Humiliation fetish is a pretty basic fetish that have been around for a long time way before internet or video games. Unless you are trying to be pedantic and only consider people into body parts pr physical objects as fetishes and humiliation as just a kink.
To quote someone I know loosely, what you think is a fetish is really your imagination run amok and unable to fully articulate desire in an intimate, physical sense. Take away the consumer media that directs that imagination, and you would have nothing.
Except it is not a fetish. And that is how you would handle it: By telling them they don't actually have fetishes, precisely because they've never had sex to begin with.
I hope they fuck around by creating a "horny" voice whose conclusion is basically you being shamed and bullied for being such a loser that your "sexuality" is basically you jacking off to cartoons, since that's the *most* you can ever get
Douglas Greenwood
about 1 year ago
Tower Princess is best girl and I will not allow debate on this axiom