What people are saying about "Eggcoin 2"
Eggcoin 2
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Bad Viper
10 months ago
Falling for crypto is actually perfectly within Knuckles' character. Gullible is good schtick.
10 months ago
Weird, i must have missed the post where you announced you had moved to Naples.
10 months ago
Oh no Jo, sorry that happened to you ):
I think "hodl" originally came from someone misspelling "hold", and became a meme, but I'm sure some people use it as the acronym you gave too.
Funny comic! Please be safe.
10 months ago
Oh boy. Now you did it. You opened the gates of cryptobro hell. Everyone, brace yourself...
10 months ago
Knuckles would have Emerald Hands.
10 months ago
Stay safe Jo, make sure you are protected from damage
10 months ago
I also like this one: https://youtu.be/GUs5y9leCyA
10 months ago
Now Knuckles just needs his "property" stolen and sold on the Shadow Net. :P
10 months ago
listen to dan olsen for financial advice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pYeoZaoWrA&pp=ygUQZGFuIG9sc2VuIGNyeXB0bw%3D%3D (he's saying don't buy into it just to be clear)
10 months ago
Tails: "what are friends for"
10 months ago
Tails has no tails. Tails has no tails! Tails has no tails!!!
10 months ago
Of course Knuckles has diamond hands, that's how he destroys everything with his fists.
10 months ago
A knife
Police and tasers"
Where's the comic based on THAT?