to you?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36513]@Macfag[/url] This is the internet, of course you can.
over 14 years ago
Honestly, how else could they have gotten people to play it?

I'm gonna try my hand at making a level.
over 14 years ago
So question. Are we mac users allowed to bitch and throw temper tantrums about this hat like many PC users did about the earbuds, since we cannot get this hat through normal means?
over 14 years ago
The game is fun.

Still, though... f***ing parasites.
over 14 years ago
This game is so fun. :P
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36503]@sConed[/url] Also, within the first 6 hours of the games release, me and some friends beat this game on both Hard and Insane difficulties, and I unlocked every weapon in the game. ;D
over 14 years ago
Hey, if its from steam, it has to be good. If it ain't then, you get what you paid for.
over 14 years ago
The game is amazing. Alien Swarm really shows what you can still do with the Source engine and throws away the idea that "the Source engine is only good for 1st person shooters." Though the game only has 1 short campaign, people should be encouraged to create their own content.
over 14 years ago
That headcrab's a SPAH and has 6 legs!
over 14 years ago
That hat is my buddeh! :3
over 14 years ago
reminds me of the reaction guys.
RED Hoovy
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
It's always the hat isn't it?
New Guy
over 14 years ago
First! And I love the face at the last panel